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Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

So what do you do in your daily life to reduce the amount of carcinogens that you ingest/expose yourself to?

I make sure to never use plastic containers to store my food in. Storing food in the fridge or warming it up in a microwave while in a plastic container, such as a Tupperware, are extremely bad for you as the plastic breaks down under extreme temperatures and you end up ingesting it with the food.

I also avoid plastic water bottles as much as possible for the same reasons.

What tips do you have?

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Cosmetics and personal care products (e.g. shampoos, lotions, creams, make-up, etc, etc) can be really bad news. Increasing evidence of many of their active ingredients being endocrine disruptors. Our skin is a huge conduit for exposure. Our government has a hard time getting a handle on the real risk of many of these products as there's a lack of information on what is in imported products and we lack the clout given our dependency on imports to really make industry do much about that. Propriterary interests are protected over public health

Indoor air and dust is also a huge source for nasty exposures as our chemical laden carpets, furniture, fabrics, toys, etc, paints, household cleaners, etc break down and we inhale and ingest the stuff. Little ones crawling around on the floor and putting their hands in their mouths are particularly vulnerable for exposures, and are most vulnerable in terms of various adverse health impacts. Attempt to purchase safer alternative products and building supplies (home renovations are also a nasty source of environmental risks), avoid carpets, and keep surfaces free of dust (if only i could keep on top of my own advice)

Almost all food and beverage packaging (canned goods) are lined with BPA, a known endocrine disruptor. If you eat these food sources all of the time, could be bad news for you or your offspring.

And the list goes on and on and on...

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I've concluded that unless you move to the deep forest and eat only moss from atop the rocks, you'll be exposed to carcinogens of some kind.

The best one can do is not smoke, eat only whole and unprocessed foods, avoid plastic, and maintain a positive mental attitude.

If the thunder don't get ya, then the lightning will!

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