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Jethro Tull U.S. remark sparks ban


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Oh those crazy americans.....

Jethro Tull U.S. remark sparks ban

MANAHAWKIN, N.J. (AP) -- Jethro Tull is off the playlist of a classic rock station after the band's frontman criticized displays of the Stars and Stripes.

"I hate to see the American flag hanging out of every bloody station wagon, out of every SUV, every little Midwestern house in some residential area," Ian Anderson was quoted as saying in an interview published Sunday in the Asbury Park Press. "It's easy to confuse patriotism with nationalism. Flag waving ain't gonna do it."

The verdict from listeners of WCHR-FM's "The Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Show" was swift.

"The reaction of our audience has been 99 percent in favor of the ban and 99 percent incredulous that he would say such stupid things," said Phil LoCascio, WCHR program director and on-air personality. "He is a smart guy. As far as we're concerned, this ban is forever."

He said the ban isn't censorship because "our listeners' right to ask us not to play the music is equal to his right to say what he wants."


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"The verdict from listeners of WCHR-FM's "The Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Show" was swift."

There ya go. Thoughtful people engaged in thoughtful discourse. God bless America! And death to those who criticize her Glory. They're all just jealous because they don't live in THE BEST FREAKIN' COUNTRY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, obviously.... [Roll Eyes]

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Hey! I'd actually be curious to read the whole interview.

"It's easy to confuse patriotism with nationalism. Flag waving ain't gonna do it."

I curious exactly what he's referring to here. I _think_ he probably means support of the country generally vs. support of the current government and their agenda, but perhaps that should have been clarified. Perhaps it was in the full text of his interview as this just seems to be a fragment, which is why personally I'd like to see the whole thing.

I don't blame Americans for being proud, they do live in a great country (not as great as ours of course, but not bad [Wink] ) and I can understand why they are upset if they perception is that he's saying "don't fly flags 'cus American isn't all that great". BUT if Anderson is trying to say support of your country doesn't equal blind support of the government when they do stupid things, I think he's right on the mark.


Mr. M.

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think he was saying ok you've got a great country, don't stick it in my face everywhere I turn... nazi's were big on having flags everywhere as well... I like the Canadian flag but I'm glad 2/3rds of my neighbours don't have it flying from their porch

Fringe American Political Parties

(check out the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party amongst others)

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Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore

© John Prine

While digesting Reader's Digest

In the back of a dirty book store,

A plastic flag, with gum on the back,

Fell out on the floor.

Well, I picked it up and I ran outside

Slapped it on my window shield,

And if I could see old Betsy Ross

I'd tell her how good I feel.


But your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

They're already overcrowded

From your dirty little war.

Now Jesus don't like killin'

No matter what the reason's for,

And your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

Well, I went to the bank this morning

And the cashier he said to me,

"If you join the Christmas club

We'll give you ten of them flags for free."

Well, I didn't mess around a bit

I took him up on what he said.

And I stuck them stickers all over my car

And one on my wife's forehead.

Repeat Chorus:

Well, I got my window shield so filled

With flags I couldn't see.

So, I ran the car upside a curb

And right into a tree.

By the time they got a doctor down

I was already dead.

And I'll never understand why the man

Standing in the Pearly Gates said...

"But your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

We're already overcrowded

From your dirty little war.

Now Jesus don't like killin'

No matter what the reason's for,

And your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more."

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