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Chron's Disease


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Anyone else here have Chron's or Colitis? Im in a major relapse right now and wondering if anyone had any tricks to help ease the pain a bit...Ive been having problems with my eyes lately also and just found out this is a symptom brought on by Chron's.

I was on a diet(The Makers Diet modified) I found a few years ago and with regular excerise mixed in I had my symptoms under control. Due to different things in the last few weeks I strayed off my diet and havnt had time for my walk. Now even Remicade hasn't helped. I havnt taken meds for years and Im trying to get back off them. They make me feel worse than I already did.

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My sister has all the symptons of Chron's but hasn't been sufficiently diagnosed by the medical community. All I can say is get back on your diet and get to the doctor. Get a referral to see a good dietician. Best of luck and I hope you start feeling better soon. If Chron's is left untreated, it can lead to far more serious problems.

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Being diagnosed properly is the hardest part. It took years for them diagnose me and that was after visiting several different Gastroentorologists. There are 3 types of Chron's. Im Chron's Colitis.

Ive already been very sick from this and even hospitalized. Now I have problems with my eyes. Scleritis, and if it isnt treated properly can lead to blindness.

Im back on my diet*** and I see the Gastro once a month anyways so Im not worried yet, just fishing to see if anyone has any tricks or tips they use to ease the stomach pains.

*** I found a diet called The Makers Diet and I swear by it. I know 3 other people who have tried it and it has helped 2 of them. The only hard part about this is the lack of appetite and sometimes the complete inability to eat associated with symptoms of Chron's.

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Since this is possible immune system inflammatory responses probably due to allergies that the medical community won't acknowledge, you may want to look into a homeopathic practitioner of NAET.

I had a bunch of problems a few years back that was diagnosed similarly. I even had an eye problem called iritis that came out of nowhere and felt like i had a glass eye that was shattering. I needed to go on some major anti-inflammatories and wear an pirate patch to clear that up.

I visited a NAET practitioner who pointed out some allergies to anti-inflammatories that i was prescribed, and also to a heart burn pill called NEXIUM. I stopped taking Nexium, after reading about all kinds of strange side-effects and started up Ranitidine which has 0 side effects which I interpret as 0 allergic reactions.

Sure enough I was able to remove the anti-inflammatories and I don't recall having any of the major symptoms since. NAET may have helped as well because I was treated for a couple of allergies. I found the lady to be a little looney, so I stopped going there.

OH, also start taking Glucosomine Sulfate if you experience stiffness due to arthritic inflammation which is all somehow related. After a couple of months of having that supplement, you shouldn't experience any arthritic problems.

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Thanks Mike, Im checking all this out right now. The symptoms you describe are very similar to what Ive been through said for my Chron's was brought on or caused by Malignant Hyperthermia. The two carry similar symptoms and most people with MH have Chron's or other digestive problems. 90% of Chron's is caused by anesthesia and MH is directly link to anaesthesia.

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My heart goes out to you as it is a horrible disease. My dad used to say that he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy...

I know the remicade has been a miracle cure for some. Sounds like it's not doing the trick for you though :(

I wish you good luck and hope you can find remission and relief...

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90% of Chron's is caused by anesthesia and MH is directly link to anaesthesia.

what's that? are you saying that anyone who's been put under for an operation is at risk of an autoimmune disorder?

I just discovered from my mother that when I was a kid in Quebec, they were treating my allergies with biweekly shots that ended up being some fucked up drug that causes weird shit. I recall that when we moved to Kingston when I was a kid, I had night terrors and problems sleeping when they stopped the drugs cold turkey.

Screwing with your immune system with drugs is probably a bad thing.

I didn't know that anaesthesia could do things to your system like that. hmmmm....

check out NAET. It has had some seriously crazy benefits for people that I know. The healing stories are all true. It follows the same theory as acupuncture.

