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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. Some great suggestions here. Have you asked your future brother-in-law what song he would like?
  2. In for Ottawa, I ordered the medium price tickets. As for having to buy the tickets 7 months in advance, I suspect the promoters invest the money for that period of time before having to pay any major expenses. That's good for their bottom line. 20000 tickets at an average of $100 each = $2 million - even at 3% interest that's an extra 35 grand after 7 months
  3. If you go to that store Dinghy, could you let me know what kind of cast iron pans they have? Or if you can get just get the address, I'd be grateful. I'm looking for a top quality cast iron pan, but I don't want any made in China crap. I got a great le Crueset dutch oven last year for 25000 Aeroplan points.
  4. I meant to post this on Monday when it was more topical, but forgot to do so. But here it is anyway: I'm always one to poke fun at Bob Cole for not bothering to know the name whatever goalie playing is against the Leafs. But the goalie name gaffes in this past weekend's Senators TV broadcasts take the cake! During Saturday afternoon's broadcast of the game against the Rangers, Dean Brown kept calling Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist "Lundmark" or some variation thereof. Brown was no better during Sunday night's broadcast of the game against the Leafs. Several times he got mixed up between goalie Jonas Gustavsson and defenseman Carl Gunnarsson. But the really funny mistake was during the intermission on Sunday's game, they showed some highlights of the Saturday's Rangers game. That's when commentator Jason York called the Rangers goalie "Mike Richter"!
  5. Speaking of Motorhead: Lemmy Kilmister Suffers Hand Injury
  6. I've been a huge Metallica fan since day 1, and I've always liked Lou Reed - including Metal Machine music, but man, this stuff a very difficult listen. A case where the whole is not greater than the sum of the parts.
  7. Alcohol and drugs are only guaranteed improve one's listening. Playing - not so much! Thanks for posting the article, very interesting stuff.
  8. He's coming back folks! In the area June 2012. I enjoyed it so much last time, I'll go again!
  9. I'd pounce on Sloth's offer if I were you Velvet. It's not often you get top notch tech support for a song.
  10. If I may clear up some confusion: LED bulbs and compact fluorescent bulbs are not the same thing. The compact fluorescent bulbs are the ones containing the toxins such as mercury. LED bulbs contain harmless light-emitting diodes. The future looks bright - with advances in LED bulb technology, the compact fluorescent bulbs will soon be on their way out.
  11. Excellent. They're keeping it real exciting. The real test will be tomorrow against the fabled Maple Leafs.
  12. One needs to be able to SEE to read!
  13. See y'all there! Pablo, could you verify (for one of my friends who is not that interweb-savvy) - that our paypal receipts get us in the door?
  14. Had a good time at last night's game. I can say that I've attended 100% of the Senators' victories this season! It's great that the Sens won, but the main highlight of the game was the triumphant return of Jon E. Shakka, that crazy dancing man, after an decade-long absence. I thought he was dead.
  15. Here's an autumn favorite in my household. It doesn't hurt to be extra generous with the red pepper, chili powder, and cayenne. 1 lb top round beef 1 tbsp paprika 1½ tsp oregano ½ tsp chili powder ¼ tsp garlic powder ¼ tsp black pepper ⅛ tsp red pepper ⅛ tsp dry mustard 8 red-skinned potatoes, halved 3 cups onion, finely chopped 2 cups beef broth 2 cloves large garlic, minced 2 large carrots, peeled, cut into very thin, 2½-inch strips 2 bunches kale, stems removed, coarsely torn as needed non-stick cooking spray Partially freeze beef. Thinly slice across grain into long strips ⅛-inch thick and 3 inches wide. Combine paprika, oregano, chili powder, garlic powder, black pepper, red pepper, and dry mustard. Coat strips of meat with spice mixture. Spray large, heavy skillet with nonstick coating. Preheat pan over high heat. Add meat and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Then add potatoes, onion, broth, and garlic, and cook covered over medium heat for 20 minutes. Stir in carrots, lay kale over top, and cook covered until carrots are tender, about 15 minutes. Serve in large serving bowl with crusty bread for dunking.
  16. I think it was more 'groaning' than 'booing'. Although Gonchar was right-roundly booed during the game.
  17. Wrong again Booche! I heard it here second. I heard it elsewhere first.
  18. Ha Ha! I'm with you Sloth. Truly some great moments in baseball history.
  19. I'm just glad it's over. No more frickin' recorded messages or knocks at the door at inconvenient times. No more attack ads on TV every fifteen minutes when I'm trying to watch a baseball game. I even got a few recorded messages from the PC candidate in a nearby riding (not my riding) reminding me to vote for him. As always, I voted for the party with no ads, phone calls, or flyers.
  20. I licked my ballot too, but it was spoiled.
  21. I saw Jobs as more of master huckster than a technical innovator - he convinced a large number of people to pay twice what his products were actually worth. For that, the man is to be admired. RIP
  22. Well, you can't say it wasn't an interesting season. The Red Sox finished the season much like they started the season.
  23. Ah, curiouser and curiouser - the site is working perfectly well on my home computer, both Firefox and IE. On the work computer, it's quite f@cked in both browsers. I've cleared cookies everywhere. I think this is one of those things that will fix itself eventually! Thanks for your hard work once again Bouche.
  24. The option chosen in the "Remember Me" box makes no difference. In IE, all page refreshes cause this error: Line: 48 Char: 2 Error: Cannot assign to a function result Code: 0 URL: http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php? tid/260953/pid/688649/post/last/m/1/
  25. Further problems: Using Firefox browser, Proceed button on login page does absolutely nothing. Unable to login. Works fine in IE.
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