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drug question


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One tip I got from my doctor when I was in astronomical pain from a back injury that rendered me virtually unable to move for days (and practically immobile for weeks) was that acetaminophens (Tylenol) and ibuprofens/naproxens (Advil/alleve) work at killing pain differently--so if you take one or the other and it's not sufficiently killing your pain, you can take one of the other variety, safely, at the same time.

That may be common knowledge, but it was news to me and very much appreciated.

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Blane I got the same thing as you just yesterday morning. These muscle relaxants aren't helping for pain one bit.

yeah, hasn't really helped me. guess I'll just deal with it for the moment and not turn my head very far. The stuff (heady kickdowns from the old lady after her knee pain subsided) seemed to work pretty well for my ankle strain, but maybe that's cause it's a smaller muscle or something. I'm sure a couple of tylenols would have done the trick but my aunt doesn't seem to keep any around.

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Advil Liquigels... i swear by those little miracles.

But in reality, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory meds work differently... muscle relaxants go to the brain to ease things up with the muscles, anti-inflammatories go to the injury site. I think they both work. Mixing them up might cause problems to your kidney... i can't see that happening with occasional use, but if you're a hardcore pill-popper, beware.

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Ibuprofen and naproxen are somewhat interreactive (DO NOT MIX) they are anti-inflamatory and they do little for pain. They relax and shrink the swelling due to strains and fractures so that healing goes quicker. Tylenol and Advil, and Asprin for that matter, are pain killers that block your internal reception of pain, they work beeter to quell hurting breaks and pulls. You can take a tylenol and and Ibuprofen at the same time to chill you out but Naproxen does have some reaction with tylenol so it's best not to mix those either.

These two types don't intereact (Tylenol and the anti-inflamatories).

DO NOT take more than the directed amount because... and for you smart motherfuckers who think, whatever, what are you a nurse or something, yeah I kinda am speaking for one... Tylenol and Ibuprofen have what are essentially cut off points for effectiveness. Your body will only absorb so much of either drug before it simply collects in your kindeys and liver and causes you problems long before alcohol ever will. They won't work better if you take twenty or even just four when they reccomend two, you're simply proving that you're not as smart as you think you are tough. If they don't work they're not the right pill for the job for YOU. Drugs have different potencies in different bodies, your's may not gel with what you have taken for the problem. Also don't try and kill yourself with pills like these because it won't work and you'll end up stroked out and fucked in an ICU bed for the rest of your long and useless life.

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Ibuprofen and naproxen are somewhat interreactive (DO NOT MIX) Tylenol and Advil, and Asprin for that matter, are pain killers that block your internal reception of pain, they work beeter to quell hurting breaks and pulls.

But but but, Advil is Ibuprofen!!!

Advil Information

I find that only Ibuprofen works on my headaches but does eff all for anything else.

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This place needs a medical forum for sure!

SO I just went to the dr to get my, what I thought to be, slipped rib syndrome looked at. Not sure how I got it.. either from golfing or puking while leaning over a deck railing... anyway, dr said yeah, slipped rib.. and prescirbed anti-inflamatory meds.

Now, having done some prior research on it, I argued that maybe extra-imflamming the area via collagen injections (prolotherapy) directly into the affected ligaments and tendons would be best and have it heal faster. He said, nope, bad idea.

Does anyone else have any experience thinking they know more than the dr and what are you supposed to do about it?

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