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Grammatical Pet Peeves


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You know those things, that people say, that are grammatically incorrect and drive you insane (even though you know how petty and trivial it is to become irritated by such things)? Well, that's what this thread is all about!

Feel free to post the grammatical/verbal quirks and/or mistakes that drive you bonkers for no apparent reason....

The word "ignorant" is NOT a synonym for "rude"!!

Phew. I feel better now.

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oh chewie, i so hear you on that one. are apostrophes REALLY that difficult to grasp????

another atrocious written one that makes my skin absolutely crawl, is the seemingly-impossible-to-master-for-much-of-the-population, proper usage of "your, you're" and "they're, there, their". oh and "its, it's" is another one too.

spoken peeves? this is a lifelong one... "A'INT!"

and to think they actually added that one to the dictonary...

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You guys have no idea how much better I feel right now...each and every item listed here drives me nuts!

The "Their/There/They're" triumvirate, coupled with the "Your/You're" conundrum, is enough to make one's head explode.

One that's really been bugging me the past few days: The liberal use of "literally". "My stomach was literally in my throat"....really? Was it? Man, that's gotta hurt!

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Originally posted by Low Roller:

Sentence fragments! No good.

Sentence fragments drive me crazy in formal writing, but as a means to imply colloquial or casual speech in writing (i.e. message board format), I can excuse it and I frequently utilize this convention.

How about irregardless?


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Originally posted by Stoned Phillips:

You guys have no idea how much better I feel right now...each and every item listed here drives me nuts!

The "Their/There/They're" triumvirate, coupled with the "Your/You're" conundrum, is enough to make one's head explode.

One that's really been bugging me the past few days: The liberal use of "literally". "My stomach was literally in my throat"....really? Was it? Man, that's gotta hurt!

You know what drive's me nut's(yeah, I did that on purpose)...when people allow silly little things to drive them nuts. I know everyone has thier pet peeves but "enough to make one's head explode"? come on. Not everyone has the capacity to grasp english in a perfect gramatical sense. Some people are dyslexic(I probably spelled that wrong) and are lucky to even be able to express themselves in writing. So, I think, that if you are lucky enough to have a high command of the enlish language, you should just be thankful and not judge others for thier downfalls.

P.S. This IS one of my PET PEEVES, so I'm not just ranting, I'm adding to the thread... [smile]

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Guest Low Roller

My company loves using "effective immediately" in all their memos, whether they are adressing a layoff, a new policy, or informing us that the vending machines have been filled.

Also middle management is known for using the word "caveat" when discussing project planning. I think they think it makes them sound smarter.

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Originally posted by Stoned Phillips:

How about irregardless?

That's a huge one for me... What do people mean when the say that? regardless means without regard. Does irregardless mean without without regard? ie with regard?

I hate when people get "me" and "I" wrong. I find that most people just use "I" everwhere.

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While it's not a grammatical concern, I will share that I have a dear friend who speaks with a rising cadence at the end of each and every sentence, and it drives me absolutely batty!

You know, when you end each spoken stanza with a rising pitch in your voice? This person does that habitually. And it doesn't help that person is really rather verbose so those rising cadences just keep coming and coming.

It really makes me crazy. [Mad] Another reason to drink.....

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At first I thought this forum was gonna lynch me, because I tend to make most grammatical mistakes. But fortunatly most of your biggest peves I thankfully don't do! [big Grin]

Here's mine, it's not really grammar, but whatever...

"maybe yes, maybe no"

Those 4 words could all be replaced by just saying "maybe". [Wink]

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lisson you peeple. stop cumplaning. jared, you readin this on.

good fun, complaining though.

my grammatical pet peeve is (but only at work) when people combine a number with ah. example: twenty-eighytah blue. twelvah coors. casah canadian. two twelvesa brava anah casah corona. can you guess where i work yet? sheesh. enunciate please!

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