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Everything posted by kookycanooky

  1. this question is no stranger to my mind. Also, forget toronto. If you're reading this thread you know it doesn't even matter where the show is. PEI could be interesting...save punk the trip. But Ottawa has such a nice mid-january ring to it. do it. do it!
  2. I guess I'll review this because I was amongst Newrider and the FIVE other people in the bar during the spades' set. They were awesome. What else...uhh....They played a bunch of new tracks that were really awesome. It felt kinda shitty watching them play such an awesome set to nobody. Matt Barber had more people out, and spades backing him was a treat. Espanola was spanoler. Sorry thats all I got
  3. Did they have to build him looking so damn bored!? EASY.
  4. Happy Belated Kev! See you at Trick of the Tail!
  5. Sad news. I just finished watching the Simpsons where homer weighs 300lbs...He vents radio active gas into the farmers field, who replies "Oh no, the corn! Paul Newman's going to have my legs broke!" Bummer...Cool Hand Luke was a favorite. RIP.
  6. And why doesn't batman dance anymore? Remember the Batusi?
  7. Hands down my favorite Wright moment. Goosebumps! rip
  8. http://theband.hiof.no/ ...is back up and running!! Resume playing their songs on your geetars and whatchamacallits.
  9. Schwa, you going out to evolve? Shoreline 2005 was the best weekend ever in full sunshine. Shoreline 2006 was still fucking awesome despite the rain, due to the great company and sleeping VW bugs.
  10. I loved how he got on his stool with that belay line. Funny questions., and I know we've all heard tom sawyer a million times but it was fucked that they went to commercial.
  11. Yar, I may be late and wouldn't want to be turned away since i'll be coming from out of town.
  12. NO BRAD. Where is the "fail" logo on that one?
  13. Second'ed. He was pissed off AND steaming straight into the P.A. He gave Rev mad props though
  14. Or what? You’ll release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you?
  15. Incredible music and a lame turn out! Espanola rolled in around 9, caught the tail end of a wicked janis-esq blues band whom i believe to be called Cindy Doire(?). Wayside Ramblers played an awesome bluegrass set, unfortunately these were the only two other acts we caught, but were damn fine and would be well recieved at the labour day fest. i"m sure the entire weekend was filled with great tunes. Pleasure playing to the 12 people in the saloon last night!
  16. What times the game? i'll give you 10$
  17. Just watch out for this guy: I think he goes by the name George Unduguduguengo. You do not want his cash prize monies. But seriously, congrats dude!
  18. Thats a tough call, Mac or Maceo...damn it! the doctor is definitely $40 but in past years the tent-stage setup allows you to stand in good distance and watch for free. Unfortunately I can't make it into town until later, does anyone know of any good acts playing later that night?
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