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Facebook is addictive!


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haha...well I think I prefer the dirty whore...she aint no ho.

Yet while I just find something kinda creeps me out about Facebook...can't quite put my finger on it but something definately creeps me out about it..kinda highschooly weirdness...yeah not sure...yet I find myself kinda getting sucked in.

The internett is kinda weird, blogging, message boards...I'm just not so sure. I'm reading a book and one chapter kinda reminds me of all of this and also of Kung and well just this kinda thing in general. I'm just sitting here feeding Des and missing Big Daddy so I'll read out what I read...haha though I might not be getting it fully by doing so but hey I'm a Gemini..."The Power Hungry - The Power Starved

What is normally considered to be power is not real power at all. Chasing money, glamour, sex; wanting controll over others - political power - are all manifistations of the ego. They are often glorified forms of showing off; they dwell in the ego and they often appeal only to other egos, so they are subject to peoples whims. A person can be rich and successfull and still be very weak. Money doesn't give you real strength; it just keeps you comftorble while you experiance the disfunction. The world of the ego is brittle, fragile and insecure; it never really feels safe and it has no lasting worth. The egos world dies. More often than not, it self destructs.

With the explosion of the mass media and the information super highway, glamour, hype and showing off have replaced true worth. The 32-second sound bite is more important than real facts. A glossy, skimmed down version of life is all anyone has time for, as each vies with the other for a momentary place in the sun.

Many people are victimized by their egos; they feel power starved and so they crave to be special. Of coarse, everyone is special in thier own spiritual way but the mass media has heightened peoples need to seek fame and attention.

Thirsting for power, in the egos sense of power, they go through the ludicrous chase of being important, trying to become special in the eyes of others, seeking praise, seeking status. This frenetic chase destroys and saps their energy.

Because the ego is insecure, it fears need to be quelled, so it dominates our psychology, firing off endless demands.

It desperately wants things-right now-that will help it feel better. We are programmed as children to try and keep it happy and this mesmorizes us into reacting to its every need.

We don't realize that controlling the ego through disapline is a lot simpler than trying to satisfy it all the time. By gratifying the ego, one may get a fleeting respite from its craving and demands, but then its on-on to the next gratification. The ego always wants more.

Its life on a mouse wheel, each trotting as fast as possible to stay in the same place. Endless effort, misspent on illusion. You can see why people are programmed into it-they are psychologically immature. Its all a bit sad.

"Trying to be someone" comes from insecurity, which stems from the egos need for observers and admirers. It needs acknowledgment and stimulation to feel solid. But leaning psychologically and emotionally out into the world-demanding to be noticed, trying to be cool, seeking approval and acceptance, trying to impress, seeking praise and respect - creates imbalance and weakness. It is, in fact, an affirmation that says, "I'm not okay.I need others to approve of me in order to feel secure."

By leaning pschologically, you weaken yourself. Imagine constantly leaning forward at a severe angle, reaching out - you are perpetually poised, heading for a fall.

Trying to win people over and hoping the world will accept you for your wonderfullness is futile and weak. It destroys your real power; the stress of it can make you ill. Even if you get what you want, it rarely lasts. Todays success becomes tommorrows rejection. Leaning psychologically is a fault; it undermines what you are. Gradually you become the manifestation of other peoples reality-subject, of coarse, to all thier fickle whims, moods and power trips.

By accomodating the ego in this way, you drift from the real spiritual you that dwells within-which is contained and solid-to a fake you that is brittle, self-indulgant and powerless.

You can tell people how marvelous you are and a hundred others can sing your praises and pump your worth but all that is PR and hype. In the end, you are only worth the etheric feeling you exude. That is a spiritual, metaphysical reality; everything else is illusion and dysfunction. If you want to be accepted, accept yourself. If you want to be acknowlaged, acknowledge yourself.


Lets leave hype and clatter, which are weak and head to the less obvious-silence-where consolidfation and real strength lie."

wow...that took more time than I thought it would to one finger type. :blush: but it really struck me when I read it...mabey someone else will find it striking too....haha now back to myspace and facebook.... :crazy: :P

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haha...I know, I know..but it took WAY longer than I expected type out and Dessy was growing impatient...but once I began I figured I might as well finish..all the while thinking, haha..over thinking. Yet thinking someone might find it interesting...haha and thinking, over thinking I might be missing the very point I was making...thinking, overthinking?

