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Zeitgeist - The Movie

Jay Funk Dawg

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Got any suggestions to ween us off inaction and get us doing something about our prison terms' date=' Allison or just turn your nose up at the flaky hippies? [/quote']

If you dont mind Allison, I will field this one.

First you should get off the fucking drugs. And if you think by "you" I mean "you" then yes. I definitely mean you.

I am so fucking sick of people.

And you are so full of action?

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And you are so full of action?

Nope. I would never claim that. I am as guilty as the next fucker. I didnt mean to single any particular individual out and I profusely apologize for that.

I am just tired of hearing people say "I am going to do this and that" when you know full well they arent. Take care of your own garden before you start trying to clean up the rest of them. Being hopped up tends to cause people to claim they will do more than they are willing. Either dont get fucked up or dont say your grandiose ideas when you are fucked up. That's all I was trying to get at.

Anyways, sorry for the curve ball.

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Well, there's a solution that I've always wanted to implement and that's to get as stinking rich as possible. Not sure how that's going to fix anything though.

Just kidding, sorta. I would like to get rich and then try to lead by example. It's hard to get stinking rich and I probably won't be able to but then who knows. What I do know is that if I was rich, I sure wouldn't need all my money.

If I can get myself stinking rich, I could perhaps start a sustainable company, or a very environmentally friendly one at least, maybe pay the employees a little more.

Even better, I could travel the world and do good things. For $10000 you can feed an entire town or so in a third world country for an entire year, build them some wells, start up some schools, etc, etc. Think what could be done with a mere $100000. Now, the way to do it is to bypass the charity organizations that claim to give all sorts of donated money to the poor but somehow still pay their ceo's hundreds of thousands, etc. They may be trying to do a good thing but I have heard through the grapevine that organizations such as World Vision don't exactly do all that good of a job (maybe 1% of your donation will actually go to a kid, the rest to cover all the administrative costs, something on those lines).

I could also buy up all sorts of ad space. Not only would this be able to get the word out but it would take the ad space away from the bad guys. I could also offer up my newly acquired ad space to good, sustainable, friendly companies for dirt cheap.

I wouldn't be able to fight the illuminati or other clubs out there but with enough money I could try to heighten awareness of all sorts of fun things like the dying polar bears and the soon to be extinct frogs (gonna miss those guys if David Suzuki is right).

To be honest, it's always been a plan of mine but since I haven't been able to get rich yet, it hasn't quite worked out. On top of that, the getting rich part might also be difficult to do in a very environmentally and world friendly fashion.

Obviously there's much more that would need to be worked out but it would be a start. Also, I don't mean donate a bunch of money to a charity for a tax break, I mean actually make a difference.

Here's another idea but this one might be dangerous. Get the word of how good we live here out to the slaves that make all our stuff, even give them a taste of the same wages we have here. Just think, if someone is making $1/day and you up that to even $100/day ($3000 or so per month) and say that we get that much, they might get mad enough to revolt against their great leaders (probably paid by our rich people to keep the slaves, slaves)...

Someone will most likely tell me about the flaws in my little plans and that's cool, I haven't actually thought most of it out. I do know a lady that took $10000 to vietnam where she was from and was able to feed two villages for a year (rice), build each town two wells for cleaner water, setup a school of sorts in each town and a few other things and that's where it all stems from. $10000 ain't really all THAT much money for us north americans. That same $10000 donated to a world charity organization would probably have built a well but I doubt much more...

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Being able to talk about all this is a luxury. Much of the world doesn't know where their next meal will come from...being in our society also gives us the luxury to adopt disorders, depression and anxiety.

Not taking things for granted by being short sighted, being present (ever talk with someone who has had a brush with death, they are so present, their minds are always right now, maybe not everyone...but I know a few) and having compassion is what I find admirable.

I think that all these movies are good if they inspire even a moment of independent thought.

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I think that all these movies are good if they inspire even a moment of independent thought.

Funny thing is I find these movies tend to turn people into bleating sheep. It's just that they're bleating for the left instead of the right.

I also worry about the negativity they inspire. You can get discouraged pretty quick if you take it all to heart.

Not to mention that movies like this tend to prey on people who are already pretty paranoid. I don't see a lot of good out of that.

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Well, when Super Size Me came out, McDonalds lost many customers, but then they introduced apple slices, and they are making more money then ever now.

So, I think that the "bleating sheep" idea is right, but everyone only bleats for a short while before forgetting about it all over again.

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Take care of your own garden before you start trying to clean up the rest of them.

Im right into these types of movies, books and other outlets of "non" news worthy news sources. Being aware of what is happening around you is very important, but if you cant look after your own self and your own problems, then worrying about things beyond your control is a waste of time. Like Andre pointed out; look after #1 first and then the worlds' problems wont seem so out of touch.

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Nope. I would never claim that. I am as guilty as the next fucker. I didnt mean to single any particular individual out and I profusely apologize for that.

First you should get off the fucking drugs. And if you think by "you" I mean "you" then yes. I definitely mean you.

I just find it so comical that you didn't mean to single anyone out, but your did everything you could to make sure that you singled out directly and as accurately as possible.

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Now, pay the fuck attention Bouche.

Got any suggestions to ween us off inaction and get us doing something about our prison terms, Allison or just turn your nose up at the flaky hippies?

I meant to speak directly to the flakey hippies although I obviously didnt make that clear.

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Being able to talk about all this is a luxury. Much of the world doesn't know where their next meal will come from...being in our society also gives us the luxury to adopt disorders, depression and anxiety.

Not taking things for granted by being short sighted, being present (ever talk with someone who has had a brush with death, they are so present, their minds are always right now, maybe not everyone...but I know a few) and having compassion is what I find admirable.

I think that all these movies are good if they inspire even a moment of independent thought.

I agree with this, so very well said..and very ,very much with boogienight's "be good to those around you philospohy."

I guess what it comes down to is I am just in a very general way really frustrated with the things that people decide to invest time in...and as conspiracy theories dress themselves as politics but are..as jayr pointed out..entertainment..they irritate me the most when there are so many real issues to be concerned with.Real in the sense of urgent,and upon which action is possible.

In the end conspiracy theories just seem so defeatist to me.A call to apathy because everything is so large and murky and out of your control.When the way you live your life, the choices you make, the relations between friends, family and neighbor that build and sustain community are largely inviolable if you so choose..regardless of controlling elite or humanoid reptiles.

And yes finger pointing is self righteous too..if you also are doing nothing.

I do think that it becomes very easy for people to start saying anyone passionate and committed is self righteous...almost as if the more a person accomplishes the more others feel that they cast a shadow on their own lives.The faster the antelope runs in front of the herd the greater the danger the hyenas will bring it down.(Yay nature!!)

The easiest (read apathetic and cowardly ) position is to do nothing ,wallow in cynicism and shit on everything and everybody.Seems to be alot of that.

Is it easier for some people to "take action" then others ? For sure.Do you need to be rich?NO.But time sure helps and time can be largely dependant on how much money you have(or think you need).It's unfair to say everybody should do the same...but likely fair to say most could do more.

I can't begrudge anyone their form of entertainment (as long as its consensual ;) ) (hell..I consider New Rider entertainment).

That being said I think that (western) culture has become largely a culture of nothing other than the manic need for constant titillation...a vacuous, Ritalin shot ,entity convinced of its own entitlement to being entertained.

And that makes me sick.

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