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Everything posted by bONES

  1. have they ever played in Canada?! You live in London now ? you should check out The Smiths Indeed and report back
  2. what..you don't have 20 little imaginary friends?
  3. very nice! where in Jamaica did you go? looks like the Black River in some of those pics did you make it down to Great Bay/Treasure Beach ? have any Dragon Stout while you were there??
  4. Jaimoe, have you seen Bright Eyes?! That show at Massey HAll (May 07) with Gillian Welch was incredible! It was anything BUT mellow. I used to listen to GTB Birth of Confusion cd often. I can't stand that band live. I find their live show to be incredibly BORING.
  5. not sure if this has been posted here or not story here
  6. a 45 song mix that I made on a site (finetune) posted by afro poppa currently it's No More Okey Doke - The Meters
  7. bONES


    thanks poppa I've created a nice Sunday morning wake n'bake mix
  8. thank you for a good morning laugh I can get on with my day now
  9. check this out... The Air Car
  10. bones is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like bones cowboy doesn't have hairs on his balls. Hair doesn't grow on steel. where oh where did Jimmy Milbury Esq. GO?? we miss you Jimmy and your daring attempts at mowing the lawn barefoot!!
  11. update Joel has added the 14th & 15th to his residency at the `shoe that's 6 shows in a row folks
  12. thanks bradm I guess I'll just ask here what the heck are they sounding like in Super Little? anyone know?
  13. M posted a thread in The Slip forum about Brad and Andrews side project (Super Little) playing in TO w/ The Stills I have made a few attempts at replying to the thread and it won't let me. Here's the message I got every time I tried. what gives? I didn't write the damn subject!
  14. are you going to the 10th anniversary show? thread topic
  15. awesome! I've known the Braithwaite family for years..that woman can sing!
  16. awesome! DSO in NYC on Thanksgiving is a tradition and one hell of a good time.
  17. yes they repeat shows they started doing so back in 2003 and yes 5.8.77 has been recreated more than once 4 times in fact
  18. I love teaching people how to weld. It's very satisfying to see people improve their skills and especially rewarding when my students find a great welding job after they have completed their training. In the past week I had one graduate come in to see me and fill me in on how well he is doing since he left the program. He also brought me a bottle of scotch!! I had another student invite me over this past Sunday for an incredible Chinese dinner. He got me drunk on wine and beer and served up a 7 course dinner that was out of this world! I like being the boss. I like being able to go on the skankuary while my students are welding away... I don't like the stress that is often associated with being the head of a department
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