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Everything posted by dancingbear

  1. i agree, with the no boycott, but change the uniform. but GO to the opening ceremonies and display the changed uniform for the world to see.
  2. wow bouche...i was about to post the coincidence i had while going to the same page, and seeing my friends faces there....your right!
  3. some quick math tells us pot back then was 40 bucks/ ounce. :content:
  4. that is hilarious! as i booked marked cavern...i do not even think i knew other forums existed...ONE forum please.
  5. I'm sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing. For what it is worth, I think you made the right decision. Sometimes in the human race, death and dignity do not go hand in hand. This does not sound like the case for Hud. I'm sure Hud heard this a few times... "What do you want me to do to do for you to see you through A a box of rain will ease the pain and love will see you through ...It's just a box of rain I don't know who put it there Believe it if you need it or leave it if you dare But it's just a box of rain or a ribbon for your hair Such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be there".
  6. Gov't Mule Sisko's on the Boulevard 07.20.99 Taylor, MI
  7. thanks jayr good info to know. the rest we will leave to karma, on second thought toss an egg!
  8. my bro and I used to collect cards. i remember one day this guy flitted a $10 bill in front of us (we were like 7 and 8 and we gave him a shoebox full of my dad's old hockeycards! anyhow i saw this on ebay sports cards and figured this would be a cool gift. he has all sports. does anyone know can this guy selling tell what cards are inside without opening the pack?
  9. great review. too bad there was not a bit more on Danny who stood up for the province (NL), got a share in the oil game, and although excavating oil, at least is trying to make life better for the people in the province, unlike alberta.
  10. ..and while i'm at it. i'm sure this call came about to 'secure' oil for the u.s. thank you government of alberta. how about a pipline east, so Canada can have a secure energy source, and not buy from the middle east? the tar sands are why we refrain from passing any laws on global warming, cause they are an environmental disaster. i'm going to stop now, (with lots more to say) as my blood pressure is starting to rise. as always $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks.
  11. this is absolutely ridiculous. crazy crazy ridiculous. as for thinking this is a good thing ie. to help with events like Katrina. Come on now. This feels more like carte blanche. I mean how hard would it REALLY be for the PM to phone up the Prez and say, hey i want to help out a bit, i'm going to send some peeps over, Cool? will they open the borders to U.S or Canadian civilians during an emergency? And on a global scale, why not open our borders to civilians from outside north america, for emergencies, ie. genocide, ie. Darfur. this is screwed up. the u.s has wedged the door open a crack, and probably within our lifetime the flood will come.
  12. hey do not worry, friday is always right around the corner, and only eggs hate friday.
  13. yes yes...TORONTO is the epicentre, so of course that is where the tour will begin. for those who might want to check out his 'PREVIOUS[color:black]' tour.... - May 12-13, Halifax, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium. - May 18, Charlottetown, Confederation Centre. - May 20, Glace Bay, N.S., Savoy Theatre. - May 23, Moncton, N.B., Capitol Theatre. - May 26, St. John's, Holy Heart Theatre. - May 30, Saguenay, Que., Auditorium Dufour. - June 2, Kitchener, Ont., Centre in the Square.
  14. first fire its the first jam right before twenty minutes. someone mentions it in the reviews of the show. i found it pretty cool anyway...in this wow is this the first time this piece was played and if so did that moment know this was the start of something. it kinda feels that way to me. [color:red]The flame from your stage has now spread to the floor You gave all you got, why you wanta give more? The more that you give, why, the more it will take to the thin line beyond which you really cannot fake
  15. hey booche...thanks for that. i remember i had that on abootleg tape- called i think outakes from mars hotel.i bought the tape at 'top of world' for 2.00. the headshop in ottawa is now a skatershop, and doing much more business.
  16. phils 50th link great terrapin>jam re-emphaSIZE [color:brown]great! unfortunately there is a break between terrapin and the turtle jam, i recall the transition being very smooth from an old maxwell II i used to have. i got it from a taper named 'lucky' who i think got it from dave lemieux. sound quality o.k. but its nice to hear the crowd, especially chant phil! i used Happy b-day phil!
  17. we have a cell phone free restaurant in town...its funnjy cause people go to the can to use em.
  18. yeah...yeah..eagle scout is actually about right...on the web. off of it its more like well eaglescout? its hard to peg you...so few posts...usually a quote of someone followed by one or two witty lines..a goofy avatar of a jewish sexologist .. i'd say a ^^[color:brown]^^^^^^^^cross between Fat Cat/Yuk Yuk. ^^^^^^^
  19. perhaps it would be3 more interesting if we did not lable ourselves ,...but rather someoen else?
  20. keep listening. there is a secret code in there that you have to figure out to get to the next level. yeah thats happened to me at LEAST for a couple of other bands...
  21. i keep listening thinking maybe i'm missing something. rocket man-o.k. like a virgin- that was really really really bad.
  22. Strange that is the last album of his I bought. I hated it and haven't bought an album of his since. thats why they make chocolate and vanilla.
  23. i like DMB..saw them once at barrymores and it was fantastic. as for "putting out good stuff in the last 5-10 years" i think the album 'Some Devil' is excellent.probably in my top ten albums i've bought over the last five years or so. its not DMB but his 'solo' album. trey is on a bunch of tunes. if you have not heard it i really recommend it. thats one crazy busy tour!
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