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Will the Stones stop at nothing?!


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Ok, the Stones are for sure one of my top 3 bands... but is this really necessary?!


sacriledge... the poor tongue logo... :(


even worse... the description...

Gobble Gobble! The special Thanksgiving Tongue Event Tee (made especially for the Turkey Day show at the Pepsi Center in Denver) paired with a small commemorative pin version of the Thanksgiving Tongue. This combo would sell separately for $45, so you save over 20% by pre-ordering it here

i am going to go cry now...

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Ok, the Stones are for sure one of my top 3 bands... but is this really necessary?!


sacriledge... the poor tongue logo... :(


even worse... the description...

Gobble Gobble! The special Thanksgiving Tongue Event Tee (made especially for the Turkey Day show at the Pepsi Center in Denver) paired with a small commemorative pin version of the Thanksgiving Tongue. This combo would sell separately for $45, so you save over 20% by pre-ordering it here

i am going to go cry now...

Guess it's their way to solidify their legacy LOL!!!

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When the tongue logo (by Andy Warhol) was first presented the idea was that it would constantly change - they were gonna make it different for every album and every tour, but the one we know and love was kept constant instead (this is according to an interview with Keith from a long time ago). I guess they are finally doing what they intended.

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When the tongue logo (by Andy Warhol) was first presented...

That's a popular misconception, actually. Warhol had nothing to do with the design - it was created by a guy named Pasche, I think. I just read an interview with him somewhere around the time the new Stones tour began.

People think Warhol came up with the design because the first place the logo appeared was on the Sticky Fingers album cover, and the cover was famously designed by Warhol... just not that particular part of the cover.

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yeah chewie, but was it the dead who actually put the bills shirt out?

btw, what are you doing on the 18th? I heard there is a party at Kuips' and then some funk-jam-psychedelic-groove throw down after that has you and your girlfriend's name all over it.

hey buddy, i'm in for sure...jess has a thing to go to here in london so she sends her regrets...but i have to drag her out to a show soon...can't wait to see ya!

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