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60% of eligible voters voted


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I reserve judgment.

FPtP is such a horribly flawed way to run a multi-party Parliamentary race that if you think that your vote doesn't really mean much and just want to stay home .. you are pretty much right, and why the heck not.

But ouch. 60%.

Can we fix this now, please?

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I just don't get how we can file our fucking taxes online with special codes, etc. yet we still have to go to vote with an X on paper.

Open up online voting and we'd see a helluva lot more than 60% exercising their votes.

If you don't pay your taxes you pay a penalty.

If you don't vote (and you can vote for nobody) then there should be a penalty too, imho. Make it easy and online.

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Didn't we have a thread about this last time around? In Canada, technically it is illegal to spoil a ballot. Online voting has ip's attached to the votes so it isn't 'secret'... combine the two, and you go to jail for not liking the candidates you have been forced to choose from.

The solution is somewhere between awareness/interest/consideration of politics during the slow times and more proportional representation because right now the ridings are drawn and redrawn to support whoever drew'em.

CTV on spoiling your ballot...

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I have a friend who never votes yet loves to sound off about this or that government wrongdoing or political malady.

I think I have decided to never respond if he ever again wishes to engage in any sort of political discussion.

Maybe I've had too much koolaid but sorry, you have to at least have the decency to vote if you want anyone to listen to your say.

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Open up online voting and we'd see a helluva lot more than 60% exercising their votes.

Yeah - we'd see 102% exercising their votes!

Like I said, if they can manage to allow for everyone to file their taxes via the interwebs then why not voting? They simply have to put an access code in a mailing (like they already send out the personalized voting info cards) and it provides one more option for registered voters.

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...if it can be made secure, foolproof, and anonymous, I'm all for on-line voting.

That's impossible, IMO. Way too high a risk of election fixing for my liking. Not that it can't happen with the current system but it's certainly not as easy.

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Yeah, I think voting needs to be done in person. Are people that freaking lazy? Geez. And if you're not in town on election day, there are advance voting days. If you can't be in town for even those, then maybe you should not even live in Canada.

If voting is done online, anybody could vote as you if they have your access code, or whatever they would use to make sure it's you voting.

I just heard on the radio this morning that Pierre McGuire (hockey analyst on TSN) did not vote. What a dweeb. He is a Canadian resident, right?

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Was it laziness?

Or was it due to time constraints? It is the middle of the playoffs afterall and he has been bouncing around the US covering the games.

If you are going to refer to him as a dweeb you might want to do so for other reasons, unless of course he had the chance and simply chose not to vote.

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I was curious if Canadians abroad have a chance to vote by mail or something. Anyone know?

I'm still in Korea, and I voted. I had a special ballot mailed to me, and I filled it out and returned it. The ballot counted in the last legal residence I lived in before moving overseas.

But if the election had been in July, I would have been ineligible because by then I would have been outside the country for more than five years (there are exemptions for certain people, but I wouldn't be one of them).

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I didnt say you did, I said "Before you go....."

You also said "look in the mirror" which I took as a barb at me for being too lazy to google search an answer to my question about voting outside the country. Especially since that's where the link you provided takes one.

I have no idea what "opportunity" you're talking about. Quit shitting all over good discussion.

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