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in need of good vibes...


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for a friend of mine that's in a coma after having his leg amputated. he was shot in the leg with a 12 gauge at close range after apparently breaking into someone's house.

he really is a good guy, never in a million years would i have guessed he'd try to break into someone's place. he was always really kind and gentle. i assume he was really messed up when he broke in; he had gotten into taking prescription drugs lately.

i just hopehe pulls through and gets a chance to straighten his life out.

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Brutal kinda feel bad for the guy, but at the same time if he was breaking into my house i woudl have shot him in the face. prescription drugs are no excuse or any drugs for that matter, sorry bout your friend but he deserved it

And then there are some things we may want to keep to ourselves.

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i'm afraid for him and pissed at him at the same time. James had just talked to him on friday and he seemed fine.

he had no weapons or burglary tools on him of any kind which makes me think (or atleast wanna believe) that he didn't know what he as doing. I've known the guy since high school and this is really ot like him. I still have a hard time believing he couldve done something like that.

and i agree, of course he shouldn't have broken into someone's house, and deserves to be arrested for it, but he doesn't deserve to die. i think going to jail and spending the rest of his life without a leg will be punishment enough.

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Brutal kinda feel bad for the guy, but at the same time if he was breaking into my house i woudl have shot him in the face. prescription drugs are no excuse or any drugs for that matter, sorry bout your friend but he deserved it

Stupid man, soooo stupid. Use that "Preview" button, it does wonders before you post.

I was actually listening to 107.5 here at work and they were playing Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys when i opened this thread.....good good good vibrations coming your friends way Karin.

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Wow, that's terrible.

It's so important to look at where people are coming from when things like this happen. Clearly, if he was breaking into someone's house (when they were home, to boot) he was going through a difficult time to begin with, and has an even tougher road ahead of him.

I'll be thinking of your friend, KG, and wish you all the best in supporting him.



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i just hopehe pulls through and gets a chance to straighten his life out.

I do, too. Karin, I think this is one of the cases where it's entirely appropriate to be disgusted at (or dismayed by) a person's actions (both the drugs and the break-in), while still believing in the person himself. The key is going to be how he ends up feeling about this, as this sounds like a turning point: if he's repentent, and regretful, be there for him, and support him on the road to recovery (which may have detours into relapses). If he's not, try to encourage him to get on a better path, as it should be obvious to him (if it isn't, point it out, clearly) that the road he's on leads only to ruin. I believe people make mistakes and bad decisions, but I also believe in personal redemption, and, short of death, I think it's possible for a person to make a fresh start. I hope that's the case here.



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me too, brad, thank you. you kow, a year ago, neil was a paramedic and a firefighter, protecting people and saving lives.

The Dr. Phil "How's that working out for you?" line can serve well in situations like this. If, a year ago, he was a paramedic and firefighter, and now he's a criminal and an amputee, it must be made clear to him that the actions he's engaged in and the choices he's made in the past year are not working for him (in fact are working against him), and if he wants to get better, he has to make different, better, choices. He may need help with that, as he may want to get on a better path, but can't figure out how.



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Sorry to hear it Karin. Pulling for him .. in the short term with the coma, amputation, pending legal ramifications, and also in the longterm with whatever pain is behind the dependencies that got him here. Good people do bad things. Stay strong.

PS, Gr8ful: FWIW, I see where you are coming from. I live in crack-central, and while I have no problems with these people, and embarrassingly enough probably enable them in my own way with money, empties, etc.. - if one of them was to kick down my door and I felt that people I loved were in potentially mortal danger (addiction is strong -- again, good people do bad things), there is no telling what I would do to prevent that. I think all parties ought to be excused .. the damage is done, time to deal with the damage.

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addendum for gr8ful
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Brutal kinda feel bad for the guy' date=' but at the same time if he was breaking into my house i woudl have shot him in the face. prescription drugs are no excuse or any drugs for that matter, sorry bout your friend but he deserved it [/quote']

And then there are some things we may want to keep to ourselves.

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Just because you CAN say something, doesn't mean you should. For example, I think you're a fuÇking douchebag, but it doesn't mean I have to say that.

Sorry if that's harsh man, but it's the facts.

(Oh, and by the way, it's "it's" as in "it is", and "that's", as in "that is". Not "its" and "thats". Just FYI. You know, just helping you out. You wouldn't want people to think you are a moron or anything. Might take some of the credence away from your overall dickheadedness. I mean, you can be an asshole, but at least people can't accuse you of being a stupid asshole who wouldn't know how to use an apostrophe if it shot him in the face.)

See? Just because I can say that, doesn't mean I should.

Karin, I'm sorry about your friend.

And I'm sorry for bitching up your thread.

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Just because you CAN say something, doesn't mean you should. For example, I think you're a fuÇking douchebag, but it doesn't mean I have to say that.

Sorry if that's harsh man, but it's the facts.

(Oh, and by the way, it's "it's" as in "it is", and "that's", as in "that is". Not "its" and "thats". Just FYI. You know, just helping you out. You wouldn't want people to think you are a moron or anything. Might take some of the credence away from your overall dickheadedness. I mean, you can be an asshole, but at least people can't accuse you of being a stupid asshole who wouldn't know how to use an apostrophe if it shot him in the face.)

See? Just because I can say that, doesn't mean I should.

Karin, I'm sorry about your friend.

And I'm sorry for bitching up your thread.

Although you have the right idea, I think the word you are looking for is credibility, not credence. From my understanding of the word I think that credence is something the reader would give to the article, not take from it. Credence is the ability to believe whereas crediblity is the inherent merit of truth. Credibility is what the author gives to an article and the reader takes away.

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