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The quandary on "hot teen"


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This thread, among all the other points it raises, reminds me of that Zappa axiom, is it possible to have sex and still laugh.

To extrapolate, is it possible to have sex, look in the other's eyes, and laugh, and be laughing at the same things because you're both on the same page.

I don't think it categorically impossible that people with a big age discrepancy might be able to make it work; I just have big doubts.

I also hold to the school of thought that a lot of our specific desires are programmed (or suppressed) by the culture around us. That's not adding anything to what's already been said, though.

[edit to add:] I'm reminded too of Little Miss Sunshine, which we just watched two days back. I thought the dance routine at the end just nailed some of the points that have been made here.

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I do have a problem with this Dateline Internet predator special they've been running. Isn't entrapment when you create a situation that wouldn't otherwise exist and lure a person into committing a felony- I don't know if pretending to be a child is strictly speaking entrapment but it comes off as exploitation oddly of the older men.

Yes, that is absolutely despicable. I would think that the professionals in charge of finding predators could come up with a better idea than to have a man pretending to be a 14 year old start chatting up horny men on the internet, invite them to a location and then have a 23 year old with a young complexion dress up as a 14 year old and then charge him with a crime.

What's next? Dress up a man in a gorilla suit in order to bust those with a bestiality fetish?

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I don't know that those sort of tactics don't have their place in legitimate police work (luring, impersonation etc.) in for instance cracking rings of child pornographers. That show in particular just seems to oddly comment on itself- the Dateline phenomena- in a way they clearly don't intend. I also find it really unnecessary that when those guys leave the house that they're swarmed by like SWAT team and forced to the ground. It's meant to be a sort of bully pulpit type thing but it comes off heavy handed and just rather odd.

The opening passage of Big Red Son, which is ostensibly about the Adult Video News Awards and Foster Wallace's attendance as a correspondent begins:

THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of Emergency Medicine confirms it: Each year, between one and two dozen adult US males are admitted to ERs after having castrated themselves. With kitchen tools, usually, sometimes wire cutters. In answer to the obvious question, surviving patients most often report that their sexual urges had become a source of intolerable conflict and anxiety. The desire for perfect release and the real-world impossibility of perfect, whenever-you-want-it release had together produced a tension they could no longer stand.

It is to the 30+ testosteronically afflicted males whose cases have been documented in the past two years that your correspondents wish to dedicate this article. And to those tormented souls considering autocastration in 1998, we wish to say: "Stop! Stay your hand! Hold off with those kitchen utensils and/or wire cutters!" Because we believe we may have found an alternative.

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what an interesting issue.

i think this plays to so many angles.

simple human biology and physiology. women and men are capable of producing babies and are sexually mature (for the most part) in their early teens. we are physically capable of doing something that today, is culturally forbidden, or certainly looked down upon. men generally tend to go for younger women so they can create more children. women tend to go for older men who have had the time to establish themselves and will be better providers and protectors of their children. these desires are instinctual and programmed into us just as much as breathing is.

i don't understand why contemporary society has rules that go against thousands of years human evolution and instinct.

i don't understand why men (and i have to assume that it's men doing this) constantly promote a double standard that in the end doesn't get them what they want. wanting a sexually experienced woman in the bedroom and a virgin to marry...the constant sexualization of minors, yet laws and cultural views that deem wanting what's been alluringly placed in front of you as wrong.

this whole culture we have now of trying to preserve innocence in children for as long as possible, in my opinion maturationally retards our youth. if we're physically capable of being adults at a certain age, mentally we should be there too, and 12/13/14 year olds aren't there. not by a long shot. protecting our kids until we just can't has given us a generation or two or three of youth that has or will see quarter life crisis', 23 being the new 18, and leaves our young women completely unprepared for the sexual predators we've created through highly functional marketing campeigns for various products. panties, britney spears and pornogrophy included. prolonging innocence, and then sexualizing it, is wrong.

i think it's unfair for the powers that be to take a natual human instinct, ban it, and then dangle it in front of us all. these vicious cirlces we're sent in just go nowhere and don't lead to any progress in our society.

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There's an attractiveness to youth, but just as food, wine, art, and luxury the 'more is better' approach leads to confusion if taken for granted, unnecessary or exploited,direction is often forced upon everyone as an issue and limitation rather than an understanding. I'm 27 years old. When I was 23 I wouldn't have said Eleven isn't too young. When I was 14 the girls I liked were 15.

I don't really think about it even though the thought of sex-dripped teens make me grin.

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Bit of the old Pandoras Box (no pun intended). There is the Old Sociological arguements on the issue...

As for myself I enjoy (find great pleasure) at 'looking' at a lot of different things-young females included. I however have always distinguished what was nice to 'look' at and what was 'right' for me. I have worked with more than 1 'LOOKER' that I would not want to be caught in an elevator with as a result of their personality.

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