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A couple of sweet BSS pics


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I guess that is true...

I just think it is so sad when the mainstream gets their claws in a band like this (great for them financially) but now if I want to go see them it has to be in a crapy venue like the Koolhaus. I just feel that there are so many people that are in to this band because it is the cool thing to do right now...anyone else?

They do the ensemble band concept better than anyone. It's nothing new. Although not the same, there are similarities in at least numbers with old bands like Blood Sweat & Tears, Chicago, and Lighthouse - Oscar winner Howard Shore was in Lighthouse!

Maybe it frustrates some because it's hard to identify with a specific individual band member of BSS.

Certainly underground defunct supergroup Golden Smog had a ton of members in their band, but their sound wasn't necessarily new.

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Maybe I'll make up an A&C sampler and get it out to people who are interested. Actually there is already one, called Adventures In Advertising, but I think there are better representations of all the bands than are on that disc. If you're interested in a sampler, PM me and I'll get working on it...

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Cully_ - I could do that for sure. Do want a BSS sampler or an Arts & Crafts sampler? (That would include BSS, Stars, Apostle Of Hustle, Jason Collett, The Most Serene Republic, etc.)

Can you bring some with you next weekend.....I'd like to hear a bit of Jason Collett's solo stuff as well as more of BSS. I've heard bad reviews of Jason Collett's new stuff - I'm intrigued to hear it myself.

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One Said:

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Out of curiosity, what do you listen to?"

sorry, that was a little harsh of me. i can't even say my opinion is all that educated when it comes to BSS, i just don't really like the concept of all those sounds all at once. i heard a few songs, and it was too busy for me.

as far as what I like, i guess you could call it the list of the "obvious big american jam bands" ie:


string cheese



yada yada the list goes on

as well as classics like the dead, neil young, old & in the way, Grisman, all that. anyways, i'll stop cluttering up your thread.

you speak of classics and disliking all of those sounds all at once. Have you ever listened to 'Classical' music....the REAL classics? There's alot going on there, that's for sure.

I love the big orchestral ensemble that BSS has created.

The only problem is that I don't know who's who, and I can't seem to find that info out anywhere either.

I have a few pics from last year at Bluesfest. Sadly, without the ladies. So who's this guy?

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So who's this guy?

That guy is Kevin Drew' date=' bouche.[/quote']

He's sort of the head honcho.

Comes off like that on stage anyway!

You Forgot It In People is the best sampler possible for Broken SOcial Scene, IMO. I'd have to say that its my favourite album in years.

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okay...i have to say something about BSS. They play incredibly simplistic music. They play incredibly simplistic music with intensely dynamic arranging.

think afrobeat meets rock and roll and you'll get the picture.

now - when recording engineers mix a rock album they almost never do it at the same volume you would listen to at work or in your car wile you try to leisurely navigate the quaint suburban streets of a canadian city.

turn that shit up.

that's right. i said turn it up and you'll not only hear every instrument, but you'll get the power of BSS.

that's not BS power. I like to abbreviate.

Also, the Broken Social Scene's music is filled with a certain introversion that the big 'jambands' do not have. It's pretty close with neil young, but decidedly more urban.

They've definitely touched me in a way that few ever will.

I hope I can see them in concert sometime.

if you want a great sample of BSS I'd say listen to you forgot it in people. it's really raw though. it doesn't sound finished and that candid production value makes the record sound like you're in their rehearsal space. like on the track (looks just like the sun?? i;'m no good with titles) there are song cues. the tracks that lead up to it are heavy rockers so when it's cranked it feels huge and live then it breaks down to a track where someone is obviously being led through a tune.

really clever concept.

listen to YFIIP and then go buy the s/t. don't shoot yourself in the foot by starting off with the better album.

trust me. if you are meant to like that band start off with YFIIP. it's the album that garnered their critical acclaim. s/t is getting them their hype.

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