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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. I'm glad to hear the healing is coming along well Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend! (where is the mother bruise? should we be careful with the hugs?)
  2. - buy a house - take drum lessons - vacuum my couch
  3. Congratulations!!! He's beautiful!
  4. Douglas

    Cool gifts

    Ahhhh yeah! Thanks Williamsons!
  5. I think it's a silent "YEEEAAAHHH!" that paired up nicely with the devil horns (which you can't see) in response to the crowd chanting, "Booche! Booche! Booche!"
  6. hey booche...scrap the house. Let's buy Irene's instead
  7. Douglas

    I am so sad

    I'm so sorry, Cully. This is such an aweful thing to go through. Our pets are our babies, our best friends, and our confidents. My Sammy has been gone for almost 4 months now. I cried for him even today. My thoughts are with you. Remember the good times...
  8. terribly tragic. I'm so very sorry for everyone's loss.
  9. HOLY HELL!!! It was your birthday weekend?? I really wish that I had known! You are one fine person! Happy Birthday
  10. M...the next time I see you, I will touch you.
  11. Happy Birthday Brad!!! love ya!
  12. In the wild, there is no health care. In the wild, health care is, "Ow, I hurt my leg. I can't run. A lion eats me and I'm dead." Well, I'm not dead. I'm the lion, you're dead.
  13. The snowfall was so pretty this morning...great, big, ginormous flakes And now it's just a slushy mess My toes are perma-wrinkled
  14. Sorry to hear this, Dave. (((speedy recovery)))
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