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Calamity Jane

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Everything posted by Calamity Jane

  1. FBN....holy fuck! my pulse is still racing and my blood still boiling.....must..calm..down. i was 'bout ready to start Armageddon tonight! I need to calm down. A beer might help. I'll be buying you one tonight, too, y'ass (in the 'you're an ass, but in the funny way') and phorbesie, for putting your passion into action..HUGE kudos (and a beer coming your way, too!!)
  2. edit to add: apparently bluesfest takes vollies as young as 13...and I swear those are the only ones I've seen at the gates!!! My advice is as Ollie's...just brazenly walk through, no eye contact, as if you're too important (or innocent) to be bothered. Poor kids can't muster up the balls to stop ya. Also, time your entry with a group who do stop for the cursory search...while "security" are feeling up the bags, everyone else just saunters through. hilarious!
  3. babies are the best friggin' cover! you guys should be bringing the booze in for the lot of us! also, the ONLY time we've had smooth border crossings have been with wee ones in the back seat!! (and if you pinch 'em so they're howling by the time you reach the guard, all the better!)
  4. shiiiit! well, my hug last night was a birthday hug, then! HAPPY BELATED BIG FELLA!!!
  5. I'm so surprised I didna see the lot of you at BlackSheep/Toumani Diabaté last night. While I was tired, and unfortunately stone-cold sober, and so spent some time sitting (an anomaly for me, for sure), I felt truly honoured and priviledged to be part of that crowd and magic!!! What a gift! Does anyone remember the the name of the project described ("Symmetrical" something , maybe) where there was one musician from each modern country to represent a 700 year old tribe of afrikka? It does me proud to be in a crowd of music-lovers who give the love right back to the band. Despite the language barriers, I thought we all communicated pretty well!!!
  6. that is the most beautiful, most poetic thing I have read in ages!!! Lynnie, it is a delight to know ya, and a sorrow to see you so infrequently. I hope moving one block closer to us means we DO get see more of you! a most happy birthday, lovely lass!
  7. actually, some of us bounced around the idea of doing a big 'ole picnic-potluck...however, I am waayyy too hungover to even think about food, let alone coordinating this... maybe tomorrow, Sunday?
  8. awesome photo! such a happy and loving look on both your faces. congratulations to a lifetime of experiences together and memories both weird and wonderful to share in your old age!
  9. what the hell....? I'm so completely a non-techie wank! What do I do? What do I do? I also keep getting distracted by all the jiggly jugs in the pics along the side. [geez...if I keep whining enough, isn't someone gonna take pity on me?] okay....seriously, what do I need to do to d/l and then open this thing?
  10. wahhhhh! I really wanted the simple answer...as in "what's your address so I can send you exactly what you seek" LOL! the copy & paste is the same headache of lost formatting and weird typos....just a lot of work to make a few little changes....sometimes I just go with "old school" (heehee) liquid paper because making the changes electronically can be a HUGE endeavour. Garlic...I'll try the "save as" a Word doc and see what happens...also will give foxit a whirl... but really, I still have my eyes on the horizon for "pirates", yaaar!
  11. yeah...happy belated. hope you DID seize the day and DIDN'T keep it in your pants!!
  12. happy birthday you sweet kick-ass momma!!!
  13. with a "free" "program" that would allow me to edit adobe acrobat pages (read: lesson plans, etc) that I get off the net? These lessons are free to use, but I always find they need a little tinkering, and I'm looking for an easier way to edit them than the onerous task of printing them off, scanning them in, fixing up the lost formatting and newly-created typos, saving them, re-printing them.....you get the picture, I hope. can a body help a body out here?
  14. Mike & Sharon...you shone SO brightly! We were delighted and grateful to be a part of the celebration of YOU! incredible fun!!! there was also the countrified sing-along version of "Little Red Corvette"!!! And who could have guessed that Breit was familiar with the National Anthem of Belize....or that we could all learn the words so quickly!!!
  15. I hated TPIR on home days. Made that last hour til noon excrutiating. Bob just seemed like a real dick to me. good god Ollie...you summed it up so succinctly! Bob WAS and IS one creepy dude! Stop sentimentalizing a creepy old weirdo who was accused of sexual impropriety with female co-workers! seriously, the whole premise of TPIR -- more and better consumer products, please! -- is fucked!!!
  16. honestly thought we'd be in for this trip...but alas, it's a little too far, and a little too close to the end of the school year, where I usually just need a few days to "sit around and drool on myself"** before I can begin to enjoy summer break. ** quoted from my favourite teacher-mentor!!!
  17. you funny! thx for linx...grunt, scratch, sniff!
  18. I don't think Davey-boy drools enough (unintentionally) to fit the bill. We need someone mad enough to actually split the atom, mess with DNA, attempt to colonize Mars, and refuse to change socks until s/he's reached the goal......are you willing to accept CVs, YATS......let's post this on discovery.com..."serious inquiries only"
  19. yeah me, too. I once-upon-a-time actually thought I could be a web designer/programmer [anyone ever heard of "Frontier"...that's what I learned an ancient 6 years ago] until I realized how squirrely I went not interacting with other people for great chunks of time..... can you provide some examples/links to this "look"...I'm curious, having heard this web 2.0 term bandied around a bit let us know how this all works out. Maybe you should up the ante by saying you're on the ground level of web 3.0!!!
  20. Hal...ask yourself the question in reverse. I LOVE boobies...what wonderful eye candy they are.....and so incredibly varied in their delectibility...I wager there are waaaaaayyyy more tata shapes, sizes, colour, and flavour than there will ever be beer! But truth be told, I do believe our top scientists should be immediately commissioned to figure out how to enable our mammaries to spout and spurt beer! C'mon...six degrees of separation and all...who knows a wacky, basement-dwelling scientist we can put on this ASAP?
  21. didn't Truths and Rights play at late night set at Izzy's....either a CTMF or Freeker's Ball....? someone whose memory hasn't been so damaged please confirm or deny.... ...and KK.....I thought you were a stinkin' hippie, brah....and here you are in a silk purple tie no less! Get with the program buddy!
  22. happy birthday stumble-buddy! get wasted, be wasted, whaddya know...I am wasted!
  23. that really is commendable T & J! so here's my commendation: you two are AWESOME, and many folks should be inspired by your success.
  24. happy daze D!!! hope you have a real fine birthday celebration....and none of that 80's-cheesey shite, neither!
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