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Everything posted by bONES

  1. very last minute, but... I'm going to WEEN anyone want to pretend you are me? 2 tix for Rogue Wave up for grabs
  2. have fun tonight mooooooooosey say hi to my buddy diamond D for me are you having the after party jam at your place again? that was some sweet music back in May..givn'r on your hardwood floors
  3. pm sent Bouche..am I in trouble if I pass on the Rogue Wave tix in favour of WEEN someone else can go to RW and say you are me..just don't cause trouble
  4. guy that flashed me on i-90 Date: 2007-10-18, 1:57PM EDT Dear Man who flashed me on I-90. I was in the passenger side of my friends car, on a quiet saturday driving home from crossgates mall. I am usually driving, so i was taking this time as a passenger to take in the beauty that is I-90. As i am innocently gazing out my window, i notice a large blue chevy i belive pick up truck 2 lanes over. Normally i would of not looked twice but something caught my eye. You sir were waving wildly at me, thinking i might know you, i took my sunglasses off to get a better look at you. Some movement again caught my eye, you were no longer waving at me, but fiddaling with your pants. This should of been a sign to turn away, but i was confused. Thats when it happend. You some how managed to keep one foot on the gas, along with your right hand on the steering wheel. and in a matter of seconds were able to stand up with your whole front body facing me (which im still baffled how you managed to do this ans drive) you then started pelvic thrusting your 'cash and prizes' in my direction, while laughing hysterically, like i just opend a can of peanuts, but a snake made out of springs popped out. This action looked much like any movie where you see a male stripper pelvic thrusting, but unlike its done in the movies usually with the saftey of boxer shorts, or tight black pants like the Chippendales wear. Not you sir, no no. You had the pants, and the boxers pulled down, and your t shirt pulled up a little. I even saw belly button. (see picture examples) This act lasted around 5, or 6 seconds, then you cowardly took the next exit to escape my face full of horror. Im sure scareing me for life is hilarious. and im not exactly sure what the thrill was of flashing me on I-90. Im sure it wasnt to impress a friend, because you were alone. And you were not an old guy, im sure you could of had a girlfriend, or a wife, so flashing a random 21 year old girl on the highway is a little baffaling to me. But this letter flasher guy, is not to express my anger twords you. Its to let you know, my friend that was driving is upset she missed this horrifying/hilarious act, and would like you to drive by us again, but this time on the driver side. Thanks buddy. (i probably spelled 10000 things wrong in here, im at work, im typing fast, i dont give a shit) (ALSO my drawing of flasher guys 'cash and prizes' are of fruit, because again, im at work, and i cant draw penises on paint in the fear of beign fired)
  5. Toronto After Dark Film Festival, 7 Amazing Nights of New Horror & Fantasy Cinema is finally here! Over Oct. 19-25, 2007 join us for what critics are calling a must-see event in the city. Looks like I missed out on this as it ends tonight. This movie looks kinda funny The Tripper (TAD 2007) Add to My Profile | More Videos
  6. I didn't get a ticket for WEEN so I'm going to hit up a free show instead. If Rogue Wave sucks, then I'm going to giv'r at Shout Out Out Out Out over at Lee's Palace. I will definetely NOT be going to the Dominion as I work on Saturday and then I will be driving up to The Old School House Grounds in Gooderham. What's up before your show? I am off work at 3pm.
  7. I'm listening to some Rogue Wave now..it's no Ween but it should be fun
  8. tix were $5 with park admission when I started going to shows there...dang!
  9. bONES

    Asian Snacks

    mmmmm...my fave
  10. if you are into vegan/vegetarian food Pulp Kitchen is on Queen Street East It's not exactly dirt cheap, but good food
  11. hey, I think I was at that one! did Howard Jones open the show? I remember seeing The Eurythmics there in the 80's and it was great!!
  12. why does this lynching take place 3 days after the show? not interested in joining in..just curious?!
  13. thread here started by Alabama Man
  14. are you kidding? The Dakota is so far and YATS and I got a little lazy after a few hoots. The County Boys have to come play The Old School House Grounds outside of Gooderham
  15. there are NO hotels in the area it's not exactly walk friendly around there either.. edit: I see The Docks is now called The Sound Academy
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