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Just Wondering...??? (Another stupid question from me)


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This is hardly a stupid question.

If it was a black bear (or a koala or a panda for that matter), I'd take the gorilla hands down. If we're talking polar bear the polar bear would win no question. Polar bears can beat up anything that walks.

Now, a grizzly bear against a gorilla...that would make a good fight.

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I vote gorilla UNLESS said fight commenced immediatley after the gorilla had come across koalas mating...one of the most disconcerting noises I have ever heard.The bewilderment of the gorilla would allow the Koala to get away which is winning in a sense.

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I'd say Bear.. . not koala.. Panda's I have a feeling can be pretty nasty.. but not against a gorilla... hmmmm I know there used to be this show on discovery or something.. and it had simulated animal fights.. like a Shark vs a salt water crocodile.. and the shark won only because the crocodile had to go back up for air. There was another one I think a Lion vs Tiger or something....

But anyways.. I think i'd go with the Bear.. also because they would bite more..

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Jim Halpert: Question. What kind of bear is best?

Dwight Schrute: That's a ridiculous question.

Jim Halpert: False. Black bear.

Dwight Schrute: That's debatable. There are basically two schools of thought--

Jim Halpert: Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Dwight Schrute: Bears do not... What is going on?! What are you doing?!

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I did a little research and grizzles, polar and black bears, grow to be taller and heavier than gorilla's, so they definitely have the advantage there.

I think the dexterity of the gorilla also weighs heavily into the decision. However, human beings have way more dexterity than a gorilla. In hand to hand combat (no weapons) we'd be fucked against a bear.

So I think the superior size and weight of the bears puts the odds in their favour.

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A small black bear would lose to a large silverback gorilla. Brown and polar bears can get up to twice the weight of a gorilla and they are a lot taller, too. They also eat meat, hunt and kill for a living.

Gorillas mostly lie around all day and eat veggies. So the smart money is on the bear. The only caveat I can see is if the contest were to happen at this time of year. The bear has been hibernating, so it is sleepy and has lost a lot of bulk. Now is the only time the gorilla would stand a chance.

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