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Who needs a hug?


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Even though I'm entirely pro-hug (provided nobody's personal space gets stepped into against his/her/its wishes), I feel it's appropriate in this day and age of "balanced viewpoints" to offer up


for anybody who wishes to use it.



Edited by Guest
CJ persuaded me to do it.
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what about drugs AND hugs...exactly what I was thinking there, Bok....perfectly complimetary I say!!!

and bradm, can I take this opportunity in which to correct you on a point of grammar (god, I know this will come back to haunt me) and if you feel sad or impugned, I offer up a hug.....

in your post, your pronoun "their" does not agree with your subject "nobody." To be grammatically correct, you must use the more cumbersome, yet inclusive, "his or her" :P


"please-don't-tear-a-strip-offa-me CJ"

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I think the initial post was directed at the grammar police and when presented with yet another oppurtunity to use his ever-clever posting strategy known as 'I've said it once, and I'll say it again' he redirected his post at dancingbear.

bokonon, you and your ever-clever avatar are in the clear, but your gender just got let out of the bag.

Hopefully this clears things up.

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