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Question of the Day 12-03-03


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* Donut Baker and delivery driver @ Tim Horton's (The belly barely shows [Wink] )

* Landscaping, the heavy stuff, not the weeds like VVilly of Sissypants.

* Arcade attandant at Sportsworld

* I also worked for three years at a post-production studio in downtown Toronto. This shit was really fucked up. I was essentially a gopher. Small and furry.

Anyways, they made me go get stuff for the clients and sometimes some biggies came in. I hung out with Floria Sigismondi for hours after getting her a little bottle of juice. She's the lady who directs Marilyn Manson and Dave Bowie videos. SUPERCOOL CHICK ALERT! But she was really down to earth still. [big Grin]

I also met Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip.

What an idiot! He was insulting and arrogant all day. When he asked for something there was only one person he spoke to, his producer, who issued orders to the rest of us. [Roll Eyes] The guy showed up at 8 in the morning with half a bottle of whiskey which he downed by 10. It was at this point that he sent me out for three cases of shite beer, which he drank all but a half case of, and warm to boot. I then carried the fucker to a cab. [Mad]

The funniest story is where some producers sent me out for evry brand of condoms within walking distance (all ended as balloons), enough porno to kill all of the gradeschool boys in Canada (which was sooooo much that I walked through downtown Toronto with a stack three feet high of magazines on a dolly), a whole lot of chocolate bars and a huge bucket of KFC chicken [Eek!] (just to fuck'em up I thought about bringin'em Popeyes but I got lazy.)

These dudes really made me nervous.

I also recieved some "interesting" packages in the mail room for a while. Ounces of weed, eightballs, y'know, the usual. [Wink]

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I've had some great ones.

The first, worst and shortest job: Working at a fur factory adjacent to the Queen Street Mental Health Centre. I interviewed for the office temp job, didn't get it but got offered a position in the warehouse. My job was to open the boxes of pelts from Norway and string them together in groups of 50, being careful to only pierce them in the eye sockets so as not to ruin the fur. I lasted three hours. When I finally broke and told the boss I was quitting due to ethical concerns, he laughed and said "don't worry, that happens to us alot"

Other jobs of note:

McDonald's (which actually paid better than a local high-brow coffeeshop where I also worked but subsequently quit)

Handing out Canadian Tire Coupons in parking lots

Trying to sell hair care packages/facial spa treatments to willing suckers on the street. And like so many beef salesmen I made zero sales

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Pulling STAPLES! No kidding.

It was a 1 week temp job through Manpower. We were actually replacing 'mentally handicapped' people who's job it was to pull the staples out of Drivers License forms so they can be processed in microfiche machines.

We spent all day, every day, pulling staples out of forms and putting elastics around them.

They asked us if we could fill in for another week.....NO WAY!

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Originally posted by Qu'est-ce que c'est?:

Geographic Information Systems at SSFC in Lindsay. oh joy!

I know me and NorthernWish are GIS guys, good to hear there's more out there... There's a guy from TO on the New Deal mailing list that is as well....

How's the program at SSFC?

Anybody else do GIS stuff?


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ah, the dutch boy days... in the bakery, in the deli, in the walk in freezer, the storeroom, the staff room.... heh heh! no really, it was colonel mustard in the parlour with the candlestick.

wow, y'all have had some pretty interesting jobs! my resume is nowhere near as exciting but,

- under-the-table assembly type work in my friend's basement... it was cool, we got to pick our own hours (which was often the morning after a sleepover, hung over, in our pjs), basically got paid to have fun and hang out together while we put weird velvety tape on big plastic things

- illustrious position of cashier at dutch boy... bonuses included working with the one and only qqc (+ other cool folks), a simple enough position i could eventually perform my duties under pretty much any level of intoxication, as well as those rock solid pipes you earn from all the sales on cases & bottles of pop (not to mention the 20lb turkey holidays), etc. oh, and a definite and so far lasting intense dislike of christmas carols from the non-stop selection played straight through from november to january.

