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Basher dropped from list of moe.down performers


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It is with great regret that I must inform my favourite moe-downers that I will not be able to attend moe.down this year as previously planned, meaning that my famous "Tequila Dance" performance planned for Sunday afternoon/early evening will not happen.

With the ATI-AMD merger and the fiscal year end, coupled with the fact that I am out of vacation days, this journey has become impossible.

Have a great time, and I hope to see some of you at Vegoose.

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"...and, in other financial news, shares of Jose Cuervo mysteriously dropped significantly today. Company officials had no explanation for the plunge, and dismissed rumours of slower sales in the late summer months as 'pure speculation.' Now here's Mark with the weather..."



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Hello can wew get back to the thread at hand and forget about Lisa's fecal fascination for 5 seconds.

Basher you are officially dead to me. How could you turn you're back on moe.down? Think of all moe.down has given you. This kind of namby pamby bullshit I expect from Lorda but not from you. For Shame!!

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Basher you are officially dead to me. How could you turn you're back on moe.down? Think of all moe.down has given you. This kind of namby pamby bullshit I expect from Lorda but not from you. For Shame!!

Wah wah wah. I know you're upset, and I expect you to go through a mourning period. Alas, impossible is impossible, and my job is too good to jeopardize. Your friendship however, is replaceable at any wookfest, where my offerring of a warm half-full can of schwilly beer will find me a suitable replacement friend.


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