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-people who keep peeking out the curtains when your trying to get high

-phish "phans"

-words that end in "izzle" & the folks who talk like that

-folks who use the word "sucks" as a reveiw of a band and/or show without any furthur input from them

-SCI (now anyway)

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The over-abbrevation of band names.

Sometimes the bands that are being abbreviated are not well known, so abbreviating their names doesn't do anyone any favours.


People who's only response when describing a good concert, band, album, movie, book, show etc.. is " I was blown away " or " They blew me away ".

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i'd have to say one of the things that pisses me off the most is when people don't respect my personal space. its stems from my ocd, but when i am camping or somethjing and all my friends come in my van and leave there junk all over my place it really gets me mad, i mean put yor junk where it goes, and if i'm being nice enought to drive you around and let you crash in my van at least don't put you junk all over the place.

the second would be when some if trying to do something and i know an easier or faster way, and i am trying to help them but they don't listen and i sit there and watch, and in the end they do what i said and it was right

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Originally posted by jared:


the second would be when some if trying to do something and i know an easier or faster way, and i am trying to help them but they don't listen and i sit there and watch, and in the end they do what i said and it was right

that is just what i was talking about, i like to figure things out for myself. i don't mean this offensively, i just like to at least try to do things on my own at first, and if i get stuck then i will ask for help.

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I was hanging out with some friends this evening and another one came up... (we all agreed)the overused saying, "you go girl." While no one has ever said that to me, the sound of it, does irritate the hell out of me.. and I suggest any girl who has someone say that to them, you may want to respond; "Where!" --(whoops I guess I am giving advice!) "dammit!!! why do I always do that!!!" {shit I am comlaining!!!}--- I got get out of here...

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Originally posted by number 2:

I was hanging out with some friends this evening and another one came up... (we all agreed)the overused saying, "you go girl."

You can add these two also:

"... Not " e.g. " I like that movie too... Not "!

" Don't go there ".

These words and sayings are so old, Andre " Booche " Bouchard was still able to speak fluent French when they were in vogue.

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I hate it when you're behind a car at a light that has no advance green. You assume the car is going straight as well, but when the light turns green, the car in front puts on his left signal ONLY THEN. So, now you're stuck behind the arsewipe and can't go around numbnutz to go straight through the light. You're now stuck behind dinkface until oncoming traffic subsides. However, this usually happens at the most busiest times and you end up missing 2 green lights over it.

I feel better.

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- people who don't fucking shut up.

- people who don't fucking shut up and have to add a rising cadnece to the end of every sentence - when the pitch of their voice goes up at the end - as though every sentence is a question. I want to kill these people.

- people who don't fucking shut up and have to add a rising cadnece to the end of every sentence - when the pitch of their voice goes up at the end - as though every sentence is a question and are constantly jamming food into their open, gaping yaps while doing this. I *really* want to kill these people.

- the way "hamilton" approaches eating a sandwich platter (but I won't get into that today). [Mad]

- The Eagles, Bob Seger, Billy Joel.

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man i dont like loud eaters, or open mouth eaters

but what pisses me off even more is wilsons damn kitten. the damn thing meows like its dying or something from about 2am till 8am grrrrrrrrrrrr

and people that think they can show cleavage to get into the bar for free, or ppl that bitch cuz theres cover in general. sorry but the bands gotta get paid, thats why your here isnt it?????

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I have a few..but my one big one is...

BATHS!!!! Unless there's romance with bubbles,candles and jets....you will never catch me dead in a bath tub.

I once dated a guy who only had the old style tub (no shower head), and i use to have to line up jugs of water and poor them over me to create the shower affect!!!!

oooohh i just got a shiver....

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Originally posted by B & Z:

I hate people who are jaded and can't appreciate the wonders in life when they see them. You know the type, the ones with the sour expression on their faces all the time, like they've just sniffed dog shit.


i feel so sorry for these people. could you imagine being that unhappy all the time that your face was stuck like that and you exuded all those bad vibes all the time.

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