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"The Secret" holy crap... it works!

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I get the point, and I haven't even seen the movie. I completely agree that positive thinking has far-reaching effects on your personal life, mood, and beyond. I just don't see it as dictating any path you may have chosen or thought fondly or positively about. I don't buy it for a second. It's the same problem I have with religion; if you believe that one single deity is responsible for everything, you relieve yourself of responsibility. For example, You're poor, divorced, your life sucks and one day, you run over your dog, but you're a devout christian. Your fault? Nope; god did it. Fuck that. So, I guess my point is, if you put all of your faith into anything, you're bound to be detached and disapointed.

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I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. You don't have to believe me, or think what I have to say is valid. I was just sharing my experiences.

I know this isn't some kind of magic and just thinking positive isn't the only thing that affects the outcome of your day.

I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad they're all just lesson to be learned.

Really, why not spend your time thinking positively? It's made me a lot happier and I can't argue with that.

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well' date=' this whole thing sparked my interest, so i downloaded it, and im about to watch.... we're bowling tonite, and i want a 600 series![/quote']

You would be better off believing in THIS product then.



actually, after watching that movie, i could make a case that The Dude knows the secret, and knowing the cohen bros. savvy, i think its actually a blatant part of his character... you never got see him bowl, but he "envisioned" it quite a bit... and they made it to the finals... and then there's maude....


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I get the point, and I haven't even seen the movie. I completely agree that positive thinking has far-reaching effects on your personal life, mood, and beyond. I just don't see it as dictating any path you may have chosen or thought fondly or positively about. I don't buy it for a second. It's the same problem I have with religion; if you believe that one single deity is responsible for everything, you relieve yourself of responsibility. For example, You're poor, divorced, your life sucks and one day, you run over your dog, but you're a devout christian. Your fault? Nope; god did it. Fuck that. So, I guess my point is, if you put all of your faith into anything, you're bound to be detached and disapointed.

ofcourse...we aren't talking about magic here.

but its also cyincal to totally disregard the power of energy.... i think most of us on this board know the "IT" factor....and i think the same positive energy that creates that thick energy in a live show where everything comes together, is also energy you can use in your day to day life..... escapism is for pussies... its all about enhance-ism.

and i really think all of you are missing the big picture here.... i got to touch a boobie.

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but its also cyincal to totally disregard the power of energy.... i think most of us on this board know the "IT" factor....and i think the same positive energy that creates that thick energy in a live show where everything comes together, is also energy you can use in your day to day life..... escapism is for pussies... its all about enhance-ism.

Huh. I thought that feeling came from all of the drugs.

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I noticed that of all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers that I now offer to the Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50 percent rate. Half the time I get what I want. Half the time I don't. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four leaf clover, the horse shoe, the rabbit's foot, and the wishing well. Same as the mojo man. Same as the voodoo lady who tells your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles. It's all the same; 50-50. So just pick your superstitions, sit back, make a wish and enjoy yourself.
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My last words on the topic...

I think there are far less coincidences than we think, and since I've been using "the secret" in my mind it's definitley had a very positive impact on my life. The information is out there, take it with however many grains of salt you wish. But if your open to it, you will see it working.

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I think that having positive feelings get the ladies, and money...I mean it's a healthy outlook into life and yourself. Who really want to hook up with someone with a poor attitude about themselves and about money? Having a positive approach is having a healthy approach, hence things work more in your favor...it's not magical or mysterious it's more like common sense. If people are expecting life to just hand over things because you had a good day, forget it! you still have to work for it, but it makes it all a lot easier and less stressful when you do it in a healthy and positive manner...

it is possible to will things into existence, music and art are two examples of thought being transformed into the reality of expressions.

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Quauntum physics rules...everything in the unierse is energy and everything is connected...it didn't occur to me how presicly so untill watching this.

I am so on board.

I find it very interesting what they said about anti-'groups'. How they say be pro-peace not anti-war as what you think passionately about will feed whatever it is pointing out Mother Terressa as an example of someone who would only attend a peace rally not an anti war rally. Feed the peace not the war...now back to bingo then onto becoming a famously happy wealthy artist.

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Getting what you want is the easy part - or if not easy, certainly the least interesting.

Most of the harm I've done myself (and others) has been a result of getting what I want, and getting it when I wanted it.

Learning what to want -- and why -- is a different matter altogether. Most growth probably results from hitting those barriers, those walls, that suffering, that lack and those uncertainties.

What value spiritual capitalism? If I want an extra $1000 dollars, what is the consequence of that $1000 being delivered?

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But where do I find that clarity to discover my wants in order the specify them? What if my wants, as they stand at present, have the consequence of a multitude of victims whom I might not ever take into account or even recognize as the necessary victims of that particular wants fulfillment?

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