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New Kids on the Block fans?

snarfmaster C

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Look what I found in my inbox today. The Trash in Peterborough has got an old New Kid coming...

Thats right Trashers!

Trash Retro Night Presents.....

Jordan Knight of The New Kids On The Block!

'The Hunky One, with the Beautiful Dark Eyes!'

This Tues. Jan. 31 At The Trash!

This is know Joke!

tix. are $15 advance, $20 at the door

tix. avail. at the spill and music world (yes, we will hold tickets for out-of-towners)

Doors at 9

Yes he will be performing New Kids songs, No he won't be lip syncing,

will he be dancing? Let's fuckin' hope so!


I personally never got into these dudes, but maybe it's not too late. :crazy:

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i just checked on ticketmaster & he's coming to toronto (way closer to me) on saturday (no worries about work) january 28th!!!!!!!


I CAN'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have been heartbroken over not getting to ever see the new kids for like the last 15 years of my life. and now jordan freaking knight is coming and i can't go. :(

this sucks.

heh. i wonder if the 20 something girls that are going to show up for this are the equivalent of the bon jovi cougs in their 30s.

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i just checked on ticketmaster & he's coming to toronto (way closer to me) on saturday (no worries about work) january 28th!!!!!!!


I CAN'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have been heartbroken over not getting to ever see the new kids for like the last 15 years of my life. and now jordan freaking knight is coming and i can't go. :(

this sucks.

heh. i wonder if the 20 something girls that are going to show up for this are the equivalent of the bon jovi cougs in their 30s.

Becky, just go to the Jordan show... drais the FUN by donating... just like voting whatever and donating to the green like i've seen mentioned...

I'll take you to the Brampton show on Sunday if you please.

La La La La La La TONIGHT!

*~* Dreamy Central Station *~*

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Hop on a plane Princess. We're going together. Don't even think of telling me we're not.

ahahahahahhahaha, know what ms. hux? last night as i was brushing my teeth, i thought of you & sure wished ottawa was a helluva lot closer. as shocking as this will sound, i've actually had a bit of difficulty finding someone willing to go with me (i know!!! like what the hell is wrong with people?! we are talking about a freaking NEW KID here!!!!), and boy would you be a great date for that. even my sister (who of course would rabidly accompany me and even be up for some nice new kid stalking afterwards) is in banff right now & unable to come. i've resigned myself to the fact this may turn out to be a solo mission. *sigh*, oh well more jordan for me!

but then of course, my (other)"knight" in shining armour comes to save the day!

I'll take you to the Brampton show on Sunday if you please.

KERI KENNEDY YOU ROCK MY FREAKING WORLD. i could just smooch you! in fact i think i will.


i hope he breakdances. :D

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Thats right Trashers!

Trash Retro Night Presents.....

Jordan Knight of The New Kids On The Block!

'The Hunky One, with the Beautiful Dark Eyes!'

This Tues. Jan. 31 At The Trash!

I always thought Danny Wood was 'the Hunky one'- STEP 1- WE CAN HAVE LOTS OF FUN!!!

However, I concur that Jordan's eyes, are DREAMY.... AS FUCK!

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sorry about that, i started this & then had some pesky work come & interrupt me so i had to cut that post short. sorry for the suspense. heehee.

so this might be shocking, ;) but to be honest, my expectations for the show, music-wise, weren't what i would call sky high. i figured i'd go and pant at the fading sexiness of a former new kid, sing along to some cheesy music from my prepubescent past, cringe at the solo album stuff and whooo hoo hooray. but i really, really wish we had recorded the show. not even so much so i could listen to it again (which of course i totally would), but moreso because no one is going to believe either me or backbacon when we say that music-wise, it was actually REALLY good!!!!!

first off, there were two opening acts. the first one was a group called The Show. they're 4 or 5 guys plus a DJ and they're hip hop with a fair bit of singing mixed throughout. they said they began together singing acapella, and they did a whole little acapella section. they were actually pretty good! keri & i were definitely getting into their set.

