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Marijuana March

Kanada Kev

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I wished i could have hung out at the park, but I had other things that took priority :( I did drive by at around 3:30 and it looked like a great time. TOns of people. Jay Cleary was quoted in the Toronto Star today:


Queen's Park rally goes all to pot

Police keep back as crowd lights up

Jay Cleary, one of the organizers of the bands that played throughout the day, announced from the stage that "we're here to smoke our brains out and have a good time," which prompted a smattering of applause.

He thanked the city for allowing the event, and police for tolerating it, noting the festival has been held nine years in a row without any arrests.

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yeah this really sux... I had a lot of really great things to say.. and they really suckered me on this one.

I had this big speech about how lucky we are in Canada to have all these freedoms... Freedom of assembly, freedom to protest, freedom to same-sex mariages...

That's what I hate about reporters, they always zone in on the most shocking thing they can get their hands on. oh why did I give that reporter my name..!!!!

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Maybe it was the...





























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That's what I hate about reporters, they always zone in on the most shocking thing they can get their hands on. oh why did I give that reporter my name..!!!!

Perfect chance to say what you wanted to say by sending a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star. That article didn't reveal any of the reasons why many people want the legalization of marijuana. It just reported it as being a gathering of people smoking pot and listening to some bands that you introduced.



Jack Lakey wrote the article. If you want to read some of his other mind-stimulating, mesmerizing, and top-notch journalistic endeavours, brace yourself for the following link to masterpieces:


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Jay Cleary announced "we're here to smoke our brains out and have a good time,"
BTW, I didn't say this!
That's what I hate about reporters, they always zone in on the most shocking thing they can get their hands on. oh why did I give that reporter my name..!!!!

[color:purple]That Jack Lakey guy is a real bright bulb. Just wondering, did you really say what was attributed to you, or did he just make that up? If he attributed you as publically encouraging an illegal activity, isn't he totally in the wrong? Is that slander or libel? (I am unclear on the difference and really don't want to look it up at the moment)

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So many skids.... In fact, should have been called "global call to teens and angst-ridden youth with nowhere better to go to sit in park and smoke." .

Yup. That's why I stopped going years ago, well. That and the fact that I don't smoke pot anymore.

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These things certainly tend not to be a great representation of the diversity of people that choose to indulge... that's for sure.

words can't describe the Hamilton 4:20 march a few years back. :o I was so embarrassed to even be on the fringes of that community.

You find yourself marching down the middle of King St on a weekday chanting "SMOKE POT!!"...... just go join the army or something and smarten up. Good Lord it was a parade of twits.

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Yeah, it's too bad the old kids are too afraid to stand up for this issue.

I was talking to a journalist who covered the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto for the 10 years that it went from a small parade of 5-10 Thousand people to the 1,000,000 plus that attend it now. And just look how much that has given the community in terms of awarness, and 'concessions' from the older ways that community was challenged.

He said he see's similar growth and momentum from the pot community, and the Freedom festival in particular. I mean it's ridiculous that I should feel like a criminal smoking this stuff... but I do, cause according to the law it's illegal.

Atleast the kids are standing up for what they believe in... even if they aren't old enough to really appreciate what they are doing... I certainly appreciate them helping out. It wasn't easy being a kid, and I think for the most part they get too much guff.

Remind me never to grow up. Sounds like it sucks.

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I had a great time.. yeeah :D

I was kinda sad that the march was not annouced!! I was trying to get a move on.. and my friends were like.. no no not yet.. they haven't announced it..lol so we missed the march :D

It was pretty awesome to look back at the 4:20 countdown and see a haze of smoke rising above the crowd.. lol I still had fun.

Dr. Payne and the Disease were awesome :D

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