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Northern Wish

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Everything posted by Northern Wish

  1. Hey Jaimoe, You know anything about the Bond Hotel? I have never heard of it, and there are no reviews on priceline. I'm nervous to say the least......... And I will hit that record store for sure. Sean
  2. Are you guys going to be in Toronto before suppertime on the day of the show? I'll be there cd shopping all day, if you need a place to head to when you arrive I am at the Bond Hotel at 65 Dundas West. Sean
  3. Lovin every minute of it.....But no hot dogs for me, unless its served on Yonge St. at 2:30am. I hope some of you cats can entertain me, I jumped the gun on priceline and now have a hotel for two nights. I had better not spend Saturday alone at the Constantines and in my hotel room. Come on now, Bueller Bueller?
  4. Use WireTapPro to record and then use Sound Forge or similar to track em. I have the Elton John, Cars, Dickey Betts, Zeppelin and Stones shows from that site! Sean
  5. To balance the argument, I went three for three (coffees) on my first three RUTR purchases. I think I am going to pull a Costanza and just stop buying them till its all over. Sean
  6. So what is going on during these three days other than the Rheostatics at Massey Hall on the 30th. AND OTHER THAN THE JUST ADDED RHEOS SHOW AT THE HORSESHOE ON THURSDAY MAR 29!!! I am looking to meet up with some folks and have a good ol big city weekend if anyone would be so kind as to give me an excuse to leave my hotel room. I have one extra Rheos ticket (Row 20) and already have a hotel booked for my stay but will have no transportation (especially to and from the airport wink wink). Games, shows, hikes, supper, its all good. Make me have fun! Sean
  7. LJFH sorry to make you sad, but its reality. One (or even a 1000) people washing a ziploc doesn't put a dent into the 500-1000 M of shrink wrap that goes into the garbage when a GOSS Press starts bundling its papers. This is about the equivalent of an original VW Bug if it were solid and the same shape. There are 1600 of these presses operating DAILY worldwide. Businesses just won't pay to recycle- it costs too much. And people (no matter how granola) shop for the best price. So therefore the people that won't pay high prices make the businesses react by cutting costs (on things like recycling). Its economics and until we all live in grass huts, sharing nuts and berries, and are skipping merrily down the path to enlightenment- batten down the hatches Becky its a mean ol world. I know people get frustrated by thoughts/ people "like" me, but I didn't get this way by choice or even education- reality kicked my darkness till it bled daylight.
  8. Not to rain on anyones Recycle and Save the World campaign, but as an employee of a big business (and a very very small big business at that) and having access to the production facility, basement etc. It would shock and sadden you to see the amounts of raw materials that are thrown out each day. We are just a small drop, a drop nonetheless- but when you put in in perspective it feels helpless doesn't it? Like our emissions control in Ontario is making an impact on global warming?- when you think about the 1,000,000+ 40 year old diesel vehicles all over China and Russia that are spewing out raw carcinogens. Our little Honda Accords are the least of the planets concern. A little pig headed I know, but even my "green" city buses spew fumes, lay oil all over the pavement and are left idling for hours on end. I used to recycle, car pool and everything but I don't think it did one lick of good (especially if your $11 cheese is ruined by not spending 0.03 on a new bag). Sean
  9. I used Priceline for the Ottawa nero weekend and ended up with a room at the Westin for $180 for three nights. Two summers ago we got a room in Boston for two nights for $110 total. I have nothing but good things to say. As for bidding, start very very low (I am trying for a hotel in TO for Mar 30 right now and am starting my bidding at $40). The site will remind you that you are too low past the median price and just keep upping your offer by $1 until you find something. Its a little nerve wracking without all of the details, but it always seems to work out. Sean
  10. Have; yes. Contribute; yes. Set standards for our peers; no. I put away 10% per year (actually 6%, employer gives me 4%). I wish I put in more, my parents would match anything I put in up to $5000 per year just because they think it so important. Sean
  11. I don't know why but I feel sad for Trey. He looks so human there.......Like he just is and has nothing. I preferred to see him 30 ft tall on big screens in weird fields in Maine. Flame away, but I still love Trey. Sean
  12. I'm not worried that you missed this thread, you're probably still 'cleaning up'. Peace and Love my friend P + L, sean
  13. You're kidding right Sharon? Maybe Andre is right, its time to put away the Sirius Jam On crap....... I am shocked to hear that. Sean
  14. Come on down to the (not so) central part of town..... We'd love to host some crazy Upper Canadians!!! This is gonna be fucking epic. Sean
  15. Borrowing would be covering a song by another artist and paying them for that use. Referencing as we all know, requires footnotes; a nod to the original author of the work. Bob Dylan did neither of these, as I see no reference to the source of the "borrowed or referenced" material in the liner notes. And yes the artist might be flattered but as I stated earlier, but only because it was BOB DYLAN, not just any ordinary thief. BTW, I love Bob as much as all of you- but this whole thing certainly tainted my opinion of him slightly. And I like to be an ass............
  16. The Slip are far too talented to steal music or lyrics, they do it all above board as a collaboration.... See Surprise Me Mr Davis. Short of Dylan or Garcia, I don't see anyone out there getting away with this type of thing around these parts.
  17. Anyone else think that if this was Paul Simon (especially on this site) or someone else not so headily recognized- that we would be raking them through the coals? Just because Dylan is well Dylan, doesn't mean he didn't steal it. And artist or con man, theft is wrong and inexcusable. Sean
  18. I loved their set at Osheaga. I hadn't heard them before that afternoon either and it was a great surprise!
  19. **Nothing Obscure in this File Either** A bunch of tunes from blogs that I have grabbed over the past few months. Includes one or two songs by most of the "new" bands out there. AutoLux Band of Horses TV on the Radio Malajube Ben Kweller Beirut Black Keys Tokyo Police Club http://www.sendspace.com/file/00s77k Sean
  20. I heard some minor rumblings about that around the release date, but figured with someone as well known as Dylan that it had to be unfounded since the news wasn't everywhere. I think there are a few tunes on Modern Times that more than borrow themes from other songs too. Sean
  21. Q was tops. Paste is pretty good now that they give a cd too. Rolling Stone is way better in the past few years than for most of the 1990's. They are doing some pretty good (though liberally biased) pieces on the war, the economy, environmental issues and they are well researched and written. Nothing tops the New York Times on Sunday for good reading though. The best $4.50 I spend all week.......
  22. I read online this morning that someone in the band broke an arm and that the April/ May dates have all been postponed......
  23. i know, i know- but you are always three or four years ahead o the curve buddy........and I am just trying to keep up.
  24. Alan, read the file name before rolling your emoticon.......... "Not Obscure, But Still Wicked Tunes" I don't have much on my work computer, so I put up what I could. Maybe the artists aren't obscure, but there are some cool covers by other artists in there. S
  25. I've never done an upload to Sendspace before. That was way too easy........ PM me Stone and I can send you a way bigger zip file of those bands.
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