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Fave store bought hot dogs and/or sausages

Davey Boy 2.0

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I've been craving a good old fashioned bbq hotdog lately but have never quite found the perfect choice. and given that i eat them about twice a year i always forget which ones i really don't like

a friend made up some Johnson's cheddar smokies sausages the other day, they were quite good but then again by the time i had one anything would have tasted good to me (it was late night on a friday, you do the math)

anyone have any faves?


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There is only one hot dog in this world, and the saddest part is that they're not available in Ottawa (please...someone..correct me if I'm wrong)


Without tasting a Nathan's I'd pretty much conclude..you don't know from good hot dogs!

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For all your culinary prowess M.O.B.E I expected better. You've clearly never had a Nathan's before or if you did you were drunk at the time. No, scratch that, if you'd been drunk you'd have remembered it even better.

The distinguishing feature of a Nathan's is the crisp bite to it that only a natural casing can allow. The flavour is not noticeable it's the texture that is.

The only thing that's come close to it for me in the hot dog field (recognizing of course that hot dogs and sausages are two entirely different worlds of tubesteak) is the standard hot dog used at Tubby Dog in Calgary. I don't know where they get them but I like them.

I don't mind the occasional shopsy's or juicy jumbo but nothing will ever beat a Nathan's Frank for me.

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Yellow rain makes you want to eat lips and assholes??? You spend to much time with Andre.

Adam, my culinary prowess keeps me away from hotdogs. Processed food is not fit for human consumption. I wouldnt even feed my dog those things. I do however have a meatgrinder and I make my own sausages. You would love my Merguez or Bison and Blueberry better than Nathans cocktail weenies.

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MOBE's a disdainful snob

his posts drip with the snot, which is why i never cook anything he suggests

he doesn't deserve to enjoy a good hot dog

Was this supposed to be in purple phorbsie?

If not then you don't know Dreadie at all and don't deserve to enjoy the incredible recipies he's posted on here.

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Now now children play nice. We're not discussing the middle east we're talking about hot dogs. I'm very sure that your bison blueberry sausages are delicious at certain times but to be perfectly honest no homemade sausage can (at times) hold a candle to great piece of street meat, processed as it is. And I don't get craving for gourment maple cheddar sausages I get cravings for shitty-ass hot dogs or the Nathan's dog which I'm still sure you've never had or you wouldn't be spouting this heretical nonsense.

I mean I can make potato chips from scratch but I'll never hit the formula for the Kettle Chips dill pickle chip so I choose not to bother.

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i think it's silly (in a similar way to the "i'll eat a pig but eating a dog is revolting") that some foodeeze get all nose-turned-uppity at the lips n assholes thing but will then rave about delicacies such as sweetbreads, livers, pancreas, brains, etc. and any sausage casings are intestines too, hello...that's where the shit was sitting all day before passing through the asshole hehe :)

"oh honey, look at those poor fools eating those pig lips. can you imagine? ha ha pity them, pity them. oh the horror!! mmm please pass me some more pancreas in truffle oil, it's divine" :P

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wow phorbsie...i never knew you could be so fiesty!

i don't think, if you're an expert at something, like say you're REALLY into good music, you aren't going to listen to a britney spears track....or say you're a reader, really into the good stuff, you aren't going to go back to reading RL Stine and Babysitters club books. So the guy's a trained chef, and he knows all the wonderful things that can be done with food, what's so wrong with the guy wanting the best

i like seeing MOBE's recipes....i've never tried one, cause they always have way too many ingredients that i don't have....but one day i will.

i don't eat processed food anymore...couldn't pay me to eat a kraft single or a hot dog...i eat a hot dog once a year, and that's in homage to a special memory i have. my father would take me to this really old little trailer thingy that made 12 inch hot dogs when i was a kid. it had a counter and all these old pop bottles they'd served, one of each kind since they opened...and there are business cards everythere, all over the walls, and the 3 tables in the place have every inch of surface carved with initials....so turns out my dad got buried in a cemetery right next to the place. so when i visit my dad on his death anniversary i get a hot dog at eaterbrooks. a wonderdog, with bacon, processed cheese, tomatoes and onions...except for the veggies i don't eat any of that stuff anymore, and this year it made me feel like crap afterwords...but totally worth it. to wrap it up...i have no idea what kind they are...and i've never seen a 12 inch hot dog in the grocery store, or a 12 inch bun for that matter. but if you ever go to the royal botanical gardens...hit up easterbrooks just down the street.

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i don't think, if you're an expert at something, like say you're REALLY into good music, you aren't going to listen to a britney spears track....or say you're a reader, really into the good stuff, you aren't going to go back to reading RL Stine and Babysitters club books. So the guy's a trained chef, and he knows all the wonderful things that can be done with food, what's so wrong with the guy wanting the best

I don't know what "good music" is exactly but it's probably a number of variables coming together at any given time to produce the "good" you're looking for at that moment. Just like loving a hot dog at a certain moment, and loving filet mignon the next.

Being a chef doesn't mean that that you immediately understand what good food is. Good food is subjective. A classically trained session guitarist doesn't know good guitar anymore than a snotty 12-year old banging away on his yamaha the chords to Finger 11 songs.

Anthony Bourdain's cookbook, good as it is, is the epitome of this "faux peasant food" mentality when you consider that his recipe for a poor man's dish like pot-au-feu would in fact cost you $60 or more in meat products to recreate. Same with cassoulet. same with bouillabaisse. I love all of these foods but making them and telling your friends is culinary wankery, just like IMO shunning processed foods are. I don't as a rule encourage people to eat oreos and count chocula but I also can't trust chefs who don't slum it once in a while, or even worse, who slum it but don't admit it.

Again it's not a MOBE slight at all just my perspective on this "no processed foods thing" and what interested me in the comfort food thread which unsurprisingly is littered with processed foods that bring people joy. And there's no shame in that.

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