the next act was 2 guys, also more of a hip-hop thing going on and they weren't too bad either. i can't remember their name. they were going all through the audience & dancing with people & stuff too. hahahaha. seriously, these opening acts must have been eating that shit up -- when else are they going to get to play for a crowd consisting of about 500 hotass females in their 20s that are all there to scream at a sexy mang? keri was doing the count the guys game (a popular pastime at events like tori amos concerts) because there were so few of them there -- how many did you get up to bacon, 6? :D

now, before i get to jordan, a word about the venue. holy freaking smallness. i couldn't believe how close we were to the stage. the itsy bitsy small stage. heck, how close anyone in there was to the stage! the gym in most elementary schools is bigger than this place. it was an actual little theatre with those small movie theatre style seats (not the bigass ones they have at the giant multi-plexes, but the ones at your local run down cineplex odeon or some shit). there was a centre section that was fifteen seats across and sections on either side of it that were 5 seats across. there were only about 20 rows of seats in total. so we are talking up close & personal here.

anyway, back to the main course. jordan freaking knight is still a TOTAL babe. pant, pant, pant. i can't believe how much all those new kids on the block pictures from back in the day WEREN'T airbrushed. he's even better looking in real life than he is in pictures. (he still looks about 20 too.) and guess what? he's canadian!!!! (well, his family is from canada). he had his mom & grandma there and all these aunts & uncles & cousins. at one point, he brought his mom up on the stage and sang her a song. she took a moment to talk to the audience and she is actually a really cool lady. yup. i heart jordan knight's mom. she is cool shit.

and jordan, jordan, jordan..... in addition to being a babe, he is also an awesome dancer (mmmm, he had the moves going on for sure!), he has a good sense of humour, AND, his voice sounds really great!!!!!!!!! he is a very good singer, that boy. he sang a lot of old new kids favourites, some of them sounding close enough to the originals to be decadently reminiscent, but most of them were remixed just enough that all the really cheesy parts were taken out (no "we're RUFF!" in hangin' tough) and the background music and rhythm was a lot more modern (with a lot more ass shakin'). it was only jordan knight & a dj up there, no band (although jordan did play the keyboard for awhile). all the new kids songs were incredibly fun, and his solo jordan knight stuff was actually GOOD! not sucky oh my goodness tsk, tsk, but genuinely "hey, i like this song!!!". very danceable. and if his performance was any indication, i definitely want the NKOTB remix album. :) hell, i'd even give his solo work a listen.

and of course, the new york cheesecake dripping in strawberries dessert of the evening -- meeting jordan knight. *sigh* :) :) :) keri & i scoured around until we found the loading entrance of the theatre and waited in the rain for any sign of THE BABE. we didn't have to wait very long. :):):) the door opened, i walked over and said "hey jordan" (in a sultry, oh my god you are a new kid and you are fucking hot, but i am 26 years old now and not going to lose my shit, i'm perfectly composed, just friendly & smirking kind of voice) , and keri & i chatted him & his entourage of 2 up for a few minutes while he autographed my hangin' tough cd and posed for a picture with me. WHEEEE!

(he's even hotter up close)

i got to touch him. :D

what a great day! thanks backbacon!

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Today is the day I put my pint down, emerge from Dublin's dingiest pubs and just say congratulations on meeting one of your idols. I think you conveyed perfectly the way I'd feel if given a chance to meet and/or get in the pants of a "Miss You Much" era Janet Jackson.

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You're going to have a blast, promoter!

What a dance fest! (that' exactly what I said to Jordan when I talked to him. Well, that and calling him a sweetheart after he posed for a picture with PP!) My legs are all achy today. It's gotta be from the Jordan show because if it was the Fundraiser they would have ached yesterday.

I went in with an open mind and by the time I left it was filled with lots of thoughts of the many many great moments experienced over the evening of music and dancing.

