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Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind...


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I couldn't agree more. Normally I hate Hollywood dramas because the points they're trying to drive home seem redundant and shallow, especially after some of the things many of us on this board have injested.

BUT, I hadn't enjoyed a movie of that nature as much since Magnolia. Wow. A movie that makes you feel AND think.

What's the directors name again?

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i'll watch kate winslet in anything though.


[color:purple]Did you know that she once was in this AWESOME movie about this luxury liner that hit an iceberg and sank? I think the movie was the same name as the ship, but it's so obscure that I can't quite remember what it is right now... Anyhow, you might want to see if you can track down a copy of that flick... I think it's pretty hard to locate, though! Good Luck!


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there was more gunfire in total recall.

but i have this movie on cd and it was on the movie network so i have watched it all twice and parts of it several times while surfing.

It really is a good movie. I particularly like the scene when he knocks on the window and asks jim carrey if he can help him then how that all flips back again at the end.

I also like the scene when kirstin dunst is jumping around on the bed in her underwear with her boyfriend while jim carrey is still on it undergoing the procedure. Dont know why but i do like that scene.

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loved it. the sndtrk is great too. Jon Brion is a total wizard. the track "Row" is one minute of pure emotion, i can listen to it over and over again for a bazillion minutes. the Beck tune is also grand.

this flick decreased my hatred for Jim "crazy arms" Carrey

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