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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. My city councillor is too busy stuffing his face with Wendy's burgers to respond to any of the e-mails I've sent him about problems with OC Transpo lately.
  2. Tailgate parties are extremely rare in this city, even in good weather. Heavy-handed action by the authorities at Rough Rider games killed tailgate parties decades ago. That said, I'll be at the game too this coming Saturday afternoon. If anyone wants to meet up to hoist a few beers, let me know.
  3. My big system tends to get blown a lot too. Seriously though, $200 seems to be excessive for one speaker. Did that charge include the labour to replace it too?
  4. $2500 seems to be too much for 1000 sq. ft. Give Mr. Hardwood a call at 613-834-8888 he'll probably charge less.
  5. Yah! Great comeback. Hopefully this gives the team some much needed confidence.
  6. Just ordered my tickets for Ottawa. Got the medium-priced ones. Sec 102 Row O. See you there!
  7. Love that dip. I make it with lots of garlic too.
  8. They used to be called "service charges" back in the day. I guess they thought renaming them to "convenience charges" would be more palatable. It's like calling "fast food" "good food quickly". The first few concerts I went to, the advertised ticket price was what you paid. I went to a Rush concert in 1978 and the price was $7.50 - no extra charges at all. I'm sure the ticket retailer's profit was built into that price. I was thinking why don't they sell tickets the same way now? Build in the extra charges to the overall price, and don't even tell the fans that there are extra charges. (We'll still complain about paying a C-note or more for a concert ticket though!) The first time I experienced service charges was for a Yes concert in 1984. It was 50 cents extra per ticket. Remember Pearl Jam's Ticketmaster boycott? Pearl Jam was suggesting that a ticket for their concerts should be $20 (they kept their prices pretty cheap back in the early 90s) of which Ticketmaster would get 2 bucks, or 10%. That seemed reasonable to me. Unfortunately Pearl Jam lost that battle when no other bands stepped up to the plate to join them in the boycott.
  9. I'll concur with you Velvet on your wishlist. That all sounds good. Didn't Randy Bachman play the first Bluesfest in 1994?
  10. OK. Looks like people here can't remember an opener, so I might have to agree with that. For some reason, I thought Stevie Ray Vaughan rocked out an opening set before The Who took the stage. I could be wrong. As they said on Dead tour "Leave only the footprints, take only the memories". Well I've left many a footprint in my time, but the memories are vague at best!
  11. Damn - I was counting on you Kev! If nobody can help this morning, I'll reveal who I remember as the opener later today. It wasn't Bryan Adams. I said "legend"
  12. I don't want to buy your house but I'm interested in hiring you to renovate my place!
  13. Nope. Joe Jackson was the opener at the 1982 show. That was "Final" tour. Joe was unceremoniously booed and pelted with projectiles at that show.
  14. Did anyone here go to this show in Toronto? They played two nights at the CNE, I went the second night on Sat. June 24th. Having an argument with a co-worker about the opening band, he says there was no opener, I disagree and I remember the opener being a particular legend. Our googling for info about the opener was fruitless. I still have my ticket stub from the show, but it just says "Q107 presents The Who". Does anyone here remember? (I won't say who I think the opener was so as to not distort anyone's memory.)
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Aerosmith wrote much better songs when they were doing drugs. AC/DC win this contest hands down. One of the only heavy bands to never write a ballad.
  16. You forgot one: UPPER DECKER -- The act of defecating in the upper tank of the toilet. When the next poor unsuspecting person flushes the toilet they get a bowl of beef stew. the upper decker is a weapon of terror and should only be used on people who deserve it. "My friend's ex-girlfriend had a party and she left whith some other dude who looked like the Fonz "Heyyy!". So I took it upon myself to leave her an upper decker."
  17. This is just awful. I'm so glad everyone is alright. I'm surprised Abbey didn't lick those crooks to death. They didn't close the door on their way out? Jeez. Somebody stole my VCR years ago, and at least he had the decency to take off his muddy boots at the door.
  18. This is one of the coolest thing that has ever happened to anyone on this board. Congrats! I went to an interesting concert here in Ottawa back in 1996 (IIRC) - "The Bad Boys of Kiss". It was Peter Chris and his band, followed by Ace and his band, then after an intermission they played several songs together with the backing musicians from each band trading places on and off. It was really fun. All told it was about 3 hours of music. Hopefully Ace is keeping himself sober these days. Let us know how it goes!
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