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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. I'm a big fan of the show. I was watching an episode on Christmas Day with my brother who had never seen the show. We were laughing uproariously. My parents, who were visiting for the holidays, left the room in disgust.
  2. Before the game against Sweden the other day, I was thinking of posting here and adding to my prediction, saying that nobody will score a goal against Canada. But I thought better of it, I didn't want to jinx anything. Turns out, just my thoughts jinxed it. So that loss was my fault. Oh well we'll have to see how it goes against Denmark today.
  3. Well bummer of a loss today to Sweden. I guess our juniors got the 2-0 lead and let off the pressure.
  4. The counselor will say to Ray "Take two cockroaches and call me in the morning".
  5. Yeah, it's pretty obvious that they're "spinning" what went down. Should be interesting to see how this plays out. Will he be the backup tonight? Will he even show up to the pre-game practice? I say trade him - if anyone wants him! With his piss-poor attitude, he's effectively reduced his value on the market.
  6. Have a great day Velvet! I'm going to try to make it tonight after I get back from the Sens game.
  7. Here's some further advice Brad - make your purchase after Jan. 1st. You'll save $10 on a $1000 purchase with the second installment of the GST reduction. Don't you all love Steve Harper?
  8. I wonder how long the Sun can continue to make fun of Dubielewicz's name? Senators light up Dubie
  9. I got a vintage Senators jersey (i.e. pre-original six era) from my brother.
  10. You're outta luck Hal, that nero weekend is the all-star break - the only game going on will be in Atlanta. But I'll see you at Mavericks!
  11. My prediction? Canada will go undefeated. Ha Ha! We'll see.
  12. Merry Christmas guys! This forum usually makes my day. Keep up the good work. I just wish we could get more participants in Rich Stadium.
  13. I'm nursing the worst hangover I've had in a long time and I still managed to drag my sorry ass into the office today. Merry Christmas!
  14. I didn't know you followed Dexter, Bouche. We never talked about it around the water cooler at work on Monday mornings. Oh, I forgot - you're never here on Monday.
  15. I'll agree with dave-O: Redden will have no place on that team. Spezza would be an interesting addition, in spite of his sometimes errant passing. By the time the Olympics comes around, he'll have come close to winning the scoring race (barring injuries) - the selection committee can't ignore him. Funny how we're speculating on our team's roster for a tournament that's won't take place for another two years!
  16. Wow. What a misprint. Link to article, although they may correct it by the time you read it.
  17. ob·strep·er·ous /əbˈstrɛpərəs/ –adjective 1. resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.
  18. Looks like a new addition to the "words I love" thread!
  19. You certainly are "a fine ambassador for the Sagittarian nation". Have a great day and maybe I'll see you over the holidays.
  20. If you ever do meet Booche, I suspect his name will move closer to the bottom of your list and CJ will emerge as the clear winner.
  21. Healing vibes out to Mr. Stills! If you're a man, and you're over 40, get yourself into a doctor for a DRE and a PSA. Early detection is paramount. Prostate surgery is performed through an incision in the abdomen in most cases. So it's not exactly "ass surgery".
  22. My favourite album of 2007 is "Black Rain" by Ozzy Osbourne. Ozzy would chew up any of these Pitchfork top 50 and spit them out like the head of a diseased bat.
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