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Happy Thanksgiving


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Happy Thanksgiving everyone. What's everyone doing anyway?

My wife and I came up to Wasaga Beach to havedinner with my family. We have a family friend from Cuba with us who just had his very first thanksgiving dinner. He's been eating rice, beans and plaintains since he arrived from Cuba so a big turkey dinner was a whole new experience for him.

Anyway, enjoy the day, play safe.

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I'm thankfull for this wonderful weekend weather. The drive to Kingston and back couldn't have been any more colourful.

I'm also full of thanks for ice cream. That stuff is great. Oh, and to the chinese for inventing dumplings, wonton soup and chicken stock. That stuff is the ultimate for breaky.

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Yes that was the best turkey I have ever cooked.

I am so thankful that my precious family was here to enjoy it.

We had a wonderful meal together .

It was the best Thanksgiving meal and get together ever.

Good food and great company and lots of wine and other drinks that made it even more special.

It was so great to have friends that we hadn't seen in awhile.

The jamming session was also the highlight of the evening.

Thanks guys and thanks for keeping me up until 3;30 am.I didn't have a problem with that at all.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

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i'm on the second hour of waiting for the turkey to be finished cooking, listening to 12 different people argue about which golf course is better out of two, and one baby cry.

i'm thankful for an animated family and the friends who are waiting for this dinner to be over.

we're starting with salads now.

happy thanksgiving! :)

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my father passed away suddenly on thursday so i have come to BC to be with my mother and arrange the service and things. so many relatives are flying in from all over...france, cali, NY, montreal, etc. i am really thankful for that. we will have the whole family together tomorrow night, except for my dad. my mom and i wanted to have thanksgiving dinner for everyone but it would be too much work at this point, so we are all going to go out for a meal tomorrow night.

it is a hard time but i am so thankful for the 31 years i had with my dad, who was the most generous, kind, loving father. he always took the high road. and he taught me how to work hard and to do the right thing. i will really miss him. we did a lot of activities and sports together and had so much fun. he always stood by me when i got myself into trouble. i will always remember him lovingly and be thankful that he was my dad. :)

RIP papa phorbesie. i miss you.

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