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lol, that was good (to AD's little joke)

I wear my headphones but I always pause the music when I'm getting on the bus or have to talk to someone (in my previous post I mentioned having my headphones on but I also had the music paused, I was just literally in a state of "dumb")

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"Courtesy and Respect: It's a two way street."

I wish drivers believed that.

Can't count how many times some passive aggressive jerk has to show who's boss by pulling up long after the stop, making me schlep 20 feet for his amusement. Those drivers DO NOT get a "hello" from me.

(And no, he wasn't leaving room for the bus behind him, I understand the need for that sometimes.)

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Where at the stop?

Like right under the fucking sign with the numbers on it.

Point is, the rules can be confusing for the riders. Don't assume we're out to try to ruin your day and kick us off your bus.

If you explained the situation to the kid after he acted like a jerk then maybe he would have learned something. As it is he probably just hates OC Transpo bus drivers now.

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don't know why he did that....

The rules are confusing sure....

When I am talking to you, listen, it's that simple. When I make eye contact with him, my mouth is moving, and he still says "what" and leaves his headphones on. That's disrespect. He obviously didn't care to listen to what I had to say. To then rudely tell me to "relax" and not bother listen to me. He can go fuck right off.

Do you like it when people talk down to you like you are some kind of idiot?

I don't.

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Hey rubber, I have to agree with ollie on some things here. I have many complaints against drivers.

For example. In a week of taking the bus, it might get lowered once for steph to get on with the stroller. It's hard to lift the stroller onto the bus when the bus is a foot from the curb and above it and you're by yourself. And no, it's not one of the huge room taking double baby, 4x4 strollers, it's small and can even fold up and has a shoulder strap. Would it really be all that hard for them to lower the bus sometimes? No need to send out the ramp, just lower it down to level with the curb... Little Trey almost got crushed one night because the bus was slightly too far from the curb and high up. The wheels of the stroller got caught between the bus and the curb (with Trey squished against the curb, as in the front wheels of the stroller on the road and the stroller in kind of a diagonal position with trey's face basically in the sidewalk) and steph fell on top. Luckily the little guy wasn't hurt but man, had it just been level with the curb...

Also, I was on the bus one morning, very early when the bus only runs every thirty minutes, very, very cold out (I forget which bus it was). Dude gets on and you can tell he's a bit out of it. He flashes his bus pass and keeps going. The bus driver doesn't budge and makes him come up and show the thing a little closer (no idea how he missed it the first time, I saw it). So the dude, feeling kinda miffed, does somewhat rudely say something like "here, satisfied now". Well, bus driving dude gets it in his head that the other dude is evil and refuses to move until he gets off. Of course, getting off means this dude, who has a bus pass and showed it twice, must wait another 30 minutes in the freezing cold (and it was cooooooooooooold) and be late for work. After about 10 minutes the guy finally gets off because he doesn't want to make the other passengers late for work. I was late for work. The dude had a fucking bus pass. I almost went postal on the driver (well, in my head anyway, and a non-violent, voice only postal).

The other day I was on the way home and some dude rings the bell to get off. Bus driver doesn't stop (even though 3 people were yelling). The dude goes to the front and the bus driver proceeds to tell him off for not ringing the bell and wanting to get off. This happens 3 more times during the trip. 3 more fucking times, man.

The 182 starts at lebreton in the morning. I can't even count the number of times I've been sitting there, looking at the damn thing while the dude sits for at least 5, usually more extra minutes before starting his route. By god, it's the first stop, it should never be late for the first stop, especially when you can see it burning gas less than half a block away (between the lebreton station and scott or albert or whatever street).

Then there's the driver that stops behind about 5 busses (again, this applies to lebreton for me but it has applied to other stops in the past). You can't see the number on his bus because he's about 1 foot from the bus in front. Now, the light turns green and away goes the busses and what do you know, that bus happens to be yours. You start waving frantically for him to stop and notice through the window that he does see you, or looks at you, just doesn't stop, probably thinking something on the lines of "I was stopped there for the whole light, you should have walked down, I'm not stopping again"...

I could go on and on and on. I could also go on and on and on about fucknut passengers and even about those people that stop the bus for long periods of time to ask the bus driver directions, holding everyone up, and not even getting on the damn bus.

But I won't because I've had my fun already :)

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When I am talking to you, listen, it's that simple. When I make eye contact with him, my mouth is moving, and he still says "what" and leaves his headphones on. That's disrespect. He obviously didn't care to listen to what I had to say. To then rudely tell me to "relax" and not bother listen to me. He can go fuck right off.

If only the kid saw you throwing a hissy fit in here as well, over him misunderstanding a new procedure that he wasn't briefed on. He'd probably now say "take a chill pill dude".


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There was no hissy fit at all...

It was all very calm, simply repeated myself four times in a very calm soothing tone, and didn't even yell at him to get off the bus....said kindly and gently "get off my bus"

Re: lowering the bus

we use our own judgement when it comes to lowering the bus...It's not hard, simply ask..."Can you lower the bus please"

Re: guy showing his pass

I've had to do that before, sometimes you miss it, sometimes you have to do a double take, sometimes you let it go. How hard is it for somebody, to come back to the driver, and not make a comment. I had a dude once who did that to me, called him back, he was so pissed off for some reason, shoved the damn thing in my face, violently, withing cms of my nose, and I didn't say a word to him, other than "can you come back here sir." I continued on and had Transit Law take him off my bus. Spoke to my boss regarding it and he said I did the right thing.

re: ringing the bell and not stopping...

no idea.

re: the 182.

The reason the driver does this is because they have alotted him way to much time on that run. I've done the 182, and I've done the same thing.

If he leaves on time, he'll run the rest of his trip early, missing many people, and get a nasty text, and or written up by a supervisor. He runs it late, he doesn't get in trouble, and the people further in the middle of the run get it on time, pissing off fewer people.

I used to have to do that on the number 4, I would leave Hurdman 7 mins late everyday, get to Billings 3 mins late, Carleton on time, and to the end of the line on time or 2-3 minutes early.

As for the idling bus...during certain times we are not allowed to shut off the bus for fear the piece of shit won't start again.

Horrible planning by all dept's.

re: Lebreton Station.

At all Transitway Stations we have a rule: "Three buses in, three buses out." If your bus is one of the first three, make sure you get on. If not, and the light turns green, we are gone. There are exceptions to the rule. If I've got no one behind me, I'll stop again. Buses making multiple stops at Transitway stations can make a difference of losing about 5-10 mins on a trip. I was the second bus in line at Bank St. the other day, nobody behind me, some dude at the end of the street flags me down, says "oh sorry, I thought you were the 97." Guess who gets stuck at the light? I ran that trip 15 minutes late that day, missed my smoke break, and had to do my next trip 10 minutes late. It worked out to nearly 3.5 hours behind the wheel, without getting up, and booking 20 minutes of overtime that wasn't necessary. Unfortunately, the tax payer has to pay me that, even though I'd prefer to be at home.

Anything else?

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