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A teacher asks her class to use the word contagious.

Ronnie gets up and says, 'Last year I got the measles and my Mum said it was contagious.'

'Well done Ronnie,' says the teacher. 'Can anyone else try?'

Katie raises her hand and says, 'My Gran says there's a bug going round and it's contagious.'

'Well done, Katie,' says the teacher. 'Anyone else?'

Little Johnny jumps up and says, 'Our next door neighbour is painting his house with a 4 cm brush and my Dad says it will take the contagious.'

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Two tramps were walking along the railroad tracks one day and one tramp said to the other, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world".

"Why is that?" said the other tramp.

"Well, I was walking down these tracks last week and I found a £20. I went into town and bought a case of wine and was drunk for three days."

The other tramp said, "That was pretty good, but I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I was walking down these very tracks about two weeks ago, and just up ahead was a gorgeous naked woman tied to the tracks. I untied her and took her up there in the trees and I had sex with her for two days."

"Jesus", said the first tramp. "You are the luckiest guy; did you get a blow job, too?"

"Well", the other tramp said, "No, I never found her head."

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A blonde is walking up the street, looking for work to earn a little money. She knocks on a door. A guy answers.

"Mister - you got any work for me?

"Sure - you can paint the porch."

And he gives her a can of white paint.

Half an hour later, the blonde knocks at the door again, and the guy opens it.

"Hey mister, I've finished the job.

And by the way, it's not a porch - it's a Ferrari."

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One day George Bush Sr. sits down with George Jr to have a little talk about his presidency.

"Well son", Sr. says, "I like what you've done so far but i'd also like to see a little more ingenuity, show a little initiative."

Jr. nods his heads sagely and returns to the oval office to think about it.

The next day, Sr. walks into the oval office to see Jr. talking to a group of Iranians

"...and then I want you to smash those cars into the sears tower in a firey explosion"

Perplexed, Sr asks Jr. what he is up to, "Son do you really think that getting a bunch of Iranians to drive cars into the Sears tower is enough to get the American people to support a war with Iran?"

2656865828_7df37214c2_o.jpg "No, but I was hoping it would get me a third term."

(I'll stop now)

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A guy says, "I'm so old that I forgot how old I am." An old woman

says, "I'll tell you how old you are. Take off your clothes and bend

over." The man does this. The woman says, "You're seventy four." The man

says, "How can you tell?" The woman says, "You told me yesterday."

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a drunk comes stumbling out of a bar. Broke, he sees a group of priests and shouts to them, "I'll bet you $50 that I am the Lord your Saviour"

aghast and offended, the priests confer for a moment then turn to him and say "Very well we'll be happy to take your $50 and put it in the church's coffers."

They shake on it and the drunk leads them back into the bar. As they enter the bartender turns to them

"Jesus Christ, you're back!?!?"

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