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nero/Rock Plaza Central


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It sounded like others had asked them about it which is funny. They had no clue. Makes me think now AD misheard his girlfriend, we all read it here, someone else asked them and it just goes to show you how rumours start. And that's why you don't start rumours!


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Makes me think now AD misheard his girlfriend, we all read it here, someone else asked them and it just goes to show you how rumours start.

It wouldn't shock me at all!! I won't get a chance to ask her about this until much later tonight, so let the possible rumour live a few more hours!!


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Who the hell are Rock Plaza Central anyway?


According to a review at Pitchfork

Rock Plaza Central will inspire endless Neutral Milk Hotel comparisons, due to Chris Eaton's venue-filling caterwaul and the band's liberal use of brass. The band sounds like a church pick-up group, fingering their way through an excited offertory, gaining more momentum as they add instruments. Eaton's endearingly off-note vocals career heavenward as he hits those la-da-da-da's between the choruses, rushing to a moment of honest indie transcendence that loses only a little of its power when removed from the context of the album (where its quick build doesn't sound so rushed). The song unravels over several more minutes from there, as the horns dash out a morse-code melody, led by a fervent gospel tambourine and a lovely violin caught in the eddies of a river baptism. It builds dizzingly and winds down beautifully-- truly something to be joyful about.



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ok i got clarification - i indeed misheard. the girlfriend was talking to the merch guy who said that he and some others were going over. in my drunk state i must have extrapolated 'some others' meant the band, and that it was announced from the stage from that little fragment.

sorry folks. good work on tracking down the mis-information luke.

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I love these guys too. That show at Zaphod's was really really really good.

Both albums are great. You can get their stuff form zunior.com for $8.88 per album.

zunior is an awesome canadian digital music store by the way, although I'm sure everyone is familiar....

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Chris Eaton is who I talked to. I guess they did a cool cover of J. Timberlake's 'Sexy Back' that blew people away. Eaton said the song is getting pretty viral on the internet and indeed I turned up a youtube of their version synched with Timberlake/Timbaland's version.

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