Becky summed it all up pretty well. The openers were good and gave me a whole new respect for the hip-hop music world. Although QQC had already done a good job of that with the great little collection of some of his favourite albums that he laid on me late last year! I even gave the one guy from the duo that performed second a hand-slap when he was making his rounds through the audience!

At the start of Jordan's set his dj made everyone stand up. I was really pleased by this move as for the first two acts no one stood up, altough I'm sure EVERYONE was wanting to. (Well, two girls stood up for the last 30 seconds or so of the second set.) I could see this happening for Jordan's set too if not for the the dj's prompting.

Jordan's set was not boring for a moment. There was really no element of 'cheese' as I was sort of expecting. He took himslef seriously as did the audience. He is a great showman and still has an AMAZING voice!

It was funny to have ten girls turn their heads around to me, surprised by the male voice, when I would cheer. Ha! Especially when I was shouting for 'Tonight' when he had come out for his encore. Honestly, I'd say there were, being generous, about 20 guys out of the crowd of approx 500. Add another 10 or so after the two openers were finished as I believe they stuck around to watch the show too when they were done.

It was interesting how, when PP went up to the rail to take pictures and I was left to dance alone for about ten minutes, how I just felt a little different. Getting down to Step by Step wasn't the same without you, Becky. Although I suppose I would have no way of knowing that, since I don't recall us ever getting down to Step by Step together.

Covergirl was awesome and really got the crowd stepped up a notch. I was disappointed when it was cut very short to go into something else.

It was also touching when Jordan's Mom shared his piano bench for him to sing her a song. The song wasn't entirely appropriate as he pointed out, calling his mom 'baby' several times throughout the song. It made for some comic relief though so it worked!

I do wish I had recorded the show. I had my recorder but no mic since I was planning on recording from the SBD at the FUNdraiser. It was my plan to ask tungsten for the use of a mic at the fundraiser but I totally forgot. that would have been a neat recording to have.

Thanks a lot, PalacePrincess, for taking the intiative in being excited about this show and purchasing the tix and driving so I could enjoy half an OJ carton screwdriver on the 45 minute drive there and even for being the type to hang around the back of a theater for a chance to meet your idol. That was a really fun night, even though I didn't get my Tonight encore!

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sweet. mother. of. boognish. i just finally got around to following the link to the picture bouche posted to see what it is (i don't know about y'all, but on my computer it shows up a fortune city don't steal our bandwith logo), and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yummy delicious! i suggest checking this out in its full glory:


mmm, mmm, mmmm

thanks okra & cj! :) it was fun. :) and cj, i don't know how we didn't cross paths on saturday. crazy!

RnB, i will always have a soft spot in my heart for danny wood. but it's funny you say that, in one of their videos, they keep splicing to all the new kids doing different things on their own -- jordan is breakdancing, joe is dancing around in slicked hair & a tuxedo , etc., etc., and they whenver they flash to danny, he's lifting weights. lifting weights. but hey, i guess bulging biceps is a perfectly acceptable contribution to a boy band. i disagree with your statement though, i always thought jon filled that spot. mofo couldn't dance -- heck, he's all but completely cut out of one of their videos! he's still a new kid though & for that he will rock it for eva.

promoter, i'm so excited you went last night!!!!!!! i breifly entertained the notion of making the trip to peterborough on my way home from work yesterday. :) (i would have for sure if it was closer)

and keri, thank you for being such a great date for the evening. you made me laugh so many times throughout the night and it was nice having someone there with me who was just as excited as i was! as for dancing to step by step together, well, there was that time we watched the step by step movie together & kept rewinding all the killer dance moves. i think we got up for a bit somewhere in there.

anyway, it's 3 days later & i still have nkotb songs running through my head. oh, and apparently there's not so silent whispers of a full on nkotb reunion tour.... :D

jordan knight makes me want to la la.

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