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very addictive, I was a tad bit hesitant as well but I'm careful not to reveal too much.

I just got a friend request from a girl, who in grade 1, bullied me into being her friend by threatening to tell every one that I ate gum off the ground(which I admitt I did do, but have since dropped that habit). I'm tempted to accept to be able to write the story on her wall-let everyone know how her terror kept me up fretting at night when I was six.

If that's all you had to put up with to call her a bully, you got off easy. If I were her, I'd be coming after you with a defamation suit. That's no bully, that's just a lonely girl looking for a friend. Where's your heart?

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I got a little tour of Facebook last night from a friend and it strikes me as a little bit creepy. A little too much information; I don't really need to know everytime my buddy in New York takes a dump, has a sip of water, talks to someone or pokes them.....

Edit to add: I'm a myspace fan. Nice and simple, private, etc... Plus you can personalize and 'bling' out your little niche...

One of these days I'll do something nice to the joint...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder if facebook or myspace has the greater destructive potential....

Police arrest girl whose MySpace site led to £20,000 party disaster

Martin Wainwright

Saturday April 14, 2007

The Guardian

The teenage girl who hosted a disastrous "let's trash my house" party was arrested yesterday on suspicion of causing criminal damage.

Rachael Bell, 17, was questioned by detectives then released on police bail, pending further inquiries, after she emerged from hiding to blame internet hackers for the £20,000 chaos, and to apologise profusely to her parents.

She accused schoolfriends of taking over her pages on the website MySpace to tempt revellers from all over the country with the prospect of drink and sex in an astonished cul-de-sac on a private estate in county Durham.

She said she was too scared to face her mother, Elaine, and father, Alan, who have been forced to rent temporary housing and are pressing for criminal charges against partygoers.

But although she spoke to her mother by phone, her remorse was undermined by the appearance of a message ascribed to her on a friend's MySpace site saying: "haaa ... well i hope u liked the party ... was fuckin wild like!!!! hmmm another lol???xx" (lol standing for laugh out loud).

The 17-year-old's apology claimed she had suffered a panic attack when she realized what was happening to her secret plans for a relatively modest do. Although her parents, who had gone for a caravan weekend with her sister and two brothers, had forbidden guests while they were away, she admitted asking round 60 friends and a couple of DJs.

"It was just supposed to be a party with a few friends and it turned into a complete nightmare. I'm sorry, mam," she said. "It was so surreal - it still seems surreal. You just can't imagine anything like it happening. I'm really, really sorry, I absolutely regret everything. I still haven't properly slept, I just keep waking up and thinking about what happened."

The party led to pandemonium in Woodstone village, near Houghton-le-Spring, as seven police cars, including a dog unit, sealed off the street and tried to cope with drunken teenagers - and allegedly some children as young as 11 - until after 4am. Enraged neighbours with golf clubs chased partygoers, who had arrived from as far away as London, blocking the cul-de-sac with minibuses and cars.

Mrs Bell said yesterday that the £230,000 house felt "as though it had been raped", with vomit, graffiti and urine on floors, clothes and beds. Her other children's things had been trashed in an apparent copycat version of an incident on Channel 4's teen soap Skins.

Fighting back tears, the 48-year-old teacher told Sky News: "A huge tragedy has happened here and I want people prosecuted for what has been done. That house has been torn apart.

"Rachel has got to take blame for organising the party in the first place. I can imagine she is in an awful mental state and fear she could do something to herself. But I don't know the full story and whether it was 200 or 300 people."

Mrs Bell has turned down offers of up to £5,000 to speak exclusively about the incident and, although distraught, she gave a tour of the wrecked rooms to the Press Association for all media outlets to share. She said she always kept the house "immaculate" and had left it in that condition. Her last words to Rachael were: "I don't want any kids or drink in the house."

Rachael, a sixth former doing A-levels at Park View school in Chester-le-Street, has a reputation for mild controversy, picturing herself on MySpace in Goth gear and with a can of lager, and scattering swear words through her entries about "hating" normal people. But she said yesterday the situation had completely overwhelmed her and phrases on MySpace such as "Let's trash the average family-sized house disco party" were hackers' work, not hers.

