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Zeitgeist - The Movie

Jay Funk Dawg

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Anyone seen this one?


There's a nice little write up about it here:


I watched this over a couple of nights and it's really chilling to think that there is some truth to the entire story. I love conspiracy theories - and I'm convinced that something is up with 9/11 that we'll never really know.

anyone see this or have any comments about the film?

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Its just a reiteration of all the general conspiracy theories...applied to contemporary circumstances.

Every bloody generation has its raft of "Zeitgeist" ..just in different mediums,some better written,some more subversive, most the same basic gist.

I'm not saying there isn't perhaps truth to parts of it...but what are you going to do about it?

Why is it that conspiracy theory interest seem to hold the greatest appeal to middle class white people as an intellectual riddle and to impoverished white people as a tool of hate?

This movie is sort of a Celestine Phophecy of conspiracy theory..a pat little,glossy sound bite.

That's my rant.

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There's some storage areas around there too, I heard, with Transformers and everything but be careful as they are secretly trying to take over the world.

On another note, I used to like conspiracies but then I realized that there isn't much I can do about them other than be depressed if they are true so I try to steer clear. I haven't seen this movie yet but I really want to. How scary/depressing is it?

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I'm not saying there isn't perhaps truth to parts of it...but what are you going to do about it?

Get more people to watch it of course!!!

Oh, and as for the 9/11 thing you should check out Loose Change. It's pretty good.

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I'm not saying there isn't perhaps truth to parts of it...but what are you going to do about it?

Get more people to watch it of course!!!

And that will do what?

More complacent have's sitting at home watching movies with their underused brains and overused bank accounts, racking up debt and subscribing to luxuries entitlement never lifting a finger to elicit real change in the communities around them?

Not a personal attack here jayr...but I am so fucking sick of people (and sometimes it feels I could end that sentence right there)pointing fingers at all the wrongs, and twirling words into theories full of air, feeling self righteous about peaking behind a curtain that can only exist if you don't pay attention to the things in front of you.

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Well say these people don't get it right but are then more open to these perspectives. If they have children then they will probably be more likely to foster these changed patterns in the coming years and their kids might make the difference that they weren't willing to do.

Pointing fingers at the finger pointers is just as self righteous as the finger pointers are.

I know that I can be on either side of the fence depending on the day and I don't really know how to go about fixing the problem in my life.

I like being able to, for example, cross the border and get a bargain even though it's supporting that evil tyrrany. I don't have a lot of money and deals en masse make my life easier to manage.

If I need to rent a car I have to have a credit card.

If I want to buy a house I need to have credit unless I can pay cash.

If I want to earn a living I still probably have to pay taxes since I presume I can't afford a proper lawyer and accountant to get me out of that.

Got any suggestions to ween us off inaction and get us doing something about our prison terms, Allison or just turn your nose up at the flaky hippies?

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I really enjoyed this one. It's conclusions were fantastic. Sure it had more of the same... and it totally followed the same format as others in the genre... but I really liked the conclusions drawn in the end. I can't really say that enough. Unlike others, the Esoteric Agenda did not take all those scatted pieces that were around, and like many others put them together in a convincing and scary way... this one atleast ended on a positive note.

And yeah... The Original Santa Claus was a Mushroom harvester and dealer, and for old times sake:


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I agree with that for the most part. I would caution though to remain critical. I can't help but catch a few scents of dysinfo in esoteric agenda. However you could probably say the same of Zeitgeist and it's mysterious origins. So probably the better question would then be, which one is from the good guys and which one came as dysinfo from the illuminati. I haven't watched it in a while but it seemed to me esoteric agenda had more of a message of non-action, and I definitely see how that could serve the controllers.

Crazy? Don't mind if I doooooo!

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And that will do what?

More complacent have's sitting at home watching movies with their underused brains and overused bank accounts, racking up debt and subscribing to luxuries entitlement never lifting a finger to elicit real change in the communities around them?

Not a personal attack here jayr...but I am so fucking sick of people (and sometimes it feels I could end that sentence right there)pointing fingers at all the wrongs, and twirling words into theories full of air, feeling self righteous about peaking behind a curtain that can only exist if you don't pay attention to the things in front of you.

What was that about people being self-righteous again?

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Got any suggestions to ween us off inaction and get us doing something about our prison terms, Allison or just turn your nose up at the flaky hippies?

If you dont mind Allison, I will field this one.

First you should get off the fucking drugs. And if you think by "you" I mean "you" then yes. I definitely mean you.

I am so fucking sick of people.

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I think the the main thing I got from watching these movies, is that the world is a big place. There are many things that I don't understand.

I don't understand why the beyond richest people in the world, would want to cause so much strife in order to become richer and more powerful.

I doesn't make sense to me, just like so many things that happen in this world.

But one thing that I've come to learn is that everything happens for a reason, so I guess there really is no reason to fear it.

All of this helped me to realize that if I really want to make difference in the world, I would have to focus on the world around me.

I try to be nice to people. Help out without being asked. Pick up some litter that I see on the street. Whatever. Just try to make the little world around myself a better place.

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If you dont mind Allison, I will field this one.

First you should get off the fucking drugs. And if you think by "you" I mean "you" then yes. I definitely mean you.

I am so fucking sick of people.

I find it ironic that someone with a whiskey bottle avatar, is telling someone to get off drugs.

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It seems to me that there are a few slightly more significant distractions in this day and age than conspiracy theories.

That's what they want you to think.

Aloha' date='


Damn it!! Now you've confused me?!?

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