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I have never been a Mac user, and I used to laugh at them. Now I can't stop drooling. But for every one of me there's presumably someone who thinks this is all a big marketing ploy, and that Apple gear (be it the iMac, the MacBook, the iPhone, the iPod, the iTV, iTunes, etc) is an overpriced, but nicer-looking box of the same parts that can be had on a windows platform.

So are you with it or against it?

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I don't see the point in putting your eggs all in one basket. i.e. buying one brand solely

One of the big complaints against Microsoft is their monopoly like hold on the marketplace. So I don't see the point in contributing to the creation of another.

I won't say I'll never buy an Apple product but so far I don't see an advantage in switching, other than they look better.

I'd also like to see a Mac commercial that doesn't compare itself to a PC. Sell yourself, don't diss the competition. As a prospective customer, this is a turn off.

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my next laptop will be a mac

they run both OS's, therefore way more software, and are much better on battery life, service, design is great, price is comparable nowadays.

i'd love to have all the regular windows stuff in addition to the cool apple software for the same price.

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i prefer mac to pc. never having to worry about drivers, or codecs, or most of the virus's....well, that's worth the extra bit of money for me. saving 2 or 3 hundred dollars isn't worth the headaches and stresses. i just want things to work when i plug them in, and with macs, things just work.

my only complaint with macs is that their laptops don't have the little mouse in the middle of the keyboard.

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Mac's certainly have their advantages. But they do not "blow my mind" enough to run out and buy on and toss out my PC.

It really boils down to what is easier for the user and what he/she is used to.

I really like the ipods but I can't buy one (eventhough I want to) as Apple does not support FLAC (huge problem, for us audio nerds!) and my entire music collection is FLAC. I don't get this as Apple is supposed to be on the cutting edge.

Where's my flac support Mr. Jobs! }:(

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I use mac. I have a Mac Book pro, Mini mac on my tv. and a liquid cooled quad pro.

I also have a few ipods and shit.

I used to be all about PC, I still have a few of them running right now in my house, but compaired to using a mac there is no question

Mac's are way way faster, easier to use. have better everything, support is amazing.

plus now that you can use dual boot programs and programs that let you run windows and OSX at the same time whats the need for a pc?

my macs, have never froze once, gotten a virius, didn't thing weird, or wernt working when I turned them on.

I did have a lap top battery die and there was a new one at my door the next morning

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For some reason Macs don't crash on me, I prefer the stylish design and the streamlined interface.

It keeps track of where its file fragments are and organizes itself.

I really like mine. Grew up with a PC and wound up with a mac. I guess it's just what I wanted to get. I chose the simpler product that was actually designed rather than purely engineered.

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for now you can run both OSX and WindowsXP on all of the Intel macs. The latest machines, MacBooks and iMacs are fantastic. 24" iMac is gorgeous! Next laptop I will probably get will be a MacBook or even the pro.

The only problem with the hardware is that you get what they make. You can't just piece together a machine like the good ol' PC.

Gaming just isn't there yet, and I don't think they ever will be. Mind you, you can play World of Warcraft on a mac, and for most, that's all the gaming you need.

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I find it funny that Ollie finds it necessary to bring in the advertising.

the advertising is really meant to show that apple isn't trying to destroy their competition, they're just doing what they do best - understand their strangths and not get too bogged down with extra features...

...like licencing every company to make products for macs like people make products for PCs. I like how I'm stuck with what I get from apple. there's more of a guarantee of it actually working.

I have to get a second hard drive and was thinking about getting the mac mini sized shell and installing an internal drive inside.

i'll have room on my hard drive for programs and system files and then room on the external drive for media.

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dont buy into the hype...;

i bought an ipod recently after i lost my rio mp3 player while hiking. itunes would not load on my computer and when it did it crashed my other music program , containing all my playlists in a very nice organized way (musicmatch jukebox, the one you pay for) ..uggghhhh. what a pain. itunes software compared to rio is horrible. currently for some reason it wont let me load anything new onto my ipod saying not enough space when there is. sorry had to rant when given the chance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you hate the Mac vs. PC ad campaign, you'll enjoy this:

I hate Macs

Ultimately the campaign's biggest flaw is that it perpetuates the notion that consumers somehow "define themselves" with the technology they choose. If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that "says something" about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality.
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If you hate the Mac vs. PC ad campaign, you'll enjoy this:

I hate Macs

Ultimately the campaign's biggest flaw is that it perpetuates the notion that consumers somehow "define themselves" with the technology they choose. If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that "says something" about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality.

"What dining room set defines me as a person?"

-Edward Norton

Fight Club

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Defined by what kind of computer you have?

I find there's a difference between users and it's likely more akin to logic and the way one interacts with thoughts much like different languages or the creative processes in the arts.

is geography more important than english?

This whole deal is silly - especially when i always see the PC users fighting about how crappy macs are instead of mac owners wishing they could be heavy gmers.

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