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Guess that means me huh Jared? I think it was only a couple times, and I tried to withhold until song breaks, if I'm not mistaken...oh well, I'll know for next time.

Anyway, recyclables in the garbage, soggy dishclothes, and being called "ma'am"...annoys the crap out of me and turns me into an instant bitch.

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<---- D'ya mean like this? Because everyone thinks this is a computer-generated avatar, but it's really a photo of myself. This is what I look like. Really.

Originally posted by B & Z:

I hate people who are jaded and can't appreciate the wonders in life when they see them. You know the type, the ones with the sour expression on their faces all the time, like they've just sniffed dog shit.

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Watching people navigate their computer by only using the mouse is one thing, but to use the mouse and not even RIGHT-CLICK for common functions like COPY PASTE CUT? EGAD!


To see people use their menus to cut and paste and to not even try to right-click or use the keyboard (CTRL-C) to copy a URL and then past it in their Address bar in Internet Explorer drives me nutz.

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good to know ive peeved just about everone here [big Grin]

im gonna go smack down some phood, for rizzle.

click, click...

for real though. people who use words that arent words, especially professionals, and instructors.

i have one instructor who uses all three of these:

Orientated; Interpet; alls as in, "alls you have to do to get orientated is interpet this data..." drives me nuts... this guy's supposed to be teaching me.

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Hmmmmmmmm, loud eating sucks, but I AM a coffee sipper. I mean, how can you not, the shits so damn hot half the time. My biggest pet peeve (and this is NOT directed at anybody) is people who talk a lot and say absolutely NOTHING!! At first these conversations just seem obscure, but after a few minutes you realize that nothing has been said. I don't constantly crave meaningful and life changing conversation, but I do crave substance and genuity.

I love talking about music and find any conversation regarding it to be interesting and personally fulfilling, so that falls into the "substance" category. Oh yeah, my other pet peeve is people who murder songs at open-mic nights...i should know....I run one.



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people who laugh at nothing all the time..

just oen case of such a luagh-at-anything: I worked with this one wacked out middle-aged woman at a factory a few years back; towards the end of the day she said "I don't know whether to go home and sit in the air-conditioning or go in the pool HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Yeah, that's some funny shit woman. The extra pet peevey part is that they look at you like you're some sort of stuck up person because you are just looking at them and not laughing. I just don't find those kind of decisions in life to be all that 'funny.'

Also, getting cd's in a trade that are all full of clicks and shit. I can usually fix them, but why should it cost me double the discs to do a trade. Slow down or do it right or something...

another - impatient people - let's say you're at a restaurant in the afternoon with a buddy for some lunch and a couple beers and said buddy is done and goes out to the car to wait instead of waiting at the table for two minutes when you finish your beer. Just fucking hold on a bit speedy!

oh, and by the way, paisley is the opposite of my pet peeve - the raggedy sweaters, that purple generic tie-dye and yeah, that epic boot-fiasco post sealed the deal!!

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Apathy - this "scene" reeks of it. No one wants to trade anymore, people post B&P offers and no one responds, hell people can't even be bothered to look up websites anymore to see if a band is coming to town or not. If it can't be accessed through The Sanctuary, people can't be bothered. It's sad, really. I can't remember how many times people will come on here asking for a show, then when I say I can help them out, they expect me to e-mail them and do all the work. Come on people, get off your asses and start acting like you care a little more...

Dog-Fuckers at work. You know, the people who have it way too easy, don't do their share, and generally make more work for others. I despise these people. I mean, I'm a pretty lazy guy, but I don't get paid to stand around on the company clock. If you hate your job that much, or can't handle the workload, then quit. You're not doing anyone any favours by standing around and creating a litter of puppies. Seriously, these people piss me off.

Customer service. Why is it when I fuck up at work, I get the third degree, but it seems like everywhere else I go the service is shit. Anytime I order fast food, they never seem to get it right. Problems with a service I'm paying for? I'm the asshole for "bothering" them. It's ridiculous, and totally out of hand.

people who can't handle their booze. I think we all can agree on this one. GO TO BED!!! let the rest of us enjoy our night.

Anything "pop". From music to movies to television, I can't stand it. It's the fakeness of it all, the fact that image is the most important thing and substance doesn't matter at all. When what you're wearing is more important that what you're saying, I lose interest. Quickly.

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Originally posted by Del-Head:

Apathy - this "scene" reeks of it. No one wants to trade anymore, people post B&P offers and no one responds, hell people can't even be bothered to look up websites anymore to see if a band is coming to town or not. If it can't be accessed through The Sanctuary, people can't be bothered. It's sad, really. I can't remember how many times people will come on here asking for a show, then when I say I can help them out, they expect me to e-mail them and do all the work. Come on people, get off your asses and start acting like you care a little more...

Fucking right.

Oh, to add one or two things...

People who feel they need to post how sick they are of a topic or thread after its gone down the list,practically finished and bump it up to say how "displeased" they are with it.Let it go or don't open the thread...its just that simple.

And folks who feel this community is one big "hugs & kissses" or "peace and love" scene..its not,it wasn't in the 60's either.Its a cruel world,meaning its not all roses. Realize it and accept it.

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Originally posted by Esau:[/qb]

Fucking right.

And folks who feel this community is one big "hugs & kissses" or "peace and love" scene..its not,it wasn't in the 60's either.Its a cruel world,meaning its not all roses. Realize it and accept it. [/QB]

so true! i am reading this book called women of the beat generation and it is so surprising to hear how people treated each other and were downright snobs when they were supposed to be against elitism and all that shit, it was just a different set of values being used to exclude people.

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Originally posted by Esau:

And folks who feel this community is one big "hugs & kissses" or "peace and love" scene..its not,it wasn't in the 60's either.Its a cruel world,meaning its not all roses. Realize it and accept it. [/QB]

It's true. Some of the conversations Booche and I have about bands and the scene would either make people laugh, or get really angry.

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  • 11 months later...

I just thought I'd revive this thread because something has been pissing me off for the last couple of weeks at work.


Fer chrissakes...Every night around 6:15 I drive from tenth line in orleans to pinecrest in the west end on the Queensway. I am usually driving a bus that's about 25 years old and taps out at 100km/h. Last night, it came to a head and I've had it...had to blow off some steam, so instead of road raging, I thought i'd post it in this thread...Why can't any of these morons drive thier cars/vans/trucks/SUV's at the posted speed limit. I am passing these idiots in the fast lane in a rickety old bus, I'd feel stupid if a big ole city bus passed me on the Queensway, just drive the speed limit, it's not like there is alot of traffic if I am passing you...If you can't handle it stay on the city streets. Anyways, last night there was woman driving an Ottawa Hospital van, in the middle lane, doing 70!!! so I pass her, again, in the fast lane and give her a LOOK...Needless to say she was fiddling with her cell phone!!! GET OFF YOUR DAMN CELL PHONES PEOPLE!!!! Another thing is people using thier brakes on the Queensway when thier is no need, let's pull in front of the bus, hit the brakes to slow down to the imaginary speed of 80km/h!


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