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Have you read these books?


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I need a new book and I'm just browsing around looking for something interesting.. If you've read any of these three, lets hear your thoughts!

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann

I know Valley of the Dolls is a classic, and the story sounds good, but I've never heard anyone's personal thoughts on it before. The first two look pretty good as well.

Right now I'm finishing up The World According To Garp.. I've been LOVING it. Any other books you might recommend; I'm all ears!

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I really enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife. It's a pretty sweet love story which is not usually my style but I liked it anyway. It definately kept the pages turning as I whipped through it in a few days and was sad when I finished it. I bet it's only a matter of time 'till they make a movie out of this one.

I also enjoyed a book called Kafka On The Shore by Haruki Murakami.It is a Japanese translation that is quite surreal. Pretty fun read in a Tom Robbins kinda way

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American Gods is a great book...chock full of mythology (well Gaimans take on mythology anyway!). If you are a fan of Gaimans work already (or are a fan of fantasy as a genre) this one would be a no-brainer, but if you have never read anything by him its still as good a place to start as any. I happen to be a huge fan of his...here are a couple more novels of his that I would recommend if you've never read him:


-Good Omens (fucking genious...co-written with Terry Pratchett of Discworld fame)

And of course his Sandman graphic novels are an excellent read as well.

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Time Travelers WIfe was one of my favorite books that I read last summer. It is an irresistable ride and takes a very tough to handle concept (time travel)and makes it accessable. READ THIS FIRST!

American Gods was a good ride and if you like Sandman you'll like it. Tons of mythology and a cool concept.

Girlfriend in a Coma is a weird one. Has a wicked left turn. I think I liked it, but can't remember.

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cool. I've been looking for books to read.

Anyone read Copelands 'girlfriend in a coma' yet?

Read it years ago...very good...one of his best. A few of my friends found it to be very profound and influential in their lives...I wouldn't go that far (and I actually found All Families are Psychotic to have more personal meaning for me), but a great book anyway. His new book (Jpod) is excellent as well. That reminds me...I'm going to see him speak this weekend in Stratford...should be fun.

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Right now I'm finishing up The World According To Garp.. I've been LOVING it. Any other books you might recommend; I'm all ears!

While I haven't read all of his books yet, I've yet to be disappointed with *anything* that John Irving has written. If you like "The World According to Garp" then you should also check out:

"The Cider House Rules"

"A Prayer For Owen Meany"

"The Fourth Hand"

"A Widow For One Year"

"The Hotel New Hampshire"


"Until I Find You"

I'm sure his other novels are also good, but I haven't read them (yet). "Until I Find You" has an unappealing cover, and if I didn't already know Irving well, I certainly wouldn't have read it based on the back jacket description, but it was excellent.

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I went with The Time Traveler's Wife.. Along with a copy of South-East Asia on a Shoestring! (thats another thread altogether though).

cool. I've been looking for books to read.

Anyone read Copelands 'girlfriend in a coma' yet?

Read it years ago...very good...one of his best. A few of my friends found it to be very profound and influential in their lives...I wouldn't go that far (and I actually found All Families are Psychotic to have more personal meaning for me)' date=' but a great book anyway. His new book (Jpod) is excellent as well. That reminds me...I'm going to see him speak this weekend in Stratford...should be fun.[/quote']

I just received the July/August edition of Canadian Geogrphic, and in it theres a small excerpt written by Coupland from a new book called Carte Blanche. Its not a Coupland book though - its a book of Canadian photography, and he wrote the foreword. Nicely written though, and some great pictures in there that make me miss home a bit. (Sometimes I think receiving this magazine while being away for so long isn't exactly a good thing).

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I was reading up on him after Jaybone's post.. His stuff looks really interesting too! I'll remember it for the future for sure. The thing is, I'm a slow reader, so choosing a book for me is a bit of a committment.


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david foster wallace's oblivion is a nice grab for short stories.

i also like compiled essays......they can be long or short, but not as much of a commitment as a novel. and you get different perspectives on the same subject of interest. i bought "the moral obligation to be intelligent" about 6 years ago, and i'm still finding new relevance in the essays in that as my circle of knowledge and experience expands.

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Not a bad idea. I'll keep that Wallace one in mind, thanks.

A little while ago I started reading Diary by Chuck P______ (guy who wrote Fight Club). I abandoned it. Its tone was just so dreary and cynical and lethargic, so I quit. Not my bag.

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Right now I'm finishing up The World According To Garp.. I've been LOVING it. Any other books you might recommend; I'm all ears!

While I haven't read all of his books yet' date=' I've yet to be disappointed with *anything* that John Irving has written. [/quote']

me either. he tells fantastic stories.

my favourite would be A Son of the Circus.

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I gotta say, I didn't really enjoy "American Gods" that much.

There were certain parts of it that were pretty interesting and some good story plots, but it really draaaaaaaaaaaaaaagged on for me at times. Took me far longer than most books to finish.

Has anyone tried out "Christopher Moore" yet? I've recently read all his books, awesome reads...

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Perhaps I shall make that that one my next purchase. Thanks for the tip.

youre welcome! :) another tip... its a tad bit slow to start.. i hope you have a decent attention span.. the book has taken a lot of criticism for this.. but imo, its worth plowing through the pages.

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Perhaps I shall make that that one my next purchase. Thanks for the tip.

youre welcome! :) another tip... its a tad bit slow to start.. i hope you have a decent attention span.. the book has taken a lot of criticism for this.. but imo' date=' its worth plowing through the pages.[/quote']

I have a pathological inability to not finish reading any book I start, no matter how uninteresting or predictable it may seem. Shit, I've even read the entire Bible once. I have only been defeated by one book in my life, and that was Leonard Cohen's Beautiful Losers. I predict that I will have no problem with anything from Irving!

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