"The party wasn't supposed to start until 10 o'clock, but at half nine we saw people pulling up in cars," she said from a friend's house where she is staying indefinitely. "We didn't recognise them and didn't know what was going on so we bolted the door - but they just started climbing through the window.

"There were even 11-year-olds, year sevens from our school, trying to get in. I just had a panic attack because of everything that was going on, just because I was so powerless to stop it."

She claimed some of the gatecrashers had pretended to police that they lived in the house, but there some "nice people" who had tried to help. She said: "Actually, a lot of people even came back on the morning to help me try and tidy the place up. I thought I had a couple of days to clean the house before my parents got back. Then an ex-neighbour came and told me my mam was on her way home and everyone had better clear out - and I left."

"Reviews" of the party have started to appear on the internet, including one from a 19-year-old called Emily from Newcastle who talks about boys she met at the party, saying: "I was on a field with one of these people and in a bedroom with the other haha stunners.x"

A Durham police spokesman said the trouble was difficult to contain as guests had been invited into the house. He said: "Inquiries are under way and we plan to speak to as many of the partygoers as we can."

MySpace Messages

A message at the MySpace site about the party, left on Wednesday at 12.10 (all spellings as on the website)

heyyy, have you heard anything from the party or have any updates. just apparantly we have some info that there was press there this mornin, talk of the woods is that there was helipcopters n cctv vans around the estate on the night but i was in the house then so i dunno

A reply, apparently from Rachel Bell, avatar pictured above, left on Wednesday 12.38

haaa i no was'nt in any other photo's!! ekkk well i hope u liked the party ..was fuckin wild like!!!hmmm another lol???xx

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facebook is just wierd. I've had a strange intro to it courtesy of one of my students, and have been pretty turned off by it since then.

Unfortunately there are a couple of people I'd like to keep in touch wiht on there, so i find myself a bit torn about totally dropping it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting story. I like the bit at the end.

Facebook faces off with Ontario gov't

Last Updated: Thursday, May 3, 2007 | 1:16 PM ET

CBC News

Ontario government employees won't be among the 21 million worldwide users of the popular social networking website Facebook — at least while they're at work.

Premier Dalton McGuinty said Thursday he doesn't see how Facebook — an internet phenomenon that allows members to display their profile, photographs, interests and comments to fellow users and reconnect with long-lost acquaintances — adds value to a workplace environment.

McGuinty was commenting a day after the province barred government staff from accessing the website from their workplace terminals.

When workers tried to log on to their accounts Wednesday, they were greeted with "access denied" messages on their screens in the same way as pornography and gambling sites are blocked on provincial computers.

The popular video-sharing site YouTube is also restricted.

Facebook is "puzzled" by the government's decision to restrict access to the site, said Chris Kelly, the company's vice-president and chief privacy officer.

"We are in contact with provincial officials and hope the situation will be resolved quickly," Kelly told CBC News Thursday in a statement.

McGuinty said it's important for the government to review websites that are accessible through its computers from time to time.

"The folks who work in government are made up of the same DNA as the folks who work in every other sector," he said.

Bad news for Facebook addicts

Several Ontario MPPs have Facebook pages, including David Caplan, Rosario Marchese and Brad Duguid. Federal politicians with Facebook profiles include Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion and Michael Ignatieff.

Several Facebook members have started groups on the site extolling and lamenting its addictive properties, with numerous users claiming to check the site more than 20 times an hour.

As of Thursday, the group "Stop McGuinty's Crusade Against Facebook" had 78 members, almost double the number of members as the "Dalton McGuinty is Handsome Club" page.

Facebook is also banned in most federal departments in Ottawa.

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I gotta say, I'm fairly enthusiastic about facebook. It seems like the best realization yet of a very user-friendly social network. I'm sure something else will come along and people will migrate to that, and that's probably the New Normal, something we just adapt to.

It's already become the online equivalent of checking my answering machine. And the people that come out of the woodwork is mind-blowing!

I'm not by nature a sentimental person and I lose touch with people too easily, so facebook has triggered a lot of memories and associations I hadn't considered for years, and it hasn't been as unpleasant as I might have thought.

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