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I smoke too much pot


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A break is a good idea, but you could also give moderation a try...personally, I prefer smoking a couple times a week, and usually just at night so I'm not burnt out all day. Of course there are stretches when I smoke more often, but I also like to take a couple of weeks off now and again.

If you smoke less you'll probably remember more of your dreams and feel the weed more when you do smoke. Again, it's just my own opinion but the nice thing about getting high is the novelty, and if you do it too much it loses its novelty. You'll also save money if you smoke less, which you can then save for a new coke habit [Wink]

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Originally posted by Daniel:


Well smoke a bowl at primus tonite if your going!

Unfortunatly I won't be attending,been a long weekend for me with little sleep,loads o' work tomorrow..oh yeah & no ticket or enough $$ for one.(dam rent,dam fines - ....lol)

Thanks though...have a great show tonight.



"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather." - Bill Hicks

Hahahaha,wicked I havereadthis before in your sig but today it has special meaning to me... [big Grin]

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