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pet peeves


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i was inspired by the weirdest web site of the day thread to see what really bothers the people on this board. i want to know what is/are your pet peeve(s)? what do you choose to stay away from if you can? i personally can't stand it when people give me unsolicited advice. especially if the person giving it hasn't really had enough experience to know what they are talking about. i am more likely to do the opposite of what they say out of pure pig-headedness. where do these people get off thinking that a) they are qualified to give you that advice and B) that you can't figure out what to do on your own. if i wanted advice i would ask for it and i often do, but if i don't ask then don't state it as a rule that i should do what you think is right. aaahhh, now that i have had my rant of the day i think i will go study.

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I have collected perhaps 2,000 pet peeves, but here's one: Drives me bonkers when a student says they've practised and when I ask them to play whatever we're working on they have to get out the page and screw up their face looking to see what the first chord is. C'mon, if you've practised you should at least have the first chord memorized! Geez.

Sarcasm usually saves the day though.

Thanks for asking, now I'm all pissed off.

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My Pet Peeve is when people are late. It drives me insane..I am such a nut for being on time.

Another bizarre pet peeve is when people play with balloons and make them pop..the screaching balloon sound and then the pop throws me right off..aggh i can hear it now

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I would have to say that my pet peeve is arseholes following me too close on the road.

A close second would be getting assigned boring-ass web maintenance tasks at work.

3rd would be girls who get all flirty and sweet and cute and lovey-dovey eyes and then close up like an oyster when you ask them out!

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I rely on public transportation to get around; in Ottawa, that means I ride buses.

There are people (groups, often, especially pairs and trios of teenagers) who get on a bus, move directly to the rear doors, and then stand there (despite plentiful empty seats), stop after stop (as opposed to moving in front of the doors just before the stop where you're getting off the bus), while people move through them; they get out of the way (briefly), then move back! C'mon, people, how many times does it take to make you realize you're in the way!

Part of me is becoming increasingly despondent at the way our society (which I hesitate to call "civilization") is becoming increasingly inconsiderate; but then, on Sunday night on my way to the BNB gig, a guy on the bus handed me a piece of paper (an already-used shopping list) that had fallen out of my pocket as I fumbled with my bus pass. Urge to become despondent, decreasing...



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I have a pet peeve similar to BradMs pet peeve. I hate when I am on a semi crowded bus and a guy is sitting there with his knapsack on the seat right beside him. Or they are sitting with their legs open taking up two seats.

I have removed a few knapsacks from seats in my day.

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People who need credit for every little thing that they do really rub me the wrong way. That usually coinsides with over-inflated egos.

Also, the no-signaling, too fast, too slow, taking two lanes instead of one, Quebec drivers. Honestly I think in order to get a Quebec license plate, the signal lights have to be disconnected.

Oh and loud eating, I have to agree that's no good at all.

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Originally posted by bradm:

There are people (groups, often, especially pairs and trios of teenagers) who get on a bus, move directly to the rear doors, and then stand there (despite plentiful empty seats), stop after stop (as opposed to moving in front of the doors just before the stop where you're getting off the bus), while people move through them; they get out of the way (briefly), then move
! C'mon, people, how many times does it take to make you realize
you're in the way

I started taking the bus again late last year and it's slowly driving me to the brink of the abyss.

Mine is similar but the opposite. I hate people who crowd near the front and middle of an articulated bus, completely blind to the fact that there are plentiful seats at the back. Even worse is how people are complete sheep, they won't even move after a polite "Excuse me." because they are so freaked out that a stranger is talking to them. I can bump into someone and apologize and still get that paranoid glaze. Why are people in Ottawa so skittish?

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