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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. This Friday Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will spend her 64th birthday alone in jail awaiting the outcome of a ridiculous show trial designed to eliminate her once and for all from the political process in Burma. In a show of solidarity with Aung San Suu Kyi, the Canadian Friends of Burma will hold a candle light vigil at the Human Rights Monument on Elgin Street at 8:00pm this Friday (June 19). Burma supporters in Toronto are also holding a similar event at Dundas Square at 6:30pm. We will also use this opportunity to recognize the plight of Karen refugees who have been brutally attacked by the Burmese military in the regime's latest offensive against its own people. Around 6,000 Karen refugees have been forced to flee their homes since early June, and it is feared that many more are in grave danger. CFOB strongly condemns the military regime's campaign of violence and urges the international community to pressure the generals and their proxies to immediately cease their murderous activities. Please join with us in the two vigils in Ottawa and Toronto! Ottawa: Location: Human Rights Monument, (just past the Ottawa Court House at 161 Elgin St) Time: 8pm – Friday June 19, 2009 Contact: Kevin or Tin at 613-297-6835 Toronto: Location: Dundas Square (Yonge & Dundas) Time: 6:30pm – Friday June 19, 2009 Contact: Kyaw Zaw Wai at 416-358-2318 or Si Thu at 416-2300901
  2. while i don't agree with this person that the songs were poor, i was definitely disappointed in quite a few of the songs; i had higher expectations. having anticipated this show for months (and thus months of preparation time for them) i felt that many of the artists did not put much effort into doing anything unique or interesting with the song. danny michel was definitely an exception to that!! i enjoyed bill frisell too. and sarah slean. and the sisters were great, of course! as for the mc, at first i worried i was gonna hate him but i thought he did a pretty good job. a lot of the acts were before my time or not my style (i am not generally a fan of can-pop or of female vocalists) so i know that factors into my view of the show. it was still a fun evening. i'm looking forward to giving the show a listen again on the CBC!
  3. phorbesie

    Drink recipes

    sweet tea vodka + sparkling lemonade!
  4. yeah i'm not really sure who any of the other people on stage were
  5. thanks for sharing. i did not see any phish 2.0, but am very happy with 3.0 thus far. people complain that they are not jamming enough, but i'm happier with them taking it slow and getting it right instead of going for too much and screwing up, at least for now the new tunes are good and improving. i love the gamehenge tunes and i have always enjoyed it and thought it very fun. i love hearing those songs and am definitely psyched to hear a forbin's>mockingbird or mcgrupp again...but songs like llama and wilson rock too. i am SO excited for star lake!
  6. fyi... there have been re-releases for every single LN/TM show on the tour, one or two weeks prior. i grabbed alpines last week and debated deer creeks. could be why star lake tix are on sale today? but i would agree that star lake is not a high demand show for tix, but they always blow the roof off (so to speak ) there so there's no accounting for silly phans personally, i think chicago will be a "free ticket" type show but that's about the only.
  7. my pics didn't turn out great overall as it was dark and we were off to the side, but here's a few that were OK... danny michel - helpless stephen page - journey through the past sisters encore
  8. i have all my tickets, i don't need to go looking for tickets (but would not support those sites, regardless)
  9. why these comments again and again? i have not seen anyone giving away tickets, and phish is getting better and better with each show.
  10. that is great news. i have been bumming about the orbit room thing. can't wait for this!!
  11. phorbesie


    wow. that looks great!
  12. make sure to pay in cash for your drinks. they are less likely to track you that way. and yes it does really suck for shows there. when i first decided to go to a show there everyone was like "it sucks there" but i thought "well i'll decide for myself anyhow" and yes, it sucked. hope it's better now for your show though!
  13. happy b-day NW!! i hope phish rocks for you at bonnaroo, have fun
  14. that was one of the best phish shows i have ever seen. so good.
  15. Velvet and I are going to Deer Creek and Alpine too, and Star Lake
  16. edit...actually these days it would be 70 cdn not 75
  17. interesting schwa. i never listen to that one, i will throw it on...that second set looks great. at the time i was really burned out on all the "new" songs that made up the first set. i loved guyute though, haha i hadn't seen one in years.
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