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Abdominal pain may be the initial symptom of Crohn's disease. It is often accompanied by diarrhea, especially in those who have had surgery. The diarrhea may or may not be bloody. [color:red]People who have had surgery or multiple surgeries often end up with short bowel syndrome of the gastrointestinal tract. The nature of the diarrhea in Crohn's disease depends on the part of the small intestine or colon that is involved.

Bouche that should have been more along the lines of 90% of Chron's cases are people who have had anaesthetic, not 90% of people who are put under have or develop Chron's. I can't find a number of people with MH and also Chron's but I know Ive read before the numbers are very high.

Anaethetic can do crazy things to people. It almost killed me 3 times before they figured out what I had going on.

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Eat lots of Millet. Cook it for a full hour.

It's the one grain that doesn't produce gas: one of the easiest foods to digest, plus it's a superfood, full of every nutritional group.

Bananas are great.

Avoid anything acidic.

Avoid caffeine.

Avoid anything fried, deep fried, all oils that have been cooked at a high temperature.

Avoid things like gravy, fatty meats.

Avoid all nuts and seeds.

Eat mainly fruits (be careful of too much bulk), vegetables, millet, some milk/cream/butter, tofu, lean fish (tuna, salmon, halibut): low-fat protein sources.

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BRAT diet - Banana's, Rice, Applesauce and Toast to get you through the rough patch. A good friend of mine had very bad colitus and all they gave her was steroids to deal with it. She went to a dietician (not a nutritionist) and it was useless. After several painful years with little quality of life, she ended up in the hospital unable to even sit up and had to have the surgery to remove her colon. I lost faith in modern medicine that day.

Go see a homeopathic doctor. ASAP! It is ridiculous that modern medical doctors are in denial that what you put in your body doesn't affect your digestive system!? I think with that a routine of proper nutrition and natural supplements she could have been cured of her problem without needing invasive surgery.....she still has issues with her stomach and cannot travel even to the states as it messes with her system.

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Watch the applesauce: might be a little too acidic.

But different things work for different people.

Trust me on one thing, though: Millet. No matter how upset your system is, millet shouldn't bother you at all.

Rice is fairly non-bothersome, rice cakes, but millet is even better.

You can cook millet in water as a breakfast porridge. Or, cook it in vegetable broth with veggies and tofu for a dinner stew.

The only downfall for millet is you need to cook it for at least an hour to get a nice tasty smooth texture.

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My wife has this as well. It is hard on us both. Remicade didn’t work for her so she just started Humara (Sp?) we really hope it works. I know that the diet issue is different for everyone. And there are really no foods that are ok or bad for all. I know someone mentioned that nuts are bad however I know almonds tend to be ok for most. In fact almond flower is really good. You can make bread, cookies, whatever. It takes a little getting used to but I’m ok with it now. Good luck

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apparently roughage like lettuce, and skins/rinds like on the outside of tomatos and peas can be particularly tough on some people with chron's... a very close friend of mine swears by the "meatitarian" philosphy and he seems to be doing alright... for now. :/

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shit, (no pun intended) while we're talking about fibreful foods, don't forget quinoa. That stuff is a fibre goldmine. make it in place of rice recipes, like in pilaf, or a couscous recipe.

I think we're going to have to take this to the foodeeze forum soon!

I'll have to look into millet. I have no idea what that is at the moment. And that Banana's, Rice, Applesauce and Toast diet sounds like a great way to eat. I'd make toasted banana-applesauce sandwiches with a side of rice pudding.

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I don't know much about Chrons but when I was in the hospital getting treated for leukemia, I met 2 different younger guys that had chrons and had also developed leukemia. They found out that the medication they were taking was likely the cause of the leukemia. They were pretty upset because their doctors never told them about that risk.

I don't know what drugs they were taking or any thing else about their cases but I thought I would share that.

On the millet tip, I only cook it for about 20 mins and it comes out more like rice or cous cous.

I will eat it for breakfast or like rice. It is really great for the digestive system.

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