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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. Why do you think PPV viewers are suckers?
  2. Not going to let you have it, but I've heard the reverse from Americans on more than a couple of occasions. i.e. The Hip are a lesser REM!
  3. Of the fast-food burgers, the Whopper is at the top of my list. Harvey's burgers are a very close 2nd.
  4. Here's the kicker - Gilligan's Island was actually a Peninsula.
  5. Hope you had a good one! Happy belated.
  6. Awesome! I'll be there on the 26th!
  7. I'll join the pool, but only if I can pick Bochenski.
  8. Past tense was intentional - this happened in the late 80s. Now that these guys are older, they've loosened up a bit with the gratuities, so we have been out with them more recently. But it was embarrassing when the bill came and they'd pitch in $8 for a $7.95 meal.
  9. A scenario I'm very familiar with - I've had friends who were such tightwads. They always left next to no tip. It got to the point where I refuse to dine with these people. One friend, when out with a group of us, would grab the bill right away and start telling everyone how much they owed. Turns out he was collecting enough money to pay for his own meal, and even putting a couple of bucks in his pocket!
  10. Ha Ha! I thought the seniors all had Willard tip calculators!
  11. I recommend Brian Eno's "Neroli", released in 1993. This album contains one 58-minute song.
  12. I tip 15% of the pre-tax total, 20% for fine dining. I can calculate, to the penny, 15% in my head.
  13. Thanks for that review. Wish I was there! Us Ottawa folks should start a rumour that Return to Forever will be at the Bluesfest.
  14. Toronto finished 6th in the survey, so your statement doesn't make any sense.
  15. I'm not surprised that the Habs fans came out way on top of this list. I am surprised about Minnesota though. After 3rd place, it's only 2 or 3 percentage points difference, which is pretty much negligible. I'm sure it's not really a "scientific" survey! Had a quick look at the article, it doesn't list the full standings (unless I'm missing a link or something). Which team got the least number of votes - the "worst" fans?
  16. I was there in 2004. Had a great time!
  17. That's hilarious Velvet! Thanks for the morning laugh. Boiler Rat feels the same way about Van Halen as I do about Guns n Roses.
  18. I thought the atmosphere was good. Not as electric as when the Habs or Leafs come to town, but still a lot of fun. I enjoy the Saturday afternoon games.
  19. Speaking of the Family Guy, Stewie delivered a hilarious Grateful Dead reference in last night's episode. "I'll trade you my shirt for grilled cheese" anyone see it?
  20. Sec 322 Row R for tomorrow's game - not my regular seats. I'm going to try to get there early enough and have a pint at the Local Heroes pub before the game.
  21. Ha Ha! Maybe I'll see you at the Sens/Pens tilt tomorrow afternoon.
  22. Being close to 4pm on a Friday afternoon, I thought I would make a few predictions here, just for fun. 1. The Senators won't win any more games (I don't mean this season, I mean ever) 2. The Leafs will battle and make the playoffs 3. Pittsburgh will emerge as the Eastern Conference Champion. 4. Anaheim will win the cup again.
  23. Our city's council couldn't control a two-seater backhouse - not sure what they hope to do to our public transit system if they "seize control".
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