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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. aw thanks so much guys! i had the best birthday ever at red rocks with the boys! i had no idea 34 could be so much fun!
  2. if any friends out there know someone with space, i need a ride up! thanks
  3. that was a helluva night. thank you phish!!
  4. we always had Purdy's chocolates at home when I was growing up
  5. funny, i started watching the tweezer video, objectively, and man it can be horrible to watch/listen to if you are not into phish i feel like i was at that show. maybe milano?
  6. that was a fun one! great show. so much better than the tour closer the next night! my fave show was about a week after yours
  7. me too! used points to get our flights from ottawa to palm springs (friday to monday). we will camp
  8. # NO Tall lawn chairs, beach umbrellas or any other items that might impair the sight of other Phish fans (no chairs in the concert area!) i love phish
  9. now it can have its own ophishal thread who's planning on going? camping in the desert for a nominal fee? or luxuriating for not-so-cheap? I am hoping to go but it's hard to wrap my head around since there's summer tour starting next week!
  10. if anyone is driving from shoreline/sf to the gorge and could take a passenger, i'd appreciate it very much i just need to get to portland.
  11. Down With Disease (25) Limb By Limb (24) You Enjoy Myself (24) Character Zero (23) Ghost (23) Wolfman's Brother (23) Chalkdust Torture (22) Harry Hood (22) Piper (20) Prince Caspian (20) i have never seen: if i could, la grange, destiny unbound....hoping to catch them this summer
  12. in japan you have to pay 2 months security deposit, 2 months key money (a gift to the landlord that you do not get back) and first and last... = 6 months up front! ontario is the best.
  13. our baby kitten was just born 5 minutes ago!
  14. my favourites this year were: market: kid koala cj chenier george clinton site: oumou sangare matisahu DBT last 30 mins of KISS cake but nothing blew me away this year. some things i only saw half sets of but liked. really wish i had gone to ornette sounds like that was the show to see. jazz at bluesfest, who knew
  15. why yes, israel & new breed did a little tease of 'can't stop'
  16. it was probably my least favourite bluesfest yet in terms of bands, but the best organized one and still tons of fun!! i think i worked 3 hours last week...doh.
  17. any SUPER recommendations for before 7 today?
  18. i don't know what Newrider looks like but i'm just guessing i'll be able to tell when i see him good to have ya in town kevo
  19. 'time to write these' is into the wee wee hours of the morning, which V has been staying up every night to do
  20. someone was looking for 4 lawns awhile back? i have a friend who wants to sell 4 lawns, PM me if you want em.
  21. the first 2/3 of KISS was terrible the last 1/3 was EPIC ROCK AND ROLL i had fun
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