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Phish will make you GAY!

Kanada Kev

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I wish I could have checked out that video up top before it became unavailable.

If this character is real, and connected with Phelps in Kansas, it makes perfect sense. At that level, hyperbole is redundant. Even mainstream evangelicals have no time for that kind of thing, whatever opinions about homosexuality they may harbour (which often enough, though, ends up coming off like tacit consent).

imo, it's dangerous to expect that the hate some folks carry around is anything less than real, and to laugh it off as just ridiculous. The same genre of people have beaten up Jews, Catholics, blacks, hippies, Muslims, etc., in the streets, and seen themselves as righteous for doing so. It doesn't merit so much as a chuckle. Welcome to the world our kids inherit. It makes me feel really... tired.

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I dunno dude - I was tracking you, right up until the end. As you say, even mainstream evangelicals have no time for that sort of thing, certainly mainline denominations find that sort of thing abhorrent, and the bulk of the "Western world", at least, finds it so ridiculous that there seems to be no appropriate response but befuddled laughter.

It wasn't so long ago that a conversation like this would have started with a shrugging off and chuckle at the "these bands might make you gay bit", but would have just as quickly turned into a debate about the merit of "fixing" or "reforming" homosexuals. There would have been reminders of the "unnaturalness" of it all, and of a vague and ill-defined "immorality" -- even within secular circles.

This is a cool group of a people, granted. But the fact that none of that has come up, and that the only appropriate reaction seems to be a snide sneer and immediate dismissal is evident, I think, of a deeper shift. The world our kids inherit might not be ideal - granted - but in the way of understanding and tolerance, it is still a fair shot better than the world that we inherited ourselves.

It just isn't as dire as all of that, I don't think. Short of over-romanticising the past, I don't see how it can look like anything but progress. Fred Phelps and co. are marginalized and the beliefs they hold now reside squarely on the fringes in contemporary society. They feel extreme and out of touch. It wasn't so very long ago that this wasn't the case. Isn't that cause for some celebration? Isn't that a better world to hand to the next generation?

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Don't you hate it when you spend twenty minutes writing something and then lose it all with a click of a wonky mouse?


The world our kids inherit might not be ideal - granted - but in the way of understanding and tolerance, it is still a fair shot better than the world that we inherited ourselves.

I think you're probably right, given that the sun is now streaming through the window behind me and I'm not projecting my cranky mood from last night. Still, I'm cautiously pessimistic about the notion of progress, not wanting to underestimate the human capacity for fear and stupidity. It's not too hard to find in a small town, e.g.. I think about the range of pressures on our elder daughter at school should she venture to support gay rights (which she's learned to appreciate having known a number of openly gay adults), or debate religion with her friends. To relax any of that is to start sliding backwards, I think.

But Booche, your question reminded me of this little ditty -


We have fun in the sun

Sticking fingers up our bum

But the pain is too strong

For our fingers are too long


Just don't forget your nailclippers.

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