- coporate job for local government agency... this one made me realize just how much i loathe "human resources" (all you do all day is meaningless crap)... highlights of this job were the extra government holidays, amazing amount of $ wasted by the government on cushy working conditions, oh and of course, getting complaints to my higher ups from grouchy old lady co-workers because my skirts were apparently too short (pff! whatever)

- brings me to now, officey job doing officey things, that i shan't specify for fear of lurking customers. i've had this one for the last 6 years, perks are great, people i work with are irreplaceable, and after all this time, i know my work stuff inside and out which allows me to complete tasks quickly and hang out with you skanks here. but shhhhh, we'll just keep that one between us. [Wink]

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AD, it was at Fleming that we were discussing mobile mapping... the program here is great, a GIS department was extablished here 20 years ago, whereas other schools are barely on board. they also have a cool cartographic option...

the job posting in Kabul is a GIS training internship to teach basic GIS/GPS to U of Kabul geoscience students. ...a 4-5 month internship through the USGS.

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I've been many things

I sold vacuums for three days

I worked in retail (roots)for three days

I was a courier for 9 months

I was once paid to answer a phone for people asking questions about a new housing development

I have also tasted beer

I got paid $40 an hour once to talk about tires

I was a T-ball umpire, parents are evil

There have been others too, I spent a lot of effort to avoid any kind of career until quite recently.

Hmm, I wonder if that says something...


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This is fun (and a great trip down memroy lane)

In no particular order:

1. paperboy

2. goaltending instructor, hockey school

3. guitar teacher

4. library assistant

5. door to door sales (one day only!)

6. teacher (learning tree)

7. cashier/donut maker (donut/coffe shop)

8. hmm, not sure what the title is, but I wrapped stacks of mail for a Visa mail camapign, also stuffed envelopes

9. Buffer, Kaufmann Footwear

10. Clerk, 4 bookstores, Manager 1 bookstore

11. Clerk, Shipping, Receving, Ottawa Folklore Center

12. Musician (hey, it wasn't anything special, but it helped pay the bills)

13. Technical Writer (3 different companies)

14. Project Analyst (current)

I think that's it.


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best job ever is without a doubt, working for the awesome Dark Star Orchestra

secondly, being a welder [big Grin] I've had some great welding jobs in the shipyards out west

working as a production assistant on "War of the Worlds" was pretty fun, as was colouring old episodes of "Gilligan's Island"

lots more over the years, but those stand out in my mind most

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Maybe Downie was in a slump, but anybody who tells me to shut the fuck up in front of dozens of people when I'm trying to do them a favour is inches from a shot to the gut in the least. If he was joking he has the dryest and least readable sense of humour ever. [Roll Eyes]

A lot of couriers in Toronto are dealers. Individuals, like good old #13, not entire companies, I think. They show up with a bogus package from the co. that they work for and hand you a different one after a switcheroo. You then politely take a small amount of any desired material [Wink] (A Bump, A nug... never got caught) for being forced to carry it to the studio and then find who it's for QUICKLY!!!!!! [big Grin]

There's an accepted sort of underworld in the studio I worked at. I sold ganja for like 2 1/2 years there and never had an issue.

Oh yeah, Master P came in to do some post for a video once but I never saw him. I'm kinda glad cause I made a bet with a co-worker that I wouldn't try and deck the guy. I soooooo would have. I mean that's a jail term I'd be proud of. [Razz]

Oh yeah, I also sold a hefty piece of Ganj to the post-production supervisor of a kid's show named Noddy. [big Grin]

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I think I speak for everyone when I say Thorgnor has to dish some more details on that job of his. The Gord Downie story's not that surprising but sort of, I've found him fairly down to earth when I've interacted with him.

And what's the deal with the interesting packages? I'm just curious about management/producer types having to source 'product' for artists and the nuances of that. Basically gossip.

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