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an update on my friend


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he's awake now and in stable condition and able to tell his side of the story.

Neil had recently gotten a new prescription for aderol, which he has abused in the past and sought treatment for addiction to it. I believe the fact that a doctor would prescribe a guy a drug that he has a history of abusing is negligence on the part of the doctor.

anyways, his grandma lives in the neighborhood where in incident occured. He had been staying with her a few nights a week because he was borrowing her car. He was pretty messed up the night in question, and trying to sneak in quietly into his grandma's condo so he wouldn't wake her up. unfortunately, he had the wrong condo and now he doesn't have a leg. I also found out that he has no health insurance either to pay for all the medical bills.

so, now we know that he was never out to harm anyone or steal anything, which i believed all along.

Thanks to everyone who sent out good vibes for him. And thanks to all of you that didn't judge him without his side of the story.

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I'm glad to hear your friend woke up and is cognizant. Will he be able to get help for his addictions? How about legal help?

It's very upsetting about his medical bills. But I always get frustrated because people think that in Canada this would all be paid for, which isn't true. There are a lot of medical expenses that aren't covered. For example, I know a man that is taking pills for chemo right now and it costs him $700 per month!! You have to be pretty well off to afford an extra $700 a month, especially if your work schedule is seriously affected by cancer.

Karin, it's awesome that you are sticking by your friend and helping him to pick up the pieces of his life. That takes a very strong person and there aren't many like you around.

Cheers to you!

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right on Karin, very happy he pulled through... a tough road for him but least he's still on the road

continued good wishes

somewhat thankful we don't have more liberal gun laws up here... yelling out "the police are on their way, I'm about to let the dog in." is often better than firing lethal shots in the dark

Edited by Guest
didn't sound right
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