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Im going home Donny

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some pretty funny stuff in interland about the meanings of todays date...the paper today points out one that has a convoluted formula to "prove" that the anti Christ is currently occupying the White House: presidential era...Ronald (six letters) Wilson (six letters) Reagan (6 letters) George (six letters) Walker (six letters) Bush Jr (six letters).

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hmmm, is that saying the man is the devil?

je ne comprende pas

I think its saying that there is "a man" and he is the beast....but not sure if the 'beast' is meant to be taking form of a man or is meant to actually be one individual man....gees I don't know man...


sex, drugs, rock and roll, sex, drugs, rock and roll, sex, drugs, rock and roll, sex....

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hmmm, is that saying the man is the devil?

je ne comprende pas

No, it means that the Beast (which isn't a man) is associated with a number that man uses.


One interpretion of where it came from is that it's the numerological* result you get from a certain Roman emperor...Nero...



* In numerology, letters and words are associated with numbers, and (it's thought) you can derive results about a person (or thing) from the number(s) you get.

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nice job Pablo.. and how ironic.. a guy from NERO posting about The Number of The Beast (which, as far as I'm concerned, is one of, if not THE, greatest metal album ever!)

:D - yup, that's a keeper!

I'm having an infernally bad day today, so this whole business seems perfectly appropriate.

Someone on CBC was going on about it this morning, making the co-host a little awkward. I get such a kick out of that.

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They year 666 would probably have been freaky though.

I doubt it. As far as I know, most people at that time didn't even know, or care, what year it was. Keeping strict track of time (from seconds all the way to centuries and millenia) is a fairly recent (1500s?) thing.



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This ones making me howl!


one of the questions..."Can someone 'accidently' receive 666: The mark of the beast?"

The answer...."NO. One cannot NOT 'innocently' receive 666: The Mark of The Beast.

The Bible is clear-if someone receives 666:The Mark of The Beast-they will drink the wine of the wrath of God...be tormented with fire and brimstone...forever and ever!"

haha...OHMYGAWD...I have condemmed you all with this topic!!!!


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One interpretion of where it came from is that it's the numerological* result you get from a certain Roman emperor...

Yeah, which actually seemed to be a common game in some of the Christian communities that were allowed to continue to exist under Roman authority. ie. I remember sources talking about finding early graffiti that basically amounts to "I love the girl whose number is 247". John of Patmos, who's already in a deep amount of shit, isn't about to send a letter saying "hey folks, those god damn Romans are making our lives miserable and persecuting us, but don't despair ... they and their stinkin' empire are going down!" The safe bet would be to encode it in a way that his communities would understand.

Anyways, happy 666! May your day be filled with titillating debauchery.

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This is cause for celebration, long live The King.

Already hitting the bong, got Hendrix cranked, gonna pour myself a vodka martini two olives hold the vermouth all before noon ...hail our mighty lord... the night time is the right time.

top 5 songs for Satan

Rolling Stones Sympathy for the devil

Black Sabbath- black sabbath

led zeppelin- good times bad times

ac /dc- highway to hell

Robert Johnson - Me And The Devil Blues

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My brother is currently on his way home from the world's premier goth festival in Leipsig, Germany . Goths from all over the world go to this thing every year. It was about five days long, and it just ended today.

Picture this. You're a little superstitious. The day is 6/6/6/. You are a little nervous about flying on that day. You go to the airport in your home town of Leipsig, and find tens of thousands of dead looking people everywhere, including on your plane!

Good times.

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