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What's happened to the Canadian Jamband Scene?


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As this has been on my chest for a while now I need to ask this question to all of you, some good and articulate responses would be appreciated....

Toronto has fallen off the Jamband map in the past 5-6 years and I can understand why.

This city used to be thriving at least once a week with shows at the Comfort Zone, The Elmo or the Oprah House and that has all vanished.

Is there something or someone who can make a change and if so does anyone have a good idea of what to do or what's needed to bring this scene back. Toronto is the largest city in Canada with the biggest music population and the Jammy tunes are not happening here.

What would be your wish list of bands if you had one ?

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Jared (a dude from this board) killed it.

I have NO clue what that is all about! Don't the Fat Cats, BNB, Caution Jam still play shows? I'm pretty sure everytime I talk to someone I know from T.O. they're asking me to come see a jam show. Definte "jammy"... can't you go to a jazz or blues club and see someone jam?

There is SO much great live music in Toronto EVERY night of the week. This may sound corny but it works for me... join up with myspace.com and start checking out bands. There are TONS, it may not only help you find jam shows it may also diversify your taste in music as it did mine.



Two other sites for concert listings

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I'll agree that there is alot of shows almost every night in toronto. however I'd say the quality of the shows has defiantly gone down. I remember the cozo days, where there was at least 3 or 4 good shows a week. I guess alot of the bands that were playing more / touring more just don't come around.

someone mentioned the opera house, I really don't think there are that many bands playing in toronto these days that would deserve to play there.

for me personally, the quality of music going down combined with the spread of half decent bands all over the scene, make it hard for me to talk my self into going out any more. at least before a few year ago you had a 80% chance of catching good music if you just went and looked for it, I'd say thats gone down to a conservative 30% of the time.

I dont think its the promoters faults or anyone in particualr, i guess good musc just comes and goes, or maybe I am getting pickey in my old age

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As I'm new to this site please direct me to these articles.

Question, how does one find out about all the good Jammy like shows in this town. Is there a local promoter thats running these events ?

Off the top of my head:

One of the best musicians in this country plays with his trio every Monday at The Orbit Room in Little Italy (on College Street).

Grossman's has excellent blues every night.

The Silver Dollar has excellent blues every night... and great bluegrass on Wednesday's with Crazy Strings.

The Rex has great jazz and blues every night.

The Cameron House has great bands every night.

Check out The Horseshoe for New Music Night every Tuesday.

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I love how Jaimoe didnt state who plays on Mondays at the Orbit Room. Hahahahaha, brilliant stuff dude. The Wolf needs to go see that shit!

Getting back to Shainhouse, have you see Under Byen yet? I dont know how afforded that possibility is due to my complete ignorance to your 'scene' ;) but please check them out. They are from Denmark and blew my socks off a few weeks ago in Ottawa.

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This city used to be thriving at least once a week with shows at the Comfort Zone, The Elmo or the Oprah House and that has all vanished.

This site has seen an inordinate amount of bad grammar and spelling over the years, but calling the Opera House "Oprah House" has to be my favourite. No offense Chameleon.

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This city used to be thriving at least once a week with shows at the Comfort Zone' date=' The Elmo or the Oprah House and that has all vanished.


This site has seen an inordinate amount bad grammar and spelling over the years, but calling the Opera House "Oprah House" has to be my favourite. No offense Chameleon.

So if Phil Lesh were to be given an honourary Ph.D. (assuming he doesn't have on already) and played there...it'd be Dr. Phil at The Oprah House?



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The CanJam scene was never embraced by the press and by music scholars.

there are some great bands, a bunch of decent bar bands, and a lot of short lived groups that entertained some people several nights.

I'm part of the latter. I still play and find that jamming isn't taking me anywhere meaningful.

Perhaps I'm shitty and can't write groove based music...naw...Perhaps i don't have the chops...naw...perhaps it's because everybody that'd be into going to see jambands are saving their money and time off for events they know are going to be awesome and not just mediocre, or to hang out with their friends or their newly started family...

I still catch some Jambands but fo the most part I'm not wowed anymore.

The jam scene was bred from an old meets new esthetic. now it's way harder to bridge the gap with new music being so very different.

now the old isn't new enough to catch a young crowd's attention.

I sort of hope the jamband scene dies and with it should die the moniker 'jamband' and with that the urge to find another moniker to replace it.

I love great music and wish that new bands would adopt the mindset to break barriers and push the envelope - to break out of routine and give each city a different show - an inentive to follow the band around. give a crowd a chance to get down and get into the music not just the song.

but jambands?? I think the only jamband I can think stands out is moe.. and they're not canadian.

who's left? theMasses? baked potato? BNB? the fatties?

if it weren't for the scene of music fans I wouldn't be out nearly as much.

Who's a 'jamband' up here anyway? I rarely see that moniker embraced by bands anywhere.

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This city used to be thriving at least once a week with shows at the Comfort Zone' date=' The Elmo or the Oprah House and that has all vanished.


This site has seen an inordinate amount of bad grammar and spelling over the years, but calling the Opera House "Oprah House" has to be my favourite. No offense Chameleon.

Not to mention that "The Elmo" is redundant. Whooops, I guess I just did mention it.

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I want to set fire to my eyeballs.

I kinda want to see that, not in a sadistic way, just out of curiosity.

I'd like to see that, and Mark Wilson, Superstack, Caution Jam, Chameleon Project, Jomommma MegaShow.

I'll call it the SuperMarkChameleonJamomma MegaShow. I'm not sure which genre to market it under.

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