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do you watch TV?


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when Redd and i moved out we decided we weren't going to watch the tube anymore and we both love it. unfortunately we spend too much time online now and we rent more movies.

anyway, i was just curious if anyone else live without the king of time wasters?

for the record i download cartoons every now and then but i watch them on the PC so it doesn't count :)

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we have cable pumped in to our place and as a result watch more tv than we oughta.

for entertainment:

coronation street



family guy

to angry up the blood:



most entartainment news

i find a bit of channel surfing to be a fascinating window into what is being passed off as pop culture. most of it seems a bit distressing, but it helps to know what the normals are absorbing :)

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I watch some TV, but try to read at least an hour per night. By the way, the internet has passed TV as the "king of time wasting" in Canada.

From CBC

Young Canadians spend more time on the internet than TV: study

Last Updated Mon, 15 Aug 2005 00:47:50 EDT

CBC News

A study released last week by Canadian polling company Ipsos Reid suggests young Canadians are spending more time on the internet than watching TV. The study says Canadians use the internet almost 50% more per week than they did just three years ago.

The study, Online News and Information Seeking: What the Future Holds, suggests internet use among Canadians is up about 46 per cent to 12.7 hours a week from 8.7 hours in 2002. That increase comes while radio listening has dropped an average of five hours to 11 hours per week.

Television still remained at the top of the list of most-used media sources, according to the poll, with Canadians watching an average of 14.3 hours of TV per week. But younger internet users spent 14.7 hours online a week, about three hours more than they did on radio and television. Teens spent only 2.5 hours a week reading newspapers.

The poll indicated that Canadians turned to the internet for specific or "niche-like" news -- such as health or travel information -- but still relied mostly on television for general news. More than a quarter of internet users said they didn't have a favourite online news source, while no specific website had a major lead ahead of its competitors, the poll found.

The study was based on two surveys of 1,000 people -- one conducted online and one by phone -- conducted March 30 through April 27. The results are considered accurate within 3.1 percentage points, 95 per cent of the time.

Edited by Guest
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Don't have cable, just the antenna and our DVD player.

And three thousand books.

this describes our household to perfection!!!

in fact, I can give a fairly accurate book count at 1800, since we're still unpackign the suckers!!!!

I don't have a problem with medium of TV itself (though I do know that ECG readings show TV viewrs with the same brain wave patterns as sleepers, while reading shows more brain activity).....just with the insidious commercial messages if you choose to watch TV rather than a DVD.


The poll indicated that Canadians turned to the internet for specific or "niche-like" news .....

uuuh...like jambands.ca...?

This site is most defintiely the one I visit/use/waste time on, the most!!!!

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I watch a bit of TV to pass the time - standard Simpsons, Seinfeld and OLN fare. I find it funny though, when certain people (and I'm not referencing anyone who has posted on this thread, as I don't know any of you well enough to comment) boast about "Oh man, I NEVER watch TV", as if they're some wicked counter-cultural intellectual, but then spend hours at a time watching movies/downloaded videos of farting monkeys/midget porn and stuff like that on PC. A good call on the "TV for people who think they're too smart for TV."

I also know a lot of people who claim to "not" watch TV, but still work in a couple of hours a day.

Meh. End rant.

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I watch a bit of TV to pass the time - standard Simpsons, Seinfeld and OLN fare. I find it funny though, when certain people (and I'm not referencing anyone who has posted on this thread, as I don't know any of you well enough to comment) boast about "Oh man, I NEVER watch TV", as if they're some wicked counter-cultural intellectual, but then spend hours at a time watching movies/downloaded videos of farting monkeys/midget porn and stuff like that on PC. A good call on the "TV for people who think they're too smart for TV."

I also know a lot of people who claim to "not" watch TV, but still work in a couple of hours a day.

Meh. End rant.

It's funny because it's true!

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Well,I can honestly say,that if I had a television bigger then 13" I'd probally watch more televsion,but I don't so I don't and I'd love to be able to watch a movie or music video on my desktop since its bigger then my television but since its an old piece of shit (P2 - 3.85 GB HDD (only 1.9 GB free usually) 128 RAM) that doesn't happen to often either.

No "wicked counter-cultural intellectual" but more a lack of current technology.


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I've been downloading bit-torrents of tv shows and then watching them on my pc


prison break


and on the actual tube i try and catch...



and 24

man, maybe i need to go back to work! when i was working the night shift i never watched tv..

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I hate the whole "TV is bad" cliche. I'm not saying anyone here is saying that, just that I have heard it and it's not necessarily true.

Just depends on what you watch. There's some excellent programs out there. I don't draw too many lines between a TV show or a movie or an internet site or radio station, or wahtever. There's good and bad.

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Damn right I watch TV.

I watched 7 hours of baseball and football yesterday, followed by an hour and a half of animated comedy.

After a tough day like that, I turned in for the night.

Just wait 'til hockey season starts on Wednesday!

(The day wasn't a total waste - I was outside for 2 hours in the morning. It was such a nice day!)

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TV is BAD. :P

I have an antenna and a DVD player.

Haven't had cable for 5 years.

I grew up watching the heck out of TV and now when I do get in front of one with 1000 channel options I get mesmerized. It's weird, so I'm off it for a while to come, it's just better for me personally ohhh and it's all